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Warm water, kings and Bonito in Sydney harbour


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Water temp in the harbour was 24.2 and water clarity / visability was excellent (8-0 m). Live bait (squid and Yakkas) were easy today and there lots of rat kingfish at all the headlands and bait grounds. Bonito and mackerel were also in numbers. Only one keepers I give today, but year total now 91.

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to get wide, due to big swell or strong winds or both.

Fisho Tim, go this first Kingie (total of 6, but only one legal at 66cm) and was understandably stoked. Lots of Kingies in the berley stream fishing for livies though.


Edited by Pickles
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You're a legend Bob for taking numerous anglers out to get the benefit of your experience and get among the fish for themselves. Bit busy at present otherwise I'd be very tempted to head up to Sydney and join you, Keep doing what you're doing, and keep the reports coming. Cheers, bn

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