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New Rig and a nice Lizard to boot.

the skipper

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It was with some regret that I sold my Sailfish after pressure from she who should be obeyed for a more family friendly boat. So as luck would have it I found a boat where the front half satisfies the wife and the back half is my domain. Took it up to Lake Macquarie on the weekend for its maiden run with a few mates and the Stacer did not disappoint with plenty of room , comfort also with a bit of grunt coming from the Yamaha 200 hanging off the back and to top it off I landed 64cm lake mac lizard. Happy days ahead I hope.2045573973_64cmlizard.jpg.2a7c062ec1fedf7397dea28d0c30eaef.jpg  

64cm tape.jpg

new tub.jpg

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