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Everything posted by DGF

  1. Avoca seems to be gettin ready for some fin's and im pretty sure i hooked up on one on friday (its in the reports) either way i couldnt stop it peeling 10kg of drag as if i had it on free spool i only got a glimpse of it at one stage
  2. when i used a single hook rig i didnt bother hooking through the nose of the live bait i would put the hook just next its top fin behind the head as ive noticed kings seem to attack the live yakkas side on/ from under neath, but now i just use a snell 2 hook setup one nose one on the back, weird i know but works for me besides i use the 2 hook snell for live squid too one works as a towing hook (nose / top of the squid hood) 2nd hook is usually what they end up hooking up on and thats about half way down the livey ( back of a yakka / end of the squid hood) and leaving a bit of line between the 2 hooks so its not tight and that all the towing is being done by the hook in the front the 2nd hook is merely a stinger and has no wait being put onto that hook.
  3. DGF

    Ship Scuttling @ Avoca

    understandable but what harm is it going to cause?
  4. Hey guys now i'm sure most people already know HMAS adalaide is gonna be laid to rest at avoca beach and what not, but on the way home i noticed signs on all the poles on the side of the road with dodgy writing saying a "noship" website. Out of curiosity i went to the site just now.. anyone know whats the go with this lot? all i know is they dont want the ship scuttling etc.. from what i can see looks like a group of hippies who really don't have any proof of anything :/ whats the go ? edit: just wanted to know if they were legitimate or if it was a bunch of people trying to cause hassle thats all Sorry if i offended anyone
  5. well done ray i was there yesterday and the north easterly was smashing the ledge i managed 3 casts before i gave up as the conditions were just too intense but least now i know "north east wind @ Avoca = bad", im used to running away in southerly winds as down here southerly's do the damage :/ Good to hear the fisho survived, I've also noticed a few sharks going up n down the ledge yesturday.
  6. Yeh was great might have to go again on sunday Customcasting; Spinning with 30lb braid with 40 lb fluro trace as for the excitement level it was through the roof i was stoked seeing my line peeling off like that i kind of froze up a sec too haha just wish i landed it
  7. Hey guys braved the weather today had the day off work so i went up to avoca beach conditions were not so bad as i arrived around 11:30am chucked in a pillie under a float first cast landed a nice 45cm bonito, put it out again and the weather was starting to take a turn and it was starting to get pretty choppy. anyway left the pillie under the float keeping an eye on it and while waiting i was spinning some mack bait lures and some plastics had a few follows and hits on the plastic looked like mackrals chucked the mack bait back on casted out as i let it sink i was watching my float started reeling in the mack AND BANG HUGE HIT... maximum drag setting on my Exceller (9kg) and this thing was PULLING IT like a freight train i tried to stop it pulled back up etc.. by this stage its taken few hundred metres i manage to tame it a bit bring it in closer n i see a green/yellow stripe n it was HUGE and i think to my self YES MY FIRST KING ON A LURE AND my would of had to be more than 1metre long and then it goes for yet ANOTHER massive run peeling my drag like it were nothing and finally spits the hook i dont think ive been that upset in a LONG time haha but oh well always next time (at least i hope) while i was fighting the king i also lost a bonito on my other rod with the pillie but didnt care as i was busy with somthing bigger n better n lost both haha ended the day with just that one bonny after 2-3 hrs of fishing
  8. ill probably head up to take a gander pitty there is no fishing
  9. for what fish ? i never seen anyone fishing the beach yet lol
  10. would love it if it were true coz then ill know where im goin this weekend
  11. DGF

    Reel Advice

    i wouldnt go to egay branded reels as they are mostly cheap china plastic fakes the Penn reels you cant go past them for the price
  12. http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/129833/replacement-application-form.pdf this is a link to file for a replacement licence unsure of how they go about it though
  13. maybe if you call the fisheries with the backup part of your licence that has the number on it otherwise id say just get a new one?
  14. not sure but ill be hitting it up in the day time if you want i can sms you on sunday arvo and let you know?
  15. im actually curious too i tried poppers, plastics, hard bods, but i've had no luck in georges
  16. i find this ramp annoying >< maybe when all that dredging and all that other crap they're doing finished and the water there gets a lil cleaner ( i had black oil stains all over the boat :/) i may then decide to use it but till then Kyeemagh = my choice
  17. DGF

    Reel Advice

    in that size i use a PENN Slammer 760 Live liner (with bait runner) hasnt failed me also used it on my boat rods got a fair few kings on it
  18. Shopping for a kayak and then going for a flick @ avoca most probably i think its already become my favourite land based fishing spot (weather permitting of course) otherwise might take the boat out into botany for some kings
  19. cant see why it wouldn't work ?i dunno about training them but as long as there is burley im sure they will come
  20. DGF

    New Toys

    ok broke in the new rod on saturday and hooked 4 bonnies lost 2 but landed the other 2 there was loads of action watsons leaping bonnies were going insane chasing the garfish had a load of fun
  21. wow it actually looked calmer than it was on saturday D:
  22. DGF

    New Toys

    set me back $600 including it being spooled with 30lb braid
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