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84cm Kayak Jewfish and "The One That Got Away"


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Four weeks since I last wetted a line and withdrawal symptoms were beginning to set in.

Launched the kayak from Berowra Waters boat ramp before sunrise and for the first couple of hours the fog was dense and it was very cold.

There were no mullet jumping in Berowra Waters and I thought catching live bait would be a struggle but it transpired they were there in force just not doing their usual surface antics. Maybe they don't like the fresh water which tends to sit on top of the more dense salt water? Burleyed up and caught 5 mullet in less than an hour. 2 were a perfect size but the other 3 were on steroids and only just fitted into my live bait tank.

By 11.30 I was in the Hawkesbury which gave me a 3 hour window for fishing and enough time to paddle back to the ramp before dark.

The 84cm consolation prize fell to one of the smaller mullet close to the shore in 8 meters of water while drifting with the ebb.

I knew I couldn't keep a second fish but having paddled so far and after such a long fishing hiatus I changed location and put down one of the steroid mullet. The 8/0 double hook rig wasn't really big enough for the job but it was the largest I had.

Spent a relaxing hour or so drifting with the current enjoying the sun and the scenery and barely had time to register the mullet getting especially lively before the rod buckled over. I got towed around 150 meters and never did get the fish off the bottom.The line suddenly went slack and that was the end of the story. The line and all the terminal tackle had help up but I guessed I had pulled the hooks trying to get the fish off the bottom. It would have been nice to at least get a sighting but the fish made all the running and I didn't even get close to having control.

It's good to find there are still some fish around after the big wet. The water in the river was a good colour but still some big logs drifting down with the current.


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