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Posts posted by stevefish

  1. I always used gama 7/0 occys, drag done up- and mouth hooked plenty from 30cm to big. Don't remember gut hooking 1.

    7/0s look pretty small in a big Jews mouth. Use 10/0 in big baits if you use them

    Edit, not circles

  2. Fishing for most of us is something we don't do everyday but when we get a shot we're all in for as long as possible. And that doesn't always work out well.

    Not so interested in hooks going where they shouldn't but casting shoulders and throwing your back out type injuries.

    Tell us what you've done!

    Me, If I drive my tiller steer all day my neck/shoulder is about to give up, if I was lucky enough to have a 2 or 3 day trip I don't know how it would turn out

  3. I guess its a relatively narrow, deep and shaded area so there a formula for concentrating fish but still there is so much boat traffic its a wonder it doesn't spook them completely.



    It was churning with surface action at 2pm Australia Day, also seen surface action on Boxing Day and Australia Day last year, so no, it doesn't worry them!

  4. Im still zip from 4 trips.. had strikes but no hooks.. anything will do at the moment

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

    What hooks are you using? And do you sharpen them down

    A mate got 3 or 4 up and landed 1 off Wollongong Monday in 40-50 fathoms. Not JB I know but worth knowing I spose

  5. Good on you for helping people out, and this is a reply to the subject not the person.

    I'm kind of on the other side where people think I'm getting rich off them,

    But after saying how did you find me, often an ad - not free

    Do you expect me to have insurance? not free

    I'm mobile so do a bunch of jobs in a day, travel has to get soaked up somehow

    Free quotes aren't free for me

    +car and machine maintenance

    + rain days

    +public holidays


    Things like your local FB buy and sell and airtasker where people who work for $25 an hour trouble me, questionable skills, no insurance, no warranty or call back.

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