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How many pound flurocarbon or wire to avoid bite off


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hi all, 

Had a really bad night of fishing, I tie my own 3 gang hooks and I have 40Lb and 40Lb flurocarbon which I think is stronger than normal mono. But tonight I keep on keep my gang hook biten off just before I land.  Only the last hook remained near the tail, but the first 2 hooks were gone. 

Just wondering how many pound flurocarbon I need to avoid bite offs?

 My friend says it is tailor but I didn't land any so I don't know, there were still salmon around the beach when this happened. 

alternatively I am thinking of using maybe tying my own wire gang, but don't know if I use brass or aluminium wire and if this will scare fish away. 



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Sounds like tailor. Salmon dont really have sharp teeth and 40lb is more than enough for salmon.

If your losing your first two hooks it sounds like your not using gang hooks. Are you using three hooks separately snelled through the bait.

Change over to a true set of 3 gang hooks where the metal head of one hook feeds into the next hook and you should avoid bite offs.

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A bit hard to read what your trying to say.

So your losing the last 2 of the 3 gang hooks rig & not getting your leader bitten of is that correct??

If that is the case could be the eyelets opening up under weight, not all gang hooks are equal in quality, I actually have some gang hooks that are not connected(open eye) & need to crimp the eyelets once the hook is thread through, check the eyelets & the hook quality.

A lot of gangs are made of like an alloy & some are steel, not a fan of those allow versions.

I tend to really only use gangs if I am beach fishing but not sure how you are fishing?

The other option is to maybe use something like a 2 hook snelled rig again using a quality hook.



Edited by kingie chaser
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I don't quite get it either, it seems like you are tieing your gangs together, seeing as there is one left, ganged hooks are actually linked through the eye of each hook, not tied at all. There is not a Tailor or Salmon alive that will need 40lb line, might pay to go to a proper tackle shop and ask about ganged hooks, and get them to show you how it's done, or, you can buy them pre done in packets.

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As they say go to a Tackle shop and buy ganged hooks already made up. You can also buy wire trace made up if you need it. Ask the guy at the shop.

Where are you fishing ?

Good luck.

Edited by Rebel
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Hi Henry. Forget that snelled rig (pictured) and go to the tackle store. Buy some gang hooks like these... I only ever used 20lb mono tied to the top hook. Put this hook through the eye of the pilchard, the next hook through the upper part of the pilchard and the third hook through the upper part of the tail end of the pilchard. You will catch tailor, salmon and most other species without getting bitten off. Good luck, bn

Mustad Ganged Hooks, , bcf_hi-res

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1 hour ago, HenryNSW said:

I have uploaded the gang hook that I tie. 

The front 2 hooks always gets bitten off so I dont know what is the issue?  Is the 40LB flurocarbon line too thin for tailor's teeth? 



The issue is your picture shows snelled hooks not ganged.

As others have said get and use ganged hooks when the tailor are around.

Snelled are good for salmon but a decent size tailor will bit through your 40lb leader fairly easily.

No need for wire if you're using gangs.

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2 hours ago, HenryNSW said:

I have uploaded the gang hook that I tie. 

The front 2 hooks always gets bitten off so I dont know what is the issue?  Is the 40LB flurocarbon line too thin for tailor's teeth? 



Yep, I would call that a 3 hook snell rig not 3 gang hook rig.


Another example of 3 gang hooks-


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6 hours ago, HenryNSW said:

I have uploaded the gang hook that I tie. 

The front 2 hooks always gets bitten off so I dont know what is the issue?  Is the 40LB flurocarbon line too thin for tailor's teeth? 



As i suspected in my original response. Those hooks are snelled, not ganged.

The boys have shown you the way ! Fishing for tailor and salmon i would drop the leader to 20lb too

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi all, thanks for the advice and the difference between Snelled vs gang hook 

I used proper gang hook and last night caught a big tailor 60cm   ☺️

Tailor have really sharp teeth, and I noticed that where Australia salmon goes for the head, for tailors a few of my baits had clean bite marks with chucks taken off middle and tail section before I finally landed this tailor.   

Thank you all


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1 hour ago, HenryNSW said:

Hi all, thanks for the advice and the difference between Snelled vs gang hook 

I used proper gang hook and last night caught a big tailor 60cm   ☺️

Tailor have really sharp teeth, and I noticed that where Australia salmon goes for the head, for tailors a few of my baits had clean bite marks with chucks taken off middle and tail section before I finally landed this tailor.   

Thank you all


They are called "Chopper Tailor" because they will disable baitfish by chopping off the baitfish's tail before going in for the kill. Soft plastic anglers will often find the rear end of their plastic missing, a sure sign that a Tailor has had a go at it. 60 cms is a nice sized Tailor. Cheers, bn

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Neil is spot on-look at the way different fish feed-tailor/macks/wahoo have cutting teeth, all of them will aim to hit prey in the middle/tail section and cut the bait in half or at least remove the motor(tail) from the baitfish-they will then swing around and eat the remains. Salmon/kingfish only have holding teeth and tend to grab bait by the head and swallow it whole (which if you look at the way a baitfishes fins fold makes perfect sense). Gang hooks are great for tailor but the best way to beach fish for them with gang hooks is to keep the bait moving and when you feel a bite-DONT Strike-just keep winding and wait for the weight of the fish to hook itself. i have caught thousands of tailor (literally) and cannot ever remember getting bitten off either on gangs or lure fishing- 20lb mono is fine for them. Well done on a 60cm chopper too-they are a proper fish at that size.

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