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Everything posted by spic

  1. Well I had quite a few hungry mouths to feed when we got back, funny how the friends and family seem to time their visits with my fishing trips
  2. Hit ramp at 5.00am I wasn't sure what to expect weather wise after that blow on Sat and didn't think we would get outside but it was calm and headed out to Bangalley Head in search of Kings and found absolutely none. No surface activity anywhere, anyway stocked up on Yakkas and decided to head out to Esmeralda only to be gretted by those ravenous buggers yes Leather Jackets and big buggers as well, the one on the photo went 52cm. Man I dislike these fellas especially when you can see a good show on the sounder and these fellas are sitting above them. Just can't get to the fish. Moved around a bit but couldn't escape them and decide to see if I could get a feed of flatties. Finally found them and were quite thick but only in a very small area. All good size fish ranging from 40-65cm All in all a great day on the water and a great feed what else could one ask for! Tight Lines Vic
  3. Depends on where you go as I still think it's goign to be lumpy from Sat
  4. Voted and couldn't resist adding to this discussion. I'm not against comercial fishing but there must be a better way of managing it, for one how can we allow commercial fishing in our rivers we should learn a lesson from the europeans who have banned commercial fishing within their rivers! This is a psssionate issue for me as I've wittnessed what has occured over the past few years. The buy out of licences in B Bay then the closure in the harbour, all good news for these waterways but all those pro's have just moved north to Broken Bay and are absolutley killing it. On numerous occassions I've planned a trip with my 2 sons and begin my trip out to Broken Bay wide just to be met with floating dead bycatch and have just turned back. I've seen 8 trawlers working a 200mt area how is that sustainable? In short I'm pleased that the BBay and the hrarbour have improved and and shows how a waterway can bounce back but the problem has just moved to another location. This process has been repeated right up the north coast, just look at the Richmond , Clarence etc. I say ban commercail fishing in the rivers and have a seperate set of bag and size limits for rec fishing in the rivers. I feel better now
  5. I gave up with the plastic packets, I pinched one of my wifes lock lock containers and I store all my Gulps directly in there with the juice. The containner doesn't leak and you can easily access the one you want without having to fumble thru those packets.
  6. I mostly fish outside and I have to say it was such an enjoyable day, beautiful scenery, great company, CALM and better still great fishing. What a great country we live in..........
  7. Been a while since I've posted up a report been slack!!!! Anyway went out Sunday morning with Dad in his Tinnie with a plan to fish the change of the tide and we actually did quite well. Managed 3 Jew of which 2 were 60cm and one was 78cm. There is a bit of a story with the larger one as Dad was using a very light outfit to catch livebait and would just leave it dangling in about 4 foot of water. Well I hookup on a Flattie when this his little outfit goes off and for a while it's mayhem on the boat, manage to sort out the flattie then Dad passes his rod over to me as he wasn't confident and after what seemed like a lifetime managed to get the net under him and in the boat. I've caught many Jew in my time but never have I seen one caught like this. Only had 6lb line and the tiniest of hooks off the surface. Looks like the live bait attracted this fella and possibly missed his intended target and copped the hook instead. All in all a great day out on the water. Cheers, Vic
  8. spic

    Pittwater Squid

    Thanks Jack, was thinking of putting a quick session in on Sat but looks like I'll get the chores out of the way and give it a crack next weekend. Vic
  9. Anyone been picking up any squid in Pittwater lately??? Cheers, Vic
  10. I headed north on Sat and managed to find a spot wide off East Reef with no Jackets and picked up a feed of pan sized Reds and a feww good Mowies.
  11. I managed to wet a line over the weekend and noticed that the old cleaning table has been demolished and a new one has been installed closer to the ramp. Does anyone know if this is only a temporary table as if it's a permamnt replacement it's a disgrace. It's smaller in size only 2 taps loacted at one end of the table and no cover. You would think that considering the use this ramp gets we would get a decent table. Thats my Monday morning spit Cheers, Vic
  12. They can be finiky buggers, I fish for them in a local lake and won't touch corn spose their used to the bread that people feed to the ducks. In this lake I found that I have to use no sinker and dough for bait and yes their are great fun on 4lb gear. My biggest to date is 85cm. Cheers, Vic
  13. I haven't really headed out this way and was hoping someone could provide some GPS points that would get me to the Broken Bay Traps. Greatly apprecaiate any assistance Spic
  14. spic


    Hey Marg, Sounds like an awsome couple of days. Just curious where did you make camp? Thanks, Vic
  15. Hey thanks guys. This is getting interesting as my initial source reckons it's further back in the river between Juno and Gunya thats all I got.
  16. spic

