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allen glover

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Everything posted by allen glover

  1. Aero Awesome report and congratulations . What you wrote is exactly what trout fishing means to me. Thats a pretty fish and you may find she is fully mature and quite old! Certainly looks it to me. A
  2. the question to be asked now though is .... why ??????
  3. No its an Australian conspiracy!!!!! The reason they ended up in all those cat food tins was because they were erronoeusly named salmon in the first place. So I for one have been keen for yrs on getting that little oversight changed before it comes back and bites us in some different form. Anyway in this day and age of gratuitous americanisms for everything fishing in this country I think Kawahi is a unique and fantastic sounding name for a unique and fantastic sports fish. A
  4. All sounds great to me except for the 60cm size for dollies. It is to restrictive and pointless on this species. A 10 fish bag limit would be more than fine and fix the problem(what problem). Boat limits may affect charter operators and may need some special allocation for them. not that they give two hoots about bag limits anyway but I bet the pros will have something top say about it all. they always do and as the current monkey in charge will invariably cave to their demands its again all pointless.
  5. still early in the season for them They will spend the next month mooching around the bottom and being difficult to locate. the reality is that they are there which is why we get sporadic reports of them working the top but ATM they are just not playing the game as we know and love it. By and large they are hanging around deep in smaller schools and moving between the estuary systems and offshore as they are still migrating north. Last yr was the same and any broken bay fisho will tell you when the schools settled into the typical winter surface pattern the bay had only one small school that got VERY lure savvy. whilst you could walk from Manly to Watsons bay on the back of the kawahi in the harbour( and newcastle was much the same). Then to the relief of the broken bay fishos there was the 2 week kawahi fest in early oct as the HUGE schools from further north migrated back down the coast.
  6. Alternatively you could SUPPORT THOSE WHO SUPPORT THIS SITE. As opposed to supporting those companies and individuals who heavily promote overhyped product and other exclusionary, highly moderated marlin specific sites. Im sure this sites sponsors ABA could do an equally good deal on a skirted trolling lure. Afterall there is a myriad of positive testament on this site as to how they do actually "look after" fishraiders. But as we dont know how us fishraiders will be "looked after" at the show, Id prefer to put my money with the proven discounter and true site supporter. Rather than directly into the pocket of another site's owners(oh and the products licensed namesake). Anyway who ever heard of a real bargain from the boat show. It costs you 15 bucks just to get inside for chrissake!!! A
  7. Swoff A rep would say that. In fact it matters a whole lot more than just on line wear on the blank. It has a whole range of both guide angle, and tourqueing issues. excessive angle leads to line wear even in braid as the angler over the guide is too steep not due to it touching the blank. The greater the angle over the guide the exponentially greater the tourqueing, especially up at the tip. A properly guided rod distributes the twist right throughout the rod whereas short guided rods load it all into the tip This inevitably leads to snapped blanks. Rods are simply not designed to be twisted sideways. A Keenist If your not comfy with doing it yourself get a quality builder to look at it. they will in all likelyhood be able increase its performance in other areas at the same time.
  8. The really sad part about all this negative politicing is whats the option Realistically its the god damned NATS and if you think Ronald macdonald is simply a lunatic hell bent on destroying our estuaries next week. The redneck fascists in the state Nats would actually do it. Lesser of two evils I suppose and if we scream at the current imbecile loud enough he may start to recognise our existance. You wouldnt even get that if cowboy joe came to town. A
  9. PML There shouldnt be any latent licences left down in Victoria. Afterall didnt their licence scam (Oops licence scheme) snap them all up at the last buyout cashfest they had just 4 yrs ago. A
  10. Its not about being considered or intelligent in our arguement look how successful that has been for us so far !!!its simply about getting what WE want for OUR money. Take a hard line and hold it It works everytime for the pros and greens so why shouldn't it work for the sleeping giant. If we start watering down the point amongst ourselves before it even gets fully aired then we've lost before we start.
  11. trolled from the joey to newport- newport to the shelf-the shelf to box head did not turn a handle all day Bumped into 5 of these though the damned things are becoming a navigation hazzard. I may have to ring the Japanese consulate to see if they cant do anything about them
  12. Theres been a Huge one living near apple tree bay for yrs I know of a few anglers who have tried unsuccessfully to compete with him on the heaviest of tackle. Apparently he takes pleasure in showing there weaknesses Im with the locals though, they are a great species but suffer quickly from exploitation therefore I like to leave em alone.
  13. On Sunday I trolled one average Kawahi up north of the bay on a cd7 but couldnt find them consistently Horse Slimeys are everywhere outside ATM couldnt get bottom baits down all day would feed a chunk of slimey out only to watch it get nabbed 5ft under the boat by yet another silver torpedo. this happened everywhere I fished.Excellent size though some would have choked a shark of which I saw one small model. Ive got a freezer full of bait and burley now though.
  14. hairtail nites.... grown boys acting like men. Sounds like another cracking night was had James last pic is a classic and typifies jeruselem bay in the morning.. beautiful but COOOLLLLLD !!!! Heard jo on 94 sunday morning and tried to raise him but was out past box and couldnt get a response back.
  15. Hmm... Good way to shut up the competition
  16. Thats a good saily anywhere and a stonker for NW Western Australia. Most of the fish caught out of ports like broome are smaller fish in the 20-35 kg bracket. The odd big one pops up but that one is exceptional. It would be easily in excess of 50 KG. Check the ANSA records for saily's.
  17. Congratulations Ken Shearwater strikes again Eh If you take a mobile fishing you can always change the phone to one with a camera. you can kill 2 birds with one stone. pics are never the best but at least you have photographic evidence. A
  18. very true IF it doesnt come away first time after 5 seconds of heat and pliers it is hard glued on. IF it is glued on your best just grinding or filing the old pipe frame off. Cut a groove down the length of the pipe and it should peel off pretty easy any excess glue can be sanded or picked off. Correctly size the new tip by taking the rod to your local store and hot melt glue it back on. Remembering to check alignment with the guides. A
  19. Ken Was it on a Shearwater by any chance ??? A
  20. Whitto Im fully aware of the facts surrounding the licence. But like I said, I dislike the lies. Allen
  21. I object to the lies The lies made to get the licence in place and the ongoing lies to maintain a facade of honesty and respectability of the scheme. Using typical govt duplicity they have designed a revenue raising scheme to meet there income shortfalls from the state Govt. They have also ( and are still) given it an environmental spin to ensure they have a defence to any arguement about what it truely is, an income raising venture. Since its inception I have directly seen the benifit of the licence in the very costly FADS deployment scheme. I have also seen a significanly increased inspector presence at ramps checking licenses presumably to ensure compliance to the defacto tax system. Ian is right in that NO 1 on recfishers list for licence fund usage is the removal of all pros from NSW estuaries, It always has been. If we saw hard descisions like this being made by those obligated to manage the fishery, then we may have a greater respect for the fun ticket. Until then though I dont think our opinion can be sidelined by seeing the negatives and under utilisation of this Tax
  22. Run bigger guides near the tip or use low profile single foots insead. Cant bend them. How old is the rod? Earlier loomis's have proprietory guides on them.
  23. All the other guys have nailed its advantages already so no need for me to repeat what they have said. But if Ken will permit me a link to "the other place" heres something I wrote about them a few years back The next wave. Spiral wrap rods A
  24. Well thats a positive test!! did you like the action, is it what you expected ?
  25. Rods break cheap rods break quickly ( shh mick) If you want a rod that won't break or throw rings or have a handle come adrift get an original ugly stick, just be prepared to fish with a soft rod.
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