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Lack of decent jetty access in Sydney.


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Do you guys get the feeling like we just have a shortage of decent Jetties in Sydney to fish off? I know we have our ferry wharf's (most are no fishing) and the odd small jetty like Clifton but we really lack big long jetties to fish of, specifically built for fishing.

I spent a good part of my life in South Australia when I was younger, fishing off piers such as this;

https://50greatdives.com/listing/rapid-bay-jetty/  Rapid Bay
https://villasonthebeach.com/jetty-wallaroo/     Wallaroo
https://www.google.com/search?q=victor+harbour+jetty&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNSeBCFzD98DOl0AspxL73RppjnG7g:1579750392440&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiymObn5JjnAhX36XMBHZtxBoAQ_AUoAnoECBwQBA&biw=1682&bih=724#imgrc=-ldfYdwEvczF_M  Victor Harbour

And many more. Even Victoria has decent piers that stretch out a mile.

I was heavily involved in fishing back then due to these piers. Since moving to Sydney in 97 I've just lost the passion. Small ferry wharf's with no fishing signs, land based spots fished out, pier 5 shut down now, snobby people shunning us fisho's for fishing their local piers and having a sook to the authorities at any chance.

We have a few piers here and there but nothing significant in my opinion and even if we do they are shut off to the public. (ie: Port Kembla)  

All those Jetty's shown above are facing the open ocean and open to the public. I feel miserable here. I want my kids to enjoy these type of piers but we are out of luck. 

How do you guys feel about this?

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to be honest i find in summer most of the jettys are packed anyway, and ancedotally its full of people i dont want to fish with. messy and grub. the state of them sometimes is appalling. i dont blame local residents for wanting to ban fishing on some of them.

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Not too sure many councils will build a jetty simply for people to fish off (for a variety of reasons) around Lake Illawarra there is plenty, most are just covered in rubbish, anywhere you can just drive to a spot, get out of your car and fish from your fold up picnic chair will be heavily fished and rarely be worth the effort.

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Have to agree with @chokpa, not a fan of crowds at the best of times, even more so when fishing.


It might be worth more to try & find ideal land based areas other than jetties!


@kaniSS look at this thread, this older map came up & is worth looking at as there are a lot of locations in Sydney harbour.




Edited by kingie chaser
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