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Everything posted by DGF

  1. DGF


    i had a big run from what would of appeared to be a fairly large tuna @ avoca beach on friday last week only got to see a glimpse of it would of been 1mtre + and took off like a freight train toward to ocean (even with full drag setting on my exceller)
  2. Very nice i gotta get my trailer rego'd so i can chase kings agian too
  3. haha great stuff Ray i never knew that stingrays gave birth n not lay eggs o_O would of been pretty awesome to see even though it would of given birth because it was stressed at being caught as for eating salmon well i wouldnt eat em again as they tasted crap but then again alot of people wont eat bonito saying they taste crap :/ but i love bonito
  4. just bought my self pair of shimano self draining shoes and a set of Eisen Pro's much more comfy now
  5. i still have never caught one :Pim gonna head out on friday or saturday night and sleep next to the runway on my own so noone else on my boat can catch em
  6. DGF

    Boat Name

    mad mullet did your boat have a name before you gave it one? i wanna change the name of my boat :/
  7. imthinking of buying a pair of those eisen pros as my boots are starting to wear down n are beggining to make me slip n slide
  8. thats the bridge i beleive
  9. mate i forgot to grab your number from my inbox before i left on sunday it was extremely rough conditions i managed 3 casts before i packed n left as it was getting dangerous
  10. there is alot of blackies i landed 8 there on the weed thats off that rock all nice fat ones too
  11. whoa on that pic i can see its a king and what a king! i thought i seen something tailing the bonny
  12. awesome, yeh my old boat got some damage due to jetski's creating that washing machine in a no wash zone NSW maritime sorted them out 10minutes after i called
  13. Hey Ray in that one handed shot photo of the bonny is it only me or is there somthing behind it thats of a dark brown colour :/ or was that just a shadow because it kinda looks like somthing bigger was looking at your bonny only noticed it when i zoomed in on it looks kinda like a cobia or somthing
  14. i wouldnt mind knowing a good land based spot for jews my self i know the airport runway produces some because everytime ive taken people with me fishing there ive basically handed them jewfish :/ and still have not caught one for my self
  15. Your name: Aaron Your Location: Chester Hill Fishing technique: Bream / whiting / flathead in georges river on poppers, plastics or blades Availability: Mon-Fri 5pm onwards weekends anytime Preferred location: Georges River Provide your own gear? Yes Provide your own boat? Prefer shore based but i have my own boat personally i think its probably lil too big for the river Extra info: I am able to catch these on baits but i've moved onto lure fishing as of lately its more fun when you get a decent fish on false baits however i have not managed to get anything from georges river on lures and my techniques well .. they kinda stink. Contact info: Either by PM or phone 0404884500
  16. wow its the calmest ive seen it in weeks D: wish i knew i would of called in sick nice haul Ray i hope this weekend the conditions are the same i had to pack up n leave on sunday coz it was too intense
  17. my mate does he gets a few bream whiting etc.. usuall stuff for georges river there would be a chance of the occasional jew as well
  18. DGF

    Boat Name

    i bought mine with the name i wanted to change it but i heard its bad luck
  19. yep i run 30lb braid on my magnum butt i still cast out my mack baits metals plastics etc.. as far as i need them
  20. spend the extra $100 the nitro is well worth it i have a Magnum butt 7.6ft i use it off the rocks at avoca, and use it to flick plastics and fishn for kings wether it be shore based or on my boat i'd have to say its a great all rounder and with a lifetime warranty cant really go wrong i mean you can snap your rod in a car door and still claim it The nitro's also have a 10ft 12ft and 13/14ft but yeah GREAT rods im actually starting to thing about getting another and its basically $130 more than your budget but you will be happy you got one
  21. i got few deep divers in slimey mack colour and a redhead and also some skirts now i've these and ive tried the mack baits as well mackbaits usually get the fish but not kings so far so far ive only gotten my kings with live bait, prawns, pilchards and dead squid
  22. To be honest most rock ledges are dangerous and i wouldnt recommend going to ANY rock ledges with out the proper footwear at least! and people who dont have the "minimum" requirements shouldn't be on a rock ledge fishing, i even got taken down at avoca on sunday and i was wearing my spiked rock fishn boots i wouldn't say im inexperienced but one foot off place sent me 3-4 metres backwards and almost lost my rod/reel, it happens a fair bit and lately its been pretty unpredictable at Avoca. needless to say i pretty much stoped fishing after that as did a few other raiders.
  23. for which the trailer or the boat? if its the trailer you need to get a blue slip and weigh bridge ticket ( weigh bridge ticket is only if the trailer has never been registered) and then you take the blue slip etc.. to rta n pay the fee then pay for the number plates etc.. if its boat you need to get a boat code number done for it from an authorized boat code place
  24. DGF

    Ship Scuttling @ Avoca

    noo , i meant it like whats the go ? is it bunch of activists trying to cause a muck or is there reason behind it ? thats all i wanted to know but ive gotten the answer and yeh i can see the bad in it too. the other thing is why they ditching it so close to shore? and customcasting, i agree there is a hell of a lot of mess left behind :/ and near the cliff face stinks of urine :/ i cant go near the cliff face because i'll puke :/ i had biscuit packets flying at me on sunday.
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