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Bream fishing - ourimbah creek


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So this day began like the others. Wake up at 4:00, pack my gear and head up begin the carry the kayaks down the street. Get to the water and begin paddling toward Chittaway Point. Within the first cast I was hooked up to a fish, running me all over the place, and finally into the kayak  - 29cm. Then my mate Ryan casts right up against a rock wall underneath a small jetty lined with pilons. Me, being 50 metres away, hear him yell to me “It’s a good fish!”, so I paddle down towards him and he pulls out a 39 cm fish, which  not only took him around the pilons but nearly busted him of on the barnacle covered rocks. Very lucky! So we commence on down the creek catching a few 25 - 28 cm fish when I fish the very last jetty, it had a sand bank the cane right out and dropped of right where the pilons were, perfect bream territory. I flick my grub right next to the pylon and without a hit my reels starts screaming and a good fish has just taken off. I hold the spool so it can’t dust me off on a pylon and slowly I drag it out past the pylons and it does it’s typical bream run, down deep and short hard runs towards the bottom. I get it up and without a net I grab it ever so slightly and put it in the kayak. I grab my measuring ruler and it pushes 36 cm to the tip. A great fish and great fight! 

It was a great day on the water with 12 bream all up from myself and my mate Ryan.  It’s a lovely time of the day paddling over when the suns rising, and even better to catch some good bream!

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Great read and a couple of good bream in your session, getting out on the water before dawn & watching the sun rise & a great way to start the day, you guys will be up scaling your PB’s in no time with dedication like that

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