    Dumb Things

    No offence to the Kiwis but fortunately not. Aussie thru and thru
  17. spic

    Dumb Things

    Great posts keep them coming!!!!!!!!! Well here's my best 2 1) It's about 2.30am and we stop off at the servo to fill up. Throw the nozzle in and start pumping the fuel when immediately it's clicking AHHH. Check the fuel guage she's empty, start again and clicks straight away so I pull the nozzle up a bit and start filling alls well. When my young fella comes out of the car and says Dad whats taking so long and I reply I don't know she's filling real slow this morning. He proceeds to hop in the boat to get something out and says gee it smells of petrol in here. Then it finally dawns on me I placed the nozzle in the rod holder I will never live that one down. 2) This ones about my famous brother inlaw. We were at Berrowa fishin away when he says he's got to do a no1 like right now. I go but where and he suggests to drop him off on this sand bank at Joe Crafts creek, so I proceeded and he hops out and heads for the mangroves. All's quiet and he's been at it for a while when I hear an almighty scream and I turn around to see him running out of the Mangroves with his dacks around his knees onto the sand bank screaming get it off me get it off me. I finally realised that he had a huge mud crab attached to his right cheek It's got to be the funniest thing I've ever seen. He latched on so hard that it drew blood and I had to use the pliers to break the claw off. He couldn't sit down for days. The moral of this one is never do a crap on a mud crab
  18. For quite sometime I have been hearing that somewhere between Elenors Bluff and Juno point there is a Pip Bed? Does anyone know if this is true and possibly the location? My Dad is a keen angler and is getting on in age and would like to find him a nice boating spot around Brooklyn. Does pretty well at Berrowa but is keen to find something up that way and prefers to target Jew. If the above is true well there would have to be Jew there? Many Thanks
  19. Funny how this topic came up as I just received this today,,, enjoy Water Displacement #40. The product began from a search for a rust preventative solvent and degreaser To protect missile parts. WD-40 was created in 1953 by three technicians at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. Its name comes from the project that was to Find a "water displacement" compound. They were successful with the fortieth formulation, thus WD-40. The Corvair Company bought it in bulk to protect their atlas missile parts. Ken East (one of the original founders) says there is nothing in WD-40 that would hurt you.. When you read the "shower door" part, try it. It's the first thing That has ever cleaned that spotty shower door.If yours is plastic, it Works just as well as glass. It's a miracle! Then try it on your stovetop... Voila! It's now shinierthan it's ever been. You'll be amazed. Here are some of the uses: 1) Protects silver from tarnishing. 2) Removes road tar and grime from cars. 3) Cleans and lubricates guitar strings. 4) Gives floors that 'just-waxed' sheen without making it slippery. 5) Keeps flies off cows. 6) Restores and cleans chalkboards. 7) Removes lipstick stains. 8) Loosens stubborn zippers. 9) Untangles jewelry chains. 10) Removes stains from stainless steel sinks. 11) Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill. 12) Keeps ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing. 13) Removes tomato stains from clothing. 14) Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots. 15) Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors. 16) Keeps scissors working smoothly. 17) Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes 18) It removes black scuff marks from the kitchen floor! Use WD-40 for those nasty tar and scuff marks on flooring. It doesn't seem to harm the finish and you won't have to scrub nearly as hard to get them off. Just remember to open some windows if you have a lot of marks. 19) Bug guts will eat away the finish on your car if not removed quickly! Use WD-40! 20) Gives a children's play gym slide a shine for a super fast slide. 21) Lubricates gear shift and mower deck lever for ease of handling on riding mowers. 22) Rids kids rocking chairs and swings of squeaky noises. 23) Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open 24) Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close. 25) Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as well as vinyl bumpers. 26) Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles. 27) Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans. 28) Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricycles, wagons, and bicycles for easy handling. 29) Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running smoothly. 30) Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools. 31) Removes splattered grease on stove. 32) Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging. 33) Lubricates prosthetic limbs. 34) Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell). 35) Removes all traces of duct tape. 36) Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to relieve arthritis pain. 37) Florida's favorite use is: "cleans and removes love bugs from grills and bumpers." 38) The favorite use in the state of New York WD-40 protects the Statue of Liberty from the elements. 39) WD-40 attracts fish. Spray a LITTLE on live bait or lures and you will be catching the big one in no time. Also, it's a lot cheaper than the chemical attractants that are made for just that purpose. Keep in mind though, using some chemical laced baits Or lures for fishing are not allowed in some states. 40) Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately and stops the itch. 41) WD-40 is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray on the mark and wipe with a clean rag. 42) Also, if you've discovered that your teenage daughter has washed and dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the lipstick spots with WD-40 and re-wash. Presto! Lipstick is gone! 43) If you sprayed WD-40 on the distributor cap, it would displace the moisture and allow the car to start. P. S. The basic ingredient is FISH OIL. P. P. S. I keep a can of WD-40 in my kitchen cabinet over the stove. It is good for oven burns or any other type of burn. It takes the burned feeling away and heals with NO scarring.
  20. Taking son no1 out in the boat on Sat and plan to explore a few artificail reefs that show on my new C-Map that I never knew exsisted. Then see if we can get a feed of Flatties off Mona Vale.
  21. I have so many childhood memories but the best ones were time spent fishing with my dad. In the early days we used to drop a punt off the bank off Berrowa and row to our spots. Now I have 3 children and my 2 boys aged 12 & 15 love fishing and are an absolute pleasure to take out. My eldest got his boating licence and makes it so much easier when we launch in the morning as I just drop the boat in he gets it going and then picks me up from the wharf. The quality time we spend on the water is priceless and seeing the look on their face when they score a good fish is amazing. On regular occassions dad comes out as well and I can't think of a better way of catching up. So many of my friends complain that they can't relate to their kids and don't want to spend time together, well I keep on reminding them thast I don't have that problem actually quite the reverse where the boys nag me when are we going next!!!!! I just hope that when I get to Dads age that my boys will look after me and take me fishin Here is a pick of my young fellow with a Salmon
  22. I'll join this one as over the holidays I was just setting up for a Jew session, not one person in the water. Cast my bait out it out when a guys turns up with 14 kids and jump in the water exactly where my line was Not only is this dangerous but totally inconsiderate, they have the whole damm beach and decide to pop in where I am. I politely mentioned to the adult that my line is out there and was concerned that one of the kids could get injured. This was his reply get f*c*ed. I just can't believe some people????????????????
  23. You really need to be careful with these buggers as they have a tendency to go quiet when you get them to the boat then explode. I've had one come up and nearly got over the gunels
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