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Broken rod - easy enough to repair?


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Broke a rod the other day, just below the solid tip. It snagged under my shirt sleeve, and before I realised what had happened, it snapped.

It is only a Woolies cheapie whiting rod, but has landed a few fish. I was thinking of sticking a small length of metal inside the hollow section and aralditing it together, though that would stop the rod flexing at that point and may break it again. The other option is to chuck away and buy another rod.

Any ideas?



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I have repaired rods inn exactly the method you describe with no noticeable effect on rod performance.  The only thing I can add is you should consider overbinding the joint and epoxying the bind, to add extra strength from the outside too.

Edited by dmck
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I think its totally doable & your idea is pretty sound & worth a go.

Forget about the araldite imo unless its all you have & don't want to spend money on anything else but imo you would be better with something like JB weld or Devcon plastic steel.

With these the join will actually be stronger than the rod, so it wont be a week point!


Use either on the metal insert then an approx. 2mm layer around the join & about 5 to 7mm either side of the join.



Edited by kingie chaser
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You could try tidying the end below the runner & then trimming the butt end so that the runner end just slips inside up to the binding & use what KC suggested then run some thread over the join for added insurance, would also be lighter than inserting the metal, I had a similar issue as a young kid & the guy that fixed my rod  he either used a bit of dowl whittled down or a thin piece off a broken rod & inserted it inside the hollow sections glued & then bound over the  joint with thread. The rod worked fine  & only a slight variation to the parabolic curve

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