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Veikka's very first Zander

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We just came from fishing. Was rainy day, all day. But i ask boys, that do they still want go fishing for short time. Vili want stay home, but Veikka want go.

We made plan, that try catch very first zander for him. Zander is quite difficult catch for kids, becouse need so much focus that strike. Allso on river need focus when softplastic is on bottom, that it is not stuck between rocks.

First cast's we practise focus and regonise when line is loose ext. full fishing tecnique for zander.

Then Veikka catch bite, but did not enough fast strike. Next cast same thing. I sayd that you have to made full power strike when you feel bite. We changed lure and first cast fish on, now Veikka made fast and full strike. Soon hi's very first zander was on boat. 37cm too small for keep, but zander anyway. 😃

After that Veikka get some bites, but not hooked anymore.

I catch 2 small perch, but did not was suprise to me, becouse i forget my fishraider hat on home, so wast not likely, that i get big catch. Least i have my fishraider tattoo on calf, so catch even something.












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What a great report this is Jani. Veikka will never forget the day when he took your advice and caught his very first Zander. Next he will want to upgrade the size of Zander and together with the rest of the family you can all enjoy what is left of your Summer.

Great to read your reports so tight lines to you all.

Cheers, bn

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