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allen glover

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Everything posted by allen glover

  1. Joe thats a pretty hefty reel IMHO for that job but bring it along on sunday and Ill set you up for the day with that wooden griped baitcaster I had at the basin it should do the trick.
  2. mate the sight is so familiar to me I can even make out my daughters day care in the back ground. the big round wall was such a giveaway it was like looking at my own front door
  3. cant bloody well see it to much joe not enough spot !!
  4. brisbane waters looking over to St huberts island
  5. as bash said its a Baja(rse) One of the biggest boat builders in the US actually be a damned pricey unit out here though
  6. cant just get an "ezy out" onto it?
  7. more of a lucky than educated guess. I was going to call it for jindy form the wall but it was just too narrow for that then I read the tumut refernece and a little light went :idea:
  8. copy that joe Im actually wrong hole in the wall is the big sculpted rocky bay north of that headland and bengally is the northern end of that. Ill just shutup now
  9. maybe were both wrong I came across this pic when trying to confirm my suspicions the beach is avalon but the headland is certainly not the northern end of hole in the wall may have to check them both out next time Im down that way cos by crikey they look similar dont they!!
  10. joe even your wrong!!! :ohyeh: its bengally head ( also known as south head for some reason) hole in the wall is lower left hand corner( out of pic) the ovens and careel head are just around the corner
  11. but its a federal election I always think is a case of picking the best worst option :confusuion:
  12. joe offer your prefs to the major party who has the best fishing policy IN WRITING also unless you have a SHORT MEMORY remember who is going to be the labour parties minister of the environment
  13. Personally I think they are a bit over weighted and a little sluggish in the response stakes for the price you pay. Apart from that I still use them on occasion as they are tough as old boots. Be wary of the freddies discount versions of this rod workmanship and componentry is CHEAP AS.
  14. motty man when your ready to upgrade give me a chance to bid on the sale I could do you a rod suited to your style of fishing and far better than the squidy for not much more $$
  15. grant None of the verifiable claims can be unsubstantiated but there are a whole lot of unverifiable claims flying around that get up my nose. Just cos identity X says they are the ducks guts doesnt mean they actually are. Thats just his opinion and thats what hes paid for... his opinion. What it says to me from where I sit is that his opinion isnt worth much if hes prepared to sell it out with Individualistic or totally unverifiable claims. Professionally though its just bussiness not right or wrong and I simply have to compete against it. from the big boys outlook this sort of stuff does have its disadvantages too. What if you invest a bucket load and your strategy doesnt come off. Irrespective of your turn over loosing $1M is still loosing $1M. Ouch As I see it from a consumers POV on this sort of issue, the simple rules apply DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE. ( apologies to public enemy)
  16. LOL and you cant blame the tools either
  17. geez this is going to get me in trouble! Id like to leave names out of this as much as I can. Its not my place to comment on others specific efforts or bussiness practices I will comment on the way I see tackle sales and marketing in Aust as a whole though and theres no easier way to do this than by simply looking at the economics. Eexcluding some of the more exotic sales regimes utilised by some wholesalers in this country Lets say a big name factory rod retails for $150-$200 working on the industry STD of 100% markup we are looking at a rod that wholesales in this country for $75-$100. again 100% markup from the wholesaler and were lookang at a rod that cost them $35-$50 to LAND here. Finally the manufacturer has to make a profit so your looking at a rod that cost significantly under $50 to make. Even with the massive economies of scale and purchasing power the actual manufacturers have. they still have the commercial imperative of making an item to meet a retail price point as cheaply as possible and to maximise profits along the way. Take this concept to the other end of the scale and think of what quality cuts will be made to retail an item made O/S and sells locally for $50 . For the big players in most consumer markets let alone fishing tackle its all about 3 things 1 maximising profit 2 minimising expense 3 and moving units to do so. Its this 3rd factor that you start seeing the retail marketing campiagns Now Im wont deny, refute or infer for a minute that the claims made by the factories to market a product are anything but what they say they are but what I will claim is that they arent one iota more than what they say they are either. Why would a factory go to all the trouble of paying a designer to fully design test and commision( a job that should take a considerable amount of time effort and $$ to do properly), all the expense of retooling, producing etc etc all to sell a few 1000 units for a few $$ profit on each. Don''t you think it would be easier to use existing generic factory componentry designed for the world wide market. tinker with it to tune it as much as it can be for local conditions and to validate the claim of "designed in aust for aust conditions" then just work off that. Afterall crop a blank 2 inches or select the guide type and you can claim design rights to the whole rod. Also they are better off spending money on marketing to move units than designing them. Cos afterall in the factories eyes consumers arent individuals with indivdual needs or standards .but are a collective who will buy whatever rods they tell you too if they push the right stimulatory buttons. The hard part to them is not necessarily about producing the best possible product to meet a retail price point but in how they tell you it is. This is all my cynical opinion and not targeted at any company or designer in specific. Im quite happy for anyone to come along and correct any errors I may have put here and apologies in advance if anyone takes offence at this as none was intended its just the way I see it and Im the first to admit I may be wrong or incorrect. A
  18. Grant Come along to the next SP social day. Im aiming to have some new samples ready for it so you guys can have a play with the latest and greatest from my stable. Im really excited about the newest ranges of blanks I can get and I think you guys will be too. Allen
  19. geez where do I start!!! The first point is you have to be comfortable with what your using after all were doing this for the enjoyment and if the tackle aint comfy it aint fun. If you get your jollies from pushing the limits of your fishing you have to use matching high performance tackle. No records were ever broken on cheap tackle. If your after the added enjoyment or just like the feel of higher performance tackle then thats also an equally valid reason. If you want reliability in your componentry then theres another reason. ( theres a viable industry out there that simply replaces guides on cheap stuff) Then theres specialisation. Factory rods by there very nature have to be designed for generic fishing applications. You dont honestly believe that a rod built O/S by a multinational and that retails locally for $100 or so was ACTUALLY designed specifically for Aust conditions and local methods. Regardless of what the stickers on it says its simply economically unviable. All this and I havent even touched on issues like manufacturing quality, import costs and profit margins, marketing tactics, the commercial imperative, etc two fundemental factors always arise in this sort of discussion. As with all high performance equipment small performance increases can cost significantly so if you want or need the best possible gear( and who doesnt deserve it) for the fishing you enjoy then you will unfortunately have to pay that bit extra . Also a hyundai and a ferrari will both get you from Ato B but I know which one will have me grinning from ear to ear and which one will leave me flat and uninspired when I get there. Saying all that though in the end I reckon it all comes down to what puts the biggest on your dial.
  20. Sounds like Std practice. Now they can say they consulted widely amongst the local community. Other tricks they use is inconvenient timings( mid day mid week) short notice advertising. seperating user groups to get biased opinion weightings. Dont let them pull these crappy little stunts next time. Flush the B****stds out and make sure the other meetings are well attended bring your own signs and sticky tape along to the next one if you have to
  21. There''s a simple solution to all this associate yourself with the site sponsor instead
  22. They will probably sell one to you . Just dont tell them what your putting it into.
  23. check either the red safety lanyard switch on your control box. Or the starter motor fuse on the starter motor curcuit. This last one is usually a horse shoe shaped plug contained in a water tight case on the wires leading into your starter motor( the cylinder with the small cog on top)
  24. just had a thought what about the Abu lever drags like the new 7000 and 6600 or the tld 10 by anyother name the charter special may be a good alternative to the bigger reels and still an LD
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