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Ramsgate Beach 30 July 2019


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Today is windy and good chance of rain. Needed to do some banking and shopping and... somewhat stressed. So decided to slipped a few hours fishing session between banking and shopping in the afternoon.

For the last 2-3 weeks or so, the rock area in the evening are lined with people fishing for silver trevally with BREAD. They burley with bread and fish with bread. It is amazing how they does it. I tried to makes some bread paste at home and it was sort of successful as it stays on the hook but very low hit rate. One time, I think the people feel sorry for me and gave me some of their bread paste to try, not much luck either. They use small long shank hook whereas i uses blackfish hook, i tried to altered my blackfish rig to simulate their rigs as well but no luck. I guess that is what make fishing so interesting, the thinking, the trying and eventually result.

Anyway, today i got the whole beach to myself. Blackfishing at Ramsgate has been quiet according to some of the regular and they all switched to trevallies. Just reinforced by the fact that the rock at the beach got plenty of seaweed. Normally they got strip clean during high tides when there are fishes. Everything points to 'No blackfish'.

Got to Ramsgate beach at around 1pm, low tides and pick my share of seaweed. Still very cloudy and windy. Fish at the outcrop of rocks near my parked car in case it rains. Burley up but not expecting any bites and there isn't. Moving around the rocks looking for the fish blindly and because of the wind, choices are limited. After 15 minutes, finally got a bite. And after that, hits and misses but all around the same spot. Alarm on my phone rang at 3pm, time to go shopping. At the end, i managed to land 3 blackfishes - 34cm, 36cm and 41cm. Something to take home but most important part of all, i left some of my stress behind.




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some nice fish there mate and yep nothin like going for a fish when stressed even if there is no fish, just sitting out there, rod in hand, bit of wind, and the smell of the ocean is so relaxing. the best therapy if you ask me. 


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