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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. Paul, The bridge is the go at night. However, if your keen for an allnighter, head up the end and park, then fish through the night. PM me for spots if you wish... Cheers, Tom
  2. Not common for the lake... Lovely fish though! Live Prawns are great on schoolies Cheers, Tom
  3. Great session! Loving the PA12's. Haven't been out on mine for a couple of months I reckon 37cm would be a good guess for that bream. Nice fish! Cheers, Tom
  4. Get the Sustain. I rate it much higher than the rarerium personally. Great reels! Match it with 20lb braid and your on your way!
  5. Sounds good. I'm matching it to a black label 3-5lb. Should be sweet!
  6. Hi guys, Just about to buy a caldia cd 2000. I'm planning to match it to a t-curve t-series 2-5kg rod. Does anyone have experience with the caldia and if so, what rod have you matched it to. I would have gone for a sol rod but i needed a 2 piecer for travelling interstate etc... Any help would be great. Cheers, Tom
  7. They're all good reels. I'd tend to go for the freams or stradic though. The FJ is better than the ci4 in my opinion, but its up to you. The freams is under $200 and great value for money. As for the rod, While the t-curve's and samaki's are great, i would opt for the pflueger trion. It's half the price, and personally i find it has more grunt than the other rods. It's a great little work horse rod and has served me well a while now! Cheers, Tom
  8. Yeah, the kings seemed to pop up in strange places over winter. I got 4 up at roseville. Only 1 legal but considering they are rarely up there (especially in winter). Really great fight on 6lb isn't it!
  9. Whiting are regarded as tricky fish to catch on plastics. I've managed a few on grubz and small wriggles. For these I just used a slow roll with the odd tiny jighop. Poppers are best in say under a meter of water. You will occasionally get them in slightly deeper but not much. Baits are best in the situation your talking about. Live worms and nippers Best advice is to use small plastics, fish them really slow and lather them in sfactor. Good luck!
  10. Very glad I hooked him on the 15lb jew gear, not 4lb
  11. 15-24kg is plenty. You'll be able to stop most kings with that. Only draw-back is the smaller kings (65-75) will get knocked over fairly quickly. I'd be running maybe 40-50lb mono. If you go much higher you won't get much line on the TLD... Cheers, Tom
  12. Hi Ian, Yeah, I was also surprised at a bream taking a lure of that size. I guess the bigger bream have been feeding on poddies lately. So many people get jew as by-catch compared to when they target them specifically, so you never know! I have been using z-mans a lot lately. Great plastics I do use standard jig heads on them, although tt jigheads (tt owns z-man) seem to work best. Most of the time i add a dab of super glue to keep the plastic fixed on the jig head. Once it's superglued, its ready to catch plenty of fish. The tailor are no match for their 10x toughness which is always a bonus They don't come with a scent but i usually put some s-factor on them. Given that they melt when stored or in contact with other brands of plastics, i'm not sure if s-factor is recommended. It seems to be working well at the moment though! Cheers, Tom
  13. According to this link, a jewfish of 135cm (1cm more than this) weighs 24.9kg on average. It is quite variable but looks every bit of 24-25kg to me... http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/recreational/saltwater/weigh
  14. Nice flattie mate It's been a while since i've got an 80+. You've motivated me to go for a metery this summer... Cracker fish! Cheers, Tom
  15. Yeah, the baits been on the move lately... Some days they're up there, some they aren't. I guess i'll have to try and pre-empt when the baits there. This will give me a better chance..
  16. Nice fish I'd say 25kg would be a fair guess for a fish of that size. Cheers, Tom
  17. Hi Raiders, Hit up Middle Harbour for a jewie flick the other day. Conditions were pretty good and was keen to get onto my first of the summer. I had planned to fish a live yakka or tailor on a bait rod to increase my chances. The tailor and yakkas wouldn't play but in 20 mins or so found a few legal bream in the early 30's and a Blackfish of 30cm. Didn't know blackfish fancied unweighted prawns?!?! Over the next hour or two I flicked around SP. Z-man swimmers 4" in "red shad". No interest for the first hour then i noticed a little tick in my line. Often the bigger jews take softies so subtly that the bite often goes undetected. So, feeling optimistic i struck up on it and whatever it was had a bit of weight and then went for a short, sharp run, with a few nice headshakes. Thinking school jew for sure i played it out for a couple of minutes. When it began to tire i took advantage and coaxed it in. To my disbelief, a cracker of a bream revealed itself. Never thought i'd catch a bream on a 4" paddle tail lure but it happened I was a little gutted having thought it was a jew but still happy with what turned out to be a Soft Plastic PB for me. Measured the fish up and went 40cm on the dot. I was running 15lb braid and 20lb leader, so the fish really gave a good account of itself to draw out a 4-5 minute fight. All in all, a productive session with a nice little PB the result. Good to see things heating up and hopefully the fishing continues to improve. Cheers, Tom
  18. Nice session there! With the flounder, theres one obvious explanation to me. Up north when fishing the creeks, the bream are In plague proportions. As soon as the live mullet hits the water, they start picking at it viscously, often removing the head. All this activity attracts a hunting barra or jack and they scoff what's left. So I'd say a pack of small pinkies and tailor were picking at your bait and this attracted the flounder. Suppose it could've been a very hungry flounder though! Cheers, Tom
  19. Yepp Pike Gun jewie bait, especially live. Those are too big for livebait so maybe whack some fillets off them and fish them on a snelled rig for jew. Cheers, Tom
  20. The grubz are the go in the lake at the moment. They'll get you loads of flatties, bream, whiting and tailor. The rockwall near the ocean street bridge is worth a look. Mainly the flatties (40-50cm average) with the odd bream and tailor thrown in. The back of the lake is the go at the moment but better during the day not at night. The beach has some tailor, bream and whiting according to a friend of mine. He got a nice bag of fish in the gutters a couple of hundred meters to the right of the lake entrance. Might be a little late but good luck! Cheers, Tom
  21. Nice work They've been on and off lately. Already being fussy, so i bet the squid and slimies contributed the majority of your catch Cheers, Tom
  22. I have caught a few fish at clontarf recently. If your game then tip toe out to the end of the swimming enclosure and flick plastics. If you persist you'll pick up some medium size flatties with bream, tailor and flounder mixed in. The sandflats hold some whiting which brings poppers into the equation. The odd flattie off the beach as well. Cheers, Tom
  23. Yeah it also happened to be my first Took a photo but it came out terribly on my mates phone. We were just trolling bullet head skirts around the fad and it got hit. There were a few stiped tuna that day as well.
  24. They follow the warm water down so it depends on when that arrives. Generally by mid december they should be popping up. Got a big one off one of the FADS in mid january this year. January - March is probably the best time. Cheers, Tom
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