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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. Got 4 rats in upper middle harbour this winter. Only one legal.. I believe it has something to do with resident schools but can't give you a real reason why some stay and some go..
  2. I have caught LJ's at night, but not nearly as many as during the day. Kings are VERY hard to find at night too.. Don't know why but i don't think there's any really easy explanation to this..
  3. Looks like a little mullet to me. Not quite like a poddy though... looks fine for bait
  4. I have a few zman swimmerz and minnowz pre rigged at the moment. Been 3 weeks and they are the same as they were at the time i bought them. I wouldn't recommend puting pre rigged plastics in the liquid (gulp packet liquid etc...) as they may rust after a while.
  5. Great session guys Making me VERY excited for kingie season
  6. All the spots you mentioned have jews.. There's nothing to say that you won't catch good fish there.. I believe that you CAN fish both Abbotsford and Pier 2 but can't guarantee. Over summer check out the roseville bridge area in middle harbour. Plenty of spots with access to deep water/channels and yes, you can get jewfish here. Got my PB (96cm) right near the bridge earlier this year. Its the sort of spot that you should chuck a livie or fresh big bait out for jews and fish for bream and flathead in close while you wait. Some thumping bream at times too! Once the water warms up, put in a few nighttime sessions and you might get lucky! Having a livie out at dusk smack bang on low tide is your best shot! Cheers, Tom
  7. Nice little flattie You'll be eating well tonight
  8. Completely agree about holding off a little until October-November... When the kings come in you'll have a lot more fun. Even if you just want a few bream and flathead, the warmer months seem to be easiest... Nothing to say that its not worth grabbing some livies and fishing them amongst the moorings for john dory, salmon and large tailor.. BURLEY IS A MUST. Cheers, Tom
  9. Great fish! Anyone would be happy with 69cm! They go very well on light gear don't they! I'd probably agree around 3-3.5kg...
  10. Great report mate How big was the salmon? There are plenty of salmon down there lately... most of which are around the 60cm mark. There are some VERY big fish in Roseville if you know when and where to fish... Would've been tense when you were trying to get it in the pool net! Was this on the beach or the reserve side? Cheers, Tom
  11. The kayak ramp is between the overhead pipe and the boatramp. When i say kayak ramp, you can't actually reverse into the water like at the boatramp. You park next to it and carry it down a few meters to the launch spot.
  12. I was shocked when i read reports of them going that far up too.. BUT i can confirm that they do. I saw one (approximately 3.5m) at the first bend after the bridge in febuary a few years back! Who would have guessed! Plenty of bulls though. Wouldn't catch me swimming in there..
  13. i used to yakfish upstream from roseville bridge a bit, great water for lure fishing, usual suspects bream,flathead,whiting,jewfish,mullet,tailor even got a kingy up there once while chasing flatties on plastics. pretty popular for yak fishers up that way. might even head up there tomorrow myself. +1 for upper middle harbour! I'll be spending A LOT of time up there over summer. Anything from bream and whiting on small SP's and HB's to 20kg+ Jewfish on livebaits. Make sure that if your livebaiting upstream from the roseville bridge, use either tailor or mullet. You need to "match the hatch". These are the main baitfish in the area which makes them the best bait for the predatory fish. Narrabeen lakes is great for a few bream and flathead during summer. Generally quite a shallow lake but there are a few nice drop offs that produce big lizards and even the odd jewfish when the time is right. If whiting on poppers excites you then there are some nice spots in the lake. Pittwater is also worth a look. Kingfish are the go in summer. Live baiting is best but when they are on the surface poppers and unweighted SP's can be deadly. No shortage of other species too if thats what your after. These are all poplar sydney "yakking" areas. Roseville has a specific kayak ramp so that should come in handy. In summer don't burley too hard around roseville. Plenty of Bull and Tiger sharks come upstream. Generally speaking there's nothing to worry about though... There's not really anywhere in sydney that sharks aren't at... Good luck! Cheers, Tom
  14. Top report mate! Very envious Some great fish you got there. A few of the salmon you got though are Blue Salmon not threadies. The first couple in the photo with the tailor look like small threadies but the others are Blues. Top fish! Did you eat the salmon. Blue Salmon is very underated... Others say threadies are better than barra! Tastes great if you ask me! Cheers, Tom
  15. Good article. Jewies on SP are rapidly becoming the "next fishing craze". Can't say its bad though.. I love a challenge... Might whip out the 3lb gear in summer and test it out on schoolies
  16. Sure its wrong but your going to get that sometimes... even boat fishing... i have had boats position themselves between me and a school of salmon busting up before. The annoying thing is they never know what they're doing and end up spooking the fish... did you give them a piece of you mind?
  17. If you fish the mouth you should find some fish. Flint n Steal is worth a go for big winter jew and the odd salmon. Similar story at Juno pt but with a few flatties and bream added in. West head also has some good tailor, salmon, trevally and squid. Certainly worth checking out. Burley is a must!
  18. I have 3 outfits that i use on bream. 8lb for hardbodies and bait, 5lb for SP in tight terrain and 3lb in open water. 4lb should suit your bream needs very well.
  19. Great report Roberta! Bad luck on the lost fish. Best bet is a good salmon or big trevally. Looks like it was a lovely day all in all
  20. Check out nanofil. Much finer than braid and casts a MILE!
  21. Clareville is the go for whiting in summer. Alternatively careel bay flats. Where do you get yours?
  22. For sharks snell a couple of 10/0's and fish it whole. Cut a few slits in it and maybe open up its belly to make it extra appealing. For salmon and tailor, cut into 3-4 pieces and put on a single hook. Alternatively snell a fillet of one. If you want a big jew or nice shark then try butterflying it. I have butterflied 35cm tailor for jews so they aren't too big. Cheers, Tom
  23. Check out this thread from a few days ago http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=64758. Should help you out a bit. Pittwater is a lovely place to fish even when the fish aren't biting. Not long til the kings come. For now focus on West Head and Barrenjoey. Even though you had a doughnut at barrenjoey there are some nice fish there. West head is great for a few nice salmon, tailor and trevally on dusk at the moment. Both trolling lures, spinning with halco twisty 15g's and unweighted pillies. Plenty of nice bream, trevally and the odd legal snapper on the bottom too. If you grab some yakkas here send one out and hope for a big jewie or stray kingie Cheers, Tom
  24. Sounds like it would work mate. Another option is just an ordinary keeper net. You'd probably have to find one with softer mesh though as you don't want yakkas and squid being damaged. When you say you'll be fishing in bull shark waters are you referring to upper Middle Harbour? If so bull sharks aren't the only big sharks up there. Between January and March you get sizeable tiger sharks (4m+) heading up into the system. This isn't necessarily a bad thing as fish like cobia and kingfish often flock around the sharks. Seen a few in middle harbour as far up as the first bend after the roseville bridge. I wouldn't worry about the sharks though... Most of the time they won't come near you.. Cheers, Tom
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