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Everything posted by fisho.sid

  1. Great stuff .. I've encountered those sea lice but at the hawkesbury. They were like maggots and abundant as you stated. What are they called in technical terms? I can't find anything useful on the net about them. Do you think the runs were the doings of Jews or sharks ? How big were the yakkas you used ? I found them to be over sized lately
  2. you would keep the live bait going all night?
  3. conditions are looking nice for sydney, anyone going out?
  4. Hi Baz what time of day were the bonnies around? is it strictly in the morning? Is there an art to it? I like to hit pittwater next, few bonnies would be great.
  5. I dont see the logic, fish guts and gills are obviously food for other creatures of the ocean. There is nothing polluting here, the only concern as previously indicated is the ability for fisheries to determine compliance with fish size.
  6. Yeah where are the breambos .. Always getting squires
  7. Meant to upload a pic but couldnt do it via mobile... anyways i've frozen these for the next outing.
  8. Just interested ... How would you use these dead baits ?
  9. There is the right way to communicate a point through. Whilst some play the "i dont speak english" there is still no need to to inflict abuse verbally or physically. Impressive skills to have though Would have loved to see that but not endorsing violence though Should always refer to the authorities, i dont have respect for those that play ignorance to fish size and bag limits but would not appreciate anyone touching my personal belongings regardless of the situation unless theyre authorised to do so. Sucked in to those that think they can get away with those actions without accountability. Again, report to the authorities, i'm sure the receiver went from being a hero to zero real quick Happy fishing
  10. hey mate yes quite annoying, education is a big part. Not a new topic i know but contacts are below. (found here http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/202349/NSW-SW-Rec-Fishing-Guide.pdf) Hard to not be angry but no one wants to learn from an angry teacher... plus it settles your nerves too... hard to do, easy said then done. Reporting illegal activities Report illegal or suspect fishing activities to the nearest NSW DPI fisheries office via the Fishers Watch Phoneline on free call 1800 043 536 or online at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/compliance or Sydney North 12 Shirley Road, Wollstonecraft 2065 02 8437 4903 or 0419 185 363 NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guide Contact details 80 Coastal offices Sydney South 1 Water Street, Sans Souci 2219 02 9529 6021 or 0408 601 951
  11. smash the cheapest window! now thats dedication!
  12. Lets hope! Although 3 weeks ago i ran out of fuel, silly me! Could be worst i suppose, but lets hope not.
  13. Yeah i realised it wasnt an optimal period. My readings have indicated best times is at the change of tide from high?
  14. Mate flint and steel and juno point were quiet for me too.... though i fished the dusk period with live squid and fresh gars. May try pittwater soon...
  15. Hi All A solo mission, i launched the boat at apple tree bay by 4pm. First stop was to find some bait, found a nice quiet spot and saw a bunch of garfish, quite finicky to catch but ended up with about 1/2 a dozen in the live well. Tried to find squid amongst them but no avail. I never actually used gars for bait but heard it was great. Hearing of the large swells, i didnt want to head out too far so sussed out Flint and steel and sent out 3 gars and an old squid. Nothing touched the gars, but the squid brought up 3 small port jacksons and 1 small bream. By about 7pm i headed back to pick up a mate for night sesh. Went for squid again and this time pulled in about a dozen lollipop size arrows around cowan creek and thought i'll downrigg one for a bit.. unfortunately no touch. So arrived at Juno point shortly after and now its around 9pm with the tide moving out so i know conditions for jewfish according to theories is not quite right. So there were about 4 boats around so it seemed like a good sign, and i send 4 live squid down. What happened really disgusted me! I went to check on one live squid and it was covered in sea lice ?? (these maggot looking things which grossed me out), was wriggling and eating the poor squid. I didnt take a photo as i was more interested in getting rid of it then take photos....As soon as i lifted out of the water they all seemed to disappear in the crevice of the squid or just dropped into the water. I just cut the line off, i cant deal with that. And another squid which i suspected got devoured by the same king of things, just left me with the cartilage. So these are quite hungry little things! The other 2 squid were normal but untouched. No jews, no bites, no woot woot from the other boats either which only means they didnt catch too...... Will try next time but can someone tell me what these white maggot things are??
  16. On the subjects of squid, i sent one as live bait only to find it covered in these white maggot like ... i dunno, creature? It was completely covered and have made a meal out of the squid. As soon as i lift it out of the water, they seem to disappear or drop off the bait. What the hell are these? Have you encountered this before? It freaked me out completely, i hate crawlies like that especially when i think it devoured a complete live squid before as i only pulled up the cartilidge. Anyways, care to educate on what these little white creatures are?
  17. Well i must say, i was retrieving my boat from a ramp that i'm not familiar with. So after getting the trailer to the boat ramp, i had to get my boat which was tied to the pontoon about 20 meters away. So i get in the boat and drove it to my trailer, there was a bit of current so the boat was swaying a bit and having about 5 mins to get it aligned. All this time, a bloke came up to me and asked "if there anything wrong"? I said "no, everything is ok" to which he replied "i was asking to see if you needed help?" to which i said "i'm sorry but thats not what you asked, was it?" i must admit, i can come across a bit rude but sometimes, i just wish people could respectfully wait patiently or ask the right question. WIth all the haste and stress going through me in trying to do this as fast as possible, the last thing i want is someone at the ramp breathing down my throat. Mind you i was out of the water 1 min later after he confronted me, and it was all of 5 mins to get it out. Seriously i know i'm not the fastest person to retrieve a boat but common courtesy would be great and i do appreciate the help but approach needs to be refined a little. My interpretation of that person was that he is impatient and obviously rubbed me off the wrong way. Am i breaching any etiquette here? Please inform me
  18. whats with the MILF? only know that term from American pie LOL
  19. Hi guys, havent seen any reports from the Hawkesbury - has any one tried it recently, any reports would be great.
  20. unweighted? well done, I thought the livies had to be at their depth...
  21. have you tried using owner hooks, you'll think they could hook themselves with that amount of run....
  22. Mate i just got my boat and was pumped with the previous fishing reports and was keen to get into the action. Willy weather stuffed me too, swells, and wind. bad results and i was in the harbour
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