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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. Nice work Stan! Lovely Bream I've been getting loads up the back of MH lately. In 2 sessions i've pulled 22 legals with 9 over 30cm. The storm activity really go them going. The period leading up to the storm produced best, but not only on bream. The taior and trevs went off their tree! How's your jew on lure hunt going? Cheers, Tom
  2. I actually have hooked into a good size ray mouth hooked. Hooked him in the lip using a 5" jerkshad. Thats the only time i've ever mouth hooked one though. Still may have been a coincidence...
  3. Hi paul, Also a yak fisho with a hobie PA 12 Out of action with a stress fracture atm but when im back out in a month or two might be able to tee something up... Cheers, Tom
  4. Great stuff mate! Lovely fish Jews are going off ATM... Need to get out for a few jew sessions! Cheers, Tom
  5. No mate, just near the bridge. I'v been getting loads of them on peeled unweighted prawns. Late arvo and dusk i get loads of them. They should be around the wharf by now as well...
  6. Yeah i rarely fish the marina... I'm sure there's a few big bream lurking around there but its too hard landbased. I'll have a go from the yak though! Either side of the bridge is the go..
  7. If you do focus your efforts late arvo or early morning and into the night. That is if you are looking for the better fish. The smaller bream, tailor and trevally are around most of the day. As a hint, fish light (no sinker or light jig head) and dont cast too far out. Especially with the baits...
  8. Great fish mate Not many people fish for jews in pittwater but there's some crackers if you know where to look. A mate caught a 13kg in Feb this year at Stokes Pt on a live squid. Yakkas and tailor would work as well i think. Even sweeter to get it on SP though! Nice Job!
  9. Thanks Ian, Hot session yesterday was! 14 in total. Would've been a decent bag with 3 fish over 30 and two at 29cm. Cheers, Tom
  10. Great work mate! A few great fish there That's a good jew as well! Cheers, Tom
  11. Nah, landbased mate. Injured my back so out of the yak for a few weeks
  12. Hi Raiders, Another opportunity presented itself today so headed down to rosie. There have been a load of yakkas and tailor around so i planned to fish a livie for jews, flathead etc.. And flick a mix of unweighted baits and small SP's for bream and what not.... Started fishing around 3:30, just after the tide change. Caught a few yakkas and sent one out, then first cast on the light tackle resulted in a prawn munching 25cm bream. This pattern of just legal fish continued for the next hour, with the odd tailor and trevally mixed in. At this point, i figured i'd tie on a 2.5" Grubz in Bloodworm colour and have a flick. No hits for the first five mins but then proceeded to land two 31cm fish in a row. Kept persisiting with a big storm looming, and was rewarded big time. The Grubz was smashed and a powerful run parallel to the rocks followed. Originally thinking small jew or big trevally, I got a glimpse of a big bream. A few nervous moments trying to net him but finally did. Measured him up to 37cm. Not a monster but a big bream none the less. My biggest on SP so far... The storm hit soon after but i still left a happy fisherman with a good feed. The fishing is hotting up big time so get out there! Cheers, Tom
  13. Spit Bridge is a good starting point
  14. Depends which side mate. Especially if your land based. The wind can make it hard but if your going for Jews, focus on the side that has the wind blowing onto it. This pushes the bait in close so the jews shouldn't be far away. If your going bream and flatties then find somewhere out of the wind. The mangroves just upstream From the bridge hold good bream and flatties , with a few cracker whiting around as well. This part dhoulb be protected From the wind but is only accessible from a boat or yak... If I were you I'd be going Sunday arvo/night. Perfect tide just on dark so you might get lucky! Cheers, Tom
  15. Yeah its a shame pillies aren't at the top of their "to eat" list. That'd make it a hell of a lot easier! Still, i guess catching the squid for bait is all part of the experience. Anyone know if big kings have entered the harbour yet?
  16. Things are really hotting up in MH! I've always loved my baitfishing but you do get that bit more satisfaction when they're on lure! Landbased mate. Havent used the yak in a few weeks but hopefully soon! Might go for some kings from it
  17. Hey Raiders, Haven't posted a report in a month or so. With a free day and lovely weather, i decided to have a go somewhere new today. Headed over to clontarf beach in middle harbour. It was a little windy upon arrival but i was determined to find a few fish. Armed with a light outfit, I began fishing with the ever faithful Z-man 2.5" Grubz in Bloodworm. After no more than 10 minutes got a decent hit, struck up on it but missed out... Another couple of minutes passed then got another hit and this time it stuck. Brought in the first flattie for the day at 45cm. Not a big fish but a nice little start! Over the next half hour got 3 more, going 41cm, 39cm and 36cm. Started targeting the pylons near the swimming enclosure and after a few casts came up tight on a 27cm Bream. Considering i was balancing on the edge of the swimming platform, it wasn't easy keeping him away from the pylons... Things then started to slow down a little but just before calling it quits snagged a 48cm Pike. Caught a few the other day near Roseville but wasn't expecting one here! Really fun, acrobatic fight and ended up putting him back as i kept a few for bait earlier in the week. The wind certainly made things hard but with a little persistence i found a few fish. All fish released to fight another day! A few rats shot past the swimming enclosure around midday as well... Looks like the kings are ready to play! Cheers, Tom
  18. Great work Ian! Nothing wrong with a 32cm bream! Especially for a young bloke like him! The flatties are waking up it seems. Snagged a few in the 40's on SP this afternoon. Well done! Cheers, Tom
  19. I certainly agree with this... Always nailed a dozen or so good flatties off dangar island and now im lucky to get 1 or 2. The jewfish populations have been decimated in the lower reaches which is a problem for the upper reaches in itself. If the upriver jews hang there most of the year they are more concentrated and their numbers will be damaged due to people often keeping them. Then again, thats not the main problem here... Its the trawlers... Fishing up around milson island a few months ago had the trawler snag one of my lines. It then proceeded to keep going and in short, i lost a rig and 300m of braid... The whole system had turned into a "baron wasteland" and often spot after spot results in not just no fish, no bites or hits at all. I think Emptyhooks idea has some merit. I'm no expert but sounds like it would work to me! Still, getting them banned for good is the most desirable outcome. Cheers, Tom
  20. Yes, they definitely are as durable as they advertise. Been using them to collect bait lately (chopper tailor) and after landing a dozen or so there was very little damage to the lure (Grubz 2.5" in bloodworm). When i first bought them i picked one up and tested its strength. I stretched it to literally 10x the length of the lure and when i let go it went straight back to shape. You can get them in a few tackle stores but i usually just order them online. I'm pretty sure there's a tackle store in manly (sorry can't give the name on the forum) that has a good range of them. Cheers, Tom
  21. Should be mate. Fish them over the flats and around the drop off at high tide. Loads of whiting at the moment. Some crackers too!
  22. Yeah having trouble emptying it ... i'll PM you now.
  23. Hi Kel, Great report mate! You've been nailing the flatties of late... Great fish. The z-mans are great. They're way stronger and i find them to be the best. Not taking anything away from gulps.. they're good lures but just got sick of the juice leaking everywhere.. If you want a big croc try the 4" swimmerz in red shad. Apparently its getting some fish around the meter mark! Cheers, Tom
  24. Yeah, I'd say that would be great on it. It's a fairly big reel for a 8000 so 6-12kg should suit it fairly well...
  25. Nice work Undersize are still great fun... My first was 30cm and still gave me a buzz! You know what they say, "once you get one jewfish, you'll get more". Are you sure the spot you referred to as "jude pt" wasn't "juno point"? Well done on a great session Cheers, Tom
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