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Bobbin head - Morning session


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I thought I'll beat the crowds and do an early session at Bobbin Head this morning. 

Time - 6.30am-8.30am

Tid - High tide at 6.am so runout tide

Setup - Shakespeare 6 foot 2-4kg 2000 reel, 6lb braid, 00 sinker, number of hooks

Location - Bobbin head pontoon


Spent most of my half bag of prawns. I could feel the bites but not strong or big enough. 

Later on I tried lowering a prawn off the pontoon as far as visible with polaroids. I could see small fish biting it. So I'm not sure If I need more depth or better hooks. 

My setup is pretty light now so I should be feeling the bites. Anyway, seeing beautiful bobbin head at 6.30 itself made for a good day. 

Someone please tell me whey kind of baby fish this is. Grabbed with a circle hook. Had a few close calls with fish this size.




Edited by HawkesburyParadise
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1 minute ago, HawkesburyParadise said:

I thought I'll beat the crowds and do an early session at Bobbin Head this morning. 

Time - 6.30am-8.30am

Tid - High tide at 6.am so runout tide

Setup - Shakespeare 6 foot, 6lb braid, 00 sinker, number of hooks

Location - Bonnin head pontoon


Spent most of my half bag of prawns. I could feel the bites but not strong or big enough. 

Later on I tried lowering a prawn off the pontoon as far as visible with polaroids. I could see small fish biting it. So I'm not sure If I need more depth or better hooks. 

My setup is pretty light now so I should be feeling the bites. Anyway, seeing beautiful bobbin head at 6.30 itself made for a good day. 

Someone please tell me whey kind of baby fish this is. Grabbed with a circle hook. Had a few close calls with fish this size.


That's a tailor. There are also plagues of tiny snapper in the deeper water.

There's some squid around if you want to try something new.

Looks like you got your braid knots problem sorted. 😎

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3 minutes ago, Little_Flatty said:

That's a tailor. There are also plagues of tiny snapper in the deeper water.

There's some squid around if you want to try something new.

Looks like you got your braid knots problem sorted. 😎

How do you know so much? Are you out this way? 


Yea double uni with a 8lb mono

Edited by HawkesburyParadise
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18 minutes ago, HawkesburyParadise said:

How do you know so much? Are you out this way? 


Yea double uni with a 8lb mono

I’ve fished there before, not with much real success I might add. Have seen the squid and caught the tiny snapper and tailor. I’m not from that way but certainly this water is worth exploring if you’re local.

And I don’t know so much, by the way. Plenty of much better fishos on the water than myself. But just like you, I’m always learning, improving and having fun 😎

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Also for your fish ID, see the DPI site for starters: Saltwater bag and size limits (nsw.gov.au)

It's important to know your fish species so you can comply with regulations and know what you are dealing with. But regulations aside, as a kid I could spend ages looking at those pictures, marveling at the variety amongst all the fish species. It's really quite wonderful.

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Looks like a chopper (small) Tailor.

Incidentally, I was picnicking there yesterday with family and used that as an opportunity to test my second hand kayak I bought a couple of days earlier. I paddled around near the picnic area and upstream a little. Near the oyster encrusted rocks on the opposite side from the kayak launch pad my pink soft plastic was bitten in half by what appeared to be a chopper Tailor. It was on for a few moments LOL..... hardly worth its own fishing report.

My kids and their young cousins did catch some nice bream, though at around 15-20cm all were undersized and returned to the water. However, catching fish is a great way to keep the children engaged.

Looking forward to spending more time on the Hawkesbury system in the future.

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On 12/30/2021 at 9:35 PM, Pickles said:

Good work on the pics. You did well to land even a small tailor as they usually bite the line off. Stay well away from their teeth - they don’t have the nickname of “choppers” for nothing.

Very good advice. I once got bitten on the hand by a just-severed tailor head that I was putting in a crab trap. Revenge!

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