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Finally broke the bream drought


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Got up real early this morning and fished a couple of spots this morning at Meadowbank.

Tried my PB flatty spot but it was quiet there. Moved around the point to cast in the main channel, where I got two undersized flatties. One managed to spike me in the toe! My first flathead spiking in over 30 years of fishing!

Then moved round into the back of the bay, where I normally can find a few fish. Found none. To add insult to injury, I got snagged a few times this morning, losing the leader each time.

Then I moved around to the pontoon near the scout hall. Had a Z-man grub on a 1/8th jighead. Lost a fish, then immediately got snagged again. It just wasn't my day.

After tying on a new leader, I decided a change of tact was in order, so I tied on an SX40 to probe the shallows near the rock slabs and mangroves. A few casts in, I hook something, and a few moments later, I see a flash of silver...could it be? Yes it was...a BREAM!


Curse broken. Pretty happy with that.

Went to have a cast around Meadowbank wharf. Had a chat with one of the regular oldies on the wharf. He had quite a big flathead in his bucket - at least as big as the one I caught the other day, if not bigger. Never see them catch much fish, and it isn't surprising given they use 10kg mono with wire traces. But last couple of sessions, I've noticed they've found decent flathead 50cm+. Should pay more attention to that area. Must be peak flathead season in the general area!

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