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Broughton island reccie


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Fished all day saturday into the night  then before daylight till mid morning  at broughton is  and a reef further north  my mate came with us in his boat   to say it was hard to find fish is an understatement...i tried a few different  spots  fished floaters...livies...plastics  and scraped up my bag limit..biggest red 63cm  next best 55cm  lots of 35 cm pannies  never lost a live bait the whole time...i was goin to edith breaker but changed my mind and after talkin with guys at ramp that went there im glad i saved the fuel  they had less than me...a combinatoin of westerly winds and changing currents...and currents flowing wrong way made fishing difficult.....right on dark sat   the current actually stopped flowing uphill turned in 20 mi s and started running downhill under the boat  which ruined peak time before high tide   next wknds weather doesnt look flash so not sure bout goin now  might come up and fish in bay for a jew or longtail at the heads and still do the meet n greet fri arvo   couple of bad fotos


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Hard earned but still something rick so well done!

Yeh even if the weather isn't that great this weekend will still be good to do some inside fishing & catch up with people & finally put a face to the names.

Still if its a bit of rain I think most can handle that, high wind & swell well that's another story I guess.

Im still holding onto a bit of hope there will be a miracle, something like the Libs had the other week 😂

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It was certainly tough fishing that night Rick. We were just south of you as you know and managed 5 on sps just before dark. We anchored up and as you said, the current was all over the place! All we got was a huge shark on a live bait but nothing else. Pulled the pin about 8pm. Home by 930 and back to work at 2am! 😩

I think a combination of full moon, change of currents, heavy fishing pressure over the last two weeks have added to some poor numbers! But they are still there and a bit of rain and wind could stir them up! 

I will update a post today! 

Cheers scratchie!!! 

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Hey jeff  yep was hard  got smoked once and my mate had hook pull after 100mtr run   their there but lots of boats zoomin all over sunday morn  had two clowns drift thru my berley trail chuckin plastics...a well versed verbal  got them to move  .....incosiderate morons or just dont know any better ?????......not sure but lots of swearing and ranting gave them the msg... a few others at ramp had one decent fish each and a few pannies as well   seemed to be same all round

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