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Yakkas help


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Hey guys, I went to a local wharf yesterday at around 6:30pm to catch some yakkas. I had some success with a bit of chicken fillet cubes on Sabiki rigs and caught 3 yakkas. But after sunset when it was total darkness, the yakkas came into sight just a bit below the surface. I tried bread burley and tried using the chicken cubes on sabiki again, but the yakkas never bit again. 

I’m not too sure what the problem was. Was it because the yakkas could not see the chicken cubes at night and refused to bite ? Or was it because they simply don’t eat that much at night ? 
I’m wondering if anyone has had this problem before and could you please suggest what I could do to catch yakkas after darkness. 

Edited by Hyles
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It's pretty common for them to go off the bite after dark, sometimes it's just how it is, other times, they might be getting scared by fish like Tailor lurking around. Never been a fan of Chicken for bait, but lots use it.

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If they are just under surface a sabiki may take it too deep.  In this situation try to get them feeding hard with a mashed bread or crumb burley and use a single unweighted hook drifted through them.  Ron 

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On 1/30/2022 at 4:59 PM, noelm said:

OH, and just to add, "cubes" are usually not the best bait, a long kind of strip is way better than a blob, size to suit hook of course.

Its yakkas we are targeting so what I  am talking about is tiny cubes not much more than one eighths of an inch just on the point and curve of the hook.  Strips like you are talking about would just give them a feed.  

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Aside from the advice above I would use the first yakka I caught as bait. Much better than chicken. I also would use a single longshaft small hook. As light as possible with weight. I find sabiki work best outside of the estuaries. 

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I hit the bait reef up here at Port Macquarie at 5am

The Yakas have no trouble finding the Sabiki Jig in the dark.

Five drops supplies enough bait for a morning session.

Often get Yakas, Slimeys, Pike, Tailor. and Trevally,

all on the Sabiki with no added bait.

And all before the sun comes up, Fish have good eyesight.


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Do you use a sinker on the Sabiki? I often find if I use a sinker, I get yakkas but no slimies. Take the sinker off and I get slimies.

Do you also use a Sabiki rod? Because taking the sinker off to get slimies resulted in the rig getting stuck inside my Sabiki rod! 😂

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I use a 4oz sinker, no specific rod just the first one I reach that is not already rigged. usually have 5 or 6 to choose from.

Use a new Sabiki every trip, usually lose a couple of hooks to the Tailor.

They are not too fussy at that time on a morning.


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