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Bass again - slowing up


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Took Mark, Josiah & Simeon out to have a go at “catching a fish”. I was pretty sure God would bless our efforts in Deerubbin and He did. HOWEVER they are starting to slow down (only got 18to the boat today), so it won’t be long till I get the kingie gear out and put the Bass gear away. Only one lure was dynamite today - black and pink Feralcatt, the others all caught a fish but the black & pink (Simeon on the rod), caught the majority. Went all the way to Webbs creek & Wisemans chasing flathead but only caught baby jewfish.

A great day on the water with mates.



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Had to happen that they will become a little more difficult to get, in the huge numbers you have become accustomed to, Bob. I think you will still have some cracking days on them before the Kingies become the target species. Just keep fishing and posting your results, you are inspiration for many of us who are struggling to turn a reel. Additionally, you are spreading the experiences around with many would be anglers (and would be Fishraiders). Keep up the good work mate. bn

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9 hours ago, lastworm said:

Don’t say that! We still have until August 1st and I don’t want to stop fishing for them yet!

In the Hawkesbury (Derrubbin) the bass seem to have a pelagic “season” when they school up and feed on the initial small prawn run. Once this finishes and the bigger prawns that are fewer in number happen, they appear to disperse and head up river into the creeks and smaller tributaries and it appears this may have started. Not a bad thing, just need to target them in different areas, so they will be around all summer, just further up the creeks and on the surface (which is great fun)

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