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Posts posted by stevefish

  1. Give them plenty of room, if they start waving frantically give them more room.

    The lbg spots aren't magical places in the area, they are the only places with access, sketchy access most of the time.

    If you're boat based there's plenty of terrain to work with, without parking on top of some poor bloke who's climbed down cliffs and is working harder than you can imagine to keep fishing

  2. I usually get up at 02 30 after next to no sleep, plan on pulling out at 1200 but MUST, be home before school zones, and yeah cactus by the end.

    I've pulled up for a microsleep on the way home a few times.

    I knew a guy involved in the record of releasing @340 billfish in a day, all 3 anglers were err rooted for ages, buggered biceps buggered pecs shoulders, some to the point of surgery.

  3. Anyone got some big plans?

    I will be trying to repeat the whole stuffed 4 keg Atlantic salmon, straight on the BBQ plate that Google and I managed last year.

    I will try and get a King too cos trying to convert the older generation to eat raw fish is fantastic sport!

    Other than that as much outsourcing as we can manage!

  4. Electrical current leaking from the wiring/battery into the hull, running gear or elsewhere that it shouldn't. I guess on a rig like that there might be a wind generator or solar to be considered as well.

    A quick search will tell you more than I know.

    Maybe also ask where are the anodes are located?

    Edit, further details

  5. You asked for a theory,

    Electrolysis problem on the fishless side. Electrolysis will lower your catch rate in game fishing boats and you were running 2 boats a bit apart from each other.

    Second and lesser theory, which side has the transducer and anything else?

  6. theres also the game fishing clubs

    central coast GFC

    broken bay GFC

    sydney GFC

    Botany Bay GFC

    Port Hacking GFC

    Wollongong GFC

    they each have a website, regular meetings, and are an entry point to club tournaments up and down the coast. Great for finding a ride on a game boat or a source of crew if you own a boat.

    • Thanks 1
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