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Everything posted by RichieR

  1. I have seen a photo of a flatty that had a smaller flatty half way down its throat - so don't feel too bad about it!
  2. You can not fish off the bridge, no. BUT nothing stopping you from walking up and dropping your line into a good spot then walking back down haha. I have fished the northern side when the southern side was packed and it is a great place to lose a lot of gear. lots of sharp rocks covered in sharp oysters? Southern side you fish off the left (grassy area) or you can walk allmg the right where the moored boats are there is some clean flat sand there. Havent personally caught anything at the spit but I have seen big bream pulled from under the pylons, flathead from the grassy area far left and heard of trevs, kings, salmon etc Hope this helps
  3. Check the reports section - a few big jews being caught here and there. Though full moon JUST passed - dont know how much good it is fishing for jews the week after full moon. Im not a jew chaser myself so the moon info might be wrong .. Try the beaches maybe - worst case scenario you get some big winter salmon!
  4. ^^ You could probably make a smaller version of that with a small bucket with a screw on lid and some small holes. The problem I have with : Is that I have the rope too long and the bag/pot just gets washed up on the shore then stays there. Should I walk into the surf a bit and bang the pole in there with a very short rope ? I will definitely be trying to bury little cubes of pillies next time I hit the beach for a long session!
  5. G'day Raiders, Im having trouble when Im beach fishing to find a way to burley without my burley pot / bag ending up half way up the beach sitting on the sand. Has anyone got any tips for holding a burley bag still so I dont have to keep baby sitting it? I feel like half my time spent on the beach is chasing and throwing the bloody thing back in! Thanks in advance!
  6. Is that the video where they use balloons and the wind to float baits out 300m??
  7. I googled it and only found this thread haha
  8. "eventually when theres a school around you're almost garuanteed a hit!!" 60% of the time ... It works. Every time.
  9. I have fished clifton many many times. There is a garbage bin and a wash sink on the wharf so there is no excuse but most of the time I find people use the bin which is great. Clifton fishes well at certain times and horrible at others. I have seen school of tailor come and go - yakkas to 30+cm! Lots and lots of little bream and the odd blackfish crusing around the weed / pylons - Just got to be persistant. I personally prefer beach fishing now - But clifton is great for kids and getting first timers to feel what catching a fish feels like. I wouldnt go there targetting a feed
  10. How did they spool you!? Bit the line half way up or something ? Nice red! How big was it in the end ?
  11. I wonder if you could make up some sort of liquid made of blended up weed, maybe a touch of tuna oil to make them more tasty and dip it in the sauce every few casts
  12. Patonga at Brisk Bay : http://goo.gl/maps/1mwt3 Dont know how far you are from there - but there is an amazing little sand bar / drop off where the beach meets the creek - you get Flathead there. Last time I was there (on a boat) - there were Tailor chasing schools in that area too - Casting SP's in their general direction and cranking it back in quick was catching them (or getting the tails bitten off!) Change the google link to "satelite view" and you can see the sandbars http://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=patonga&ll=-33.556774,151.271042&spn=0.00734,0.013937&hnear=Patonga+New+South+Wales&gl=au&t=h&z=17
  13. No good .. he broke a rod : http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=68702
  14. Or tailor - tailor are notorious for destroying plastic tails
  15. I think all squid hunters should invest in one of these :
  16. Try this link : http://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/consumers/keeping-food-safe/special-care-foods/sydney-harbour-seafood/#.UYccdUqU-Sl Also - how do you stop the water sloshing around and splashing all over your car with a live fish in it on the way home ?
  17. Agreed - I have a Sienna 2500 - got it with a 7' 2" Shimano reel at BCF about 6 months ago for $169 and I love it .. very smooth and the drag is awesome, very adjustable in fine increments
  18. Where abouts were you fishing ? South Cronulla too ? A few of the locals tried to tell me not to bother - "There's no fish here mate" Where there is water, there are fish!
  19. New PB Tarwhine! Thought it was a yellowfin bream. Just using prawns
  20. Made it down to Cronulla beach at about 2pm, plan was to fish the run in to high tide near the surf club, got there and the wind was about 50km/h! Looked along towards South Cronulla and the waves looked much less mental - so back in the car and headed south. Got on the sand and rigged up and first cast caught a nice 36cm flathead. Caught another 3 throw back flathead and a little 12cm bream - then I caught my new PB bream! Dragged him in about 6:30 pm and then nothing until 10pm, right on the turn of the tide I hooked a baby sting ray - My first landed sting ray! Quick snap and back in. Apart from the crazy wind up Wanda beach end it was an awesome night
  21. I can just picture the mayhem - needing 5 hands to hold the rod, motor, net, down rigger - sounds like fun!
  22. I have the same trouble - I think you need to go faster or try adding a barrell sinker or two to the line before the lure (I havent tried this But I have seen others recommend it
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