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the skipper

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the skipper last won the day on March 23 2022

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  1. Hi all, Has anybody recently had issues with the ramp at Foreshore Drive Botany with it being too slippery as a mate of mine almost lost his trailer and ute just pulling the trailer out after launching. I know it has been an issue in the past where people have ended up in the drink
  2. Thanks everyone for your input will give Deckee app ago.
  3. Good morning to all Raiders, For years I have been using Willy Weather for forecasts etc can I ask what others use and how accurate you find them to be . The Skipper
  4. Nice job mate looks like the apple does not fall too far from the tree at your place . Nothing better than spending time with your family hoping to get up your way soon. Cheers The Skipper
  5. Yes mate it is a good place for family fun on the water I like the challenge with the fishing in the basin which is slowly improving. Cheers
  6. Hi raiders, It has been along time between posts for me but have been putting in a fair bit of work chasing lizards and bream in the basin. Weekend before last got into a good ground of lizards from 41 upto 64cms ( released ). Live poddies have been the bait and they no sooner hit the bottom and they get pounced on.Also landed some nice bream to 37cms and a snapper to 32cm nice pan size. Water is slowly clearing but with more rain predicted it could set it back a few more weeks before back to normal. Tight Lines The Skipper
  7. Thanks Donna it is a great group to be associated with hopefully for many years to come . Cheers The Skipper
  8. glad to see I am not the only one I showed this to my wife so she could see for herself that I am not alone in my passion for the sport . Thanks KC.
  9. you need to get one or you will get done as advised by the nice person from Maritime.
  10. 38 bream.msgHi all, Please be aware of a crackdown being carried out by Martime on fire extinguishers in boats. As many of you may or not know every boat that has a fuel source and an electrical system must have on board the appropriate type and size fire extinguisher regardless of its size. The extinguisher must be in date as they have a 5 year life before retesting or replacement is required. I have this info first hand as I was on St Georges basin on Sunday morning having one of those rare days where I was boating a fish every drift and after landing 3 lizards to 45cm plus top it off with this thumper 38cm bream I pulled out of shallows when I turn around to see maritime heading my way. Knowing I had all the gear he did a safety check but I came up short with the fire extinguisher being 3 months out of date I received a caution from the nice ( my arse ) maritime person otherwise it was a $200 fine but the cruncher was that he would not let me keep fishing until I replaced the extinguisher so I headed home.
  11. Yes mate my brother does it all the time I am pretty sure he texts his wife to ring him as I am backing the boat down the driveway ready to clean but there is always the call that he needs to go. I do not know who he goes fishing with now don't really care.
  12. I had a similar thing happen on my Honda and it was a seal that need replacing thankfully not the ram. If it is still under warranty take it back to the dealer their problem. I run Yamaha on my boat pick of the outboards for me. Yamaha do a rubber block with a channel that fits snug over the ram and then you trim the motor down onto it acts like a shock absorber which I use on my 200 when towing which is purpose made to take pressure off the ram You can ring any Yamaha dealer and talk to them about it.
  13. Hi mate, Do you put in at Davidson Park. I use to fish the harbour alot but use to come in from Parramatta River end I would not mind having another crack out there. The Skipper
  14. Nice feed there mate well done.
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