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Late report from last weekend


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Meant to post a report last week but thought I will get it in for my sons sake (as he got all the glory)

Sunday afternoon's weather was better than expected so after doing a school working bee my eldest son and I headed out for a few hours.

We took some frozen bait from a previous trip (slimies and squid) but were keen to chase bust ups with metal slugs and drop some small jigs.

Bit of a washing machine getting out under the harbour bridge but we got out and checked out a couple of the harbour markers. Couple of interesting marks at the first one so we dropped some small jigs down. My son reported a touch and by the time I turned my head he was bent over the side of the boat. He reported good weight but didn't really get a run so we thought he might have a big flathead. As he started to get it away from the bottom it seemed to grow in size and also must have found out it was hooked with some decent runs. We were starting to think kingfish the closer it got but he was struggling to get it close to the boat on 20lb line and leader. I was busy trying to move the boat away from yachts and ferries that seemed to be everywhere.

Probably close to a ten minute battle, but well worth it as it was a nice fat kingie that measured 84cm which is easily our best in our boat inside the harbour.

We kept trying for a couple of hours for a repeat and moved to a few other spots but only managed flathead, pinkies and a huge ray - but certainly worth the trip out.






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