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J Hooked

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Everything posted by J Hooked

  1. Hi Nick My mate and I normally target them in winter. I've only heard of them biting in the colder months.
  2. Aha! Still, there tiny little buggers!
  3. Hey mate Didn't go up last weekend. Spent Saturday arvo in the bay until 7:30pm Managed a red rock cod, 2x undersized snapper, a small bream and trevally and a large squid. Everything went back except the squid to use as bait for next time. May try sometime next month at Akuna bay. Got to get there early to find parking. J.H
  4. UM! Here you go mate. Would you like me to clean them for you as well? And then make a mad dash up the wall and pray you don't fall between the gaps. OUCH!
  5. I've learnt a heap from this amazing and addictive forum as well.
  6. They do look like flatties. Tiny little buggers!
  7. Some people are UNBELIEVABLE! They have NO IDEA, NO CONSIDERATION, and NO COMMON SENSE! I think the worst has to be LOUD MUSIC! Seriously, how do they expect to catch any fish while playing their DAMN LOUD DOOF DOOF MUSIC??? Don't let them get up your nose though. But I do like the idea of the livie!
  8. Go the parmie chicken! I have to start using it.
  9. Top catch mate! 90 minutes Fantastic!
  10. Cracker story mate. Better luck next time. Seems that I wasn't the only one to catch undersized fish.
  11. Would have been an epic battle. Makes you more determined to do it again!
  12. Top catch guys. Once again great pictures of the fish and markings on the sounder. Hopefuly I'm lucky this arvo and land my first before heading off to work.
  13. I saw your status report when I finished work this morning and have been hanging out for your full report. Top effort and congrats! I think I saw you as I was driving into work last night. Was there another boat close to you? Tonight I'll honk my horn going past.
  14. Sounds like a nasty day out. I've had a couple of those too.
  15. I've used fresh mullet fillet and pilchard on either a two hook rig or on a 3 gang rig. Both rigs were under a float with a lumo stick. I varied the depth through the night but start at about 14 feet. I also ask others that are there what depth they are at. Hair tail have massive teeth so look out.
  16. We normally drive up to coal and candle. It's shoulder to shoulder fishing, a few tangles, lots of frustration and arguing, and not to mention if you don't get there early enough, there's no parking! This time we will try launching the boat and spend the night.
  17. I caught my first one at coal and candle creek last season. it measured 1.2m long! I haven't tried this year yet. I have heard that a few people have caught hair tail in the harbour. Also my brother in-laws cousin took one in Botany Bay! If I didn't see that one I wouldn’t have believed it.
  18. That's fantastic. I'm jealous after reading that. I wish we had fishing at school. But then the water wasn't across the road. We did have a storm water canal though...???
  20. Wow massive squid! and a good sized kingie! Your mate sure knows how to catch his squid. I thought of going out today after finishing night shift but woke up to this wind. Lucky you went early. Top catch mate
  21. Great information guys. Common sense should prevail with also a little education from other fisho's people should start to catch on. I also disagree with the above mentioned persons technique that pushes the fish forward and backwards to revive the fish. I think the current should be sufficient. But then I'm not a marine biologist. I think handling fish with wet hands would be less sensitive and detrimental for the fish. Just my two bobs worth. Cheers
  22. Hi Cameron Have a look at the post on the main Fishing chat page titled “JEWFISH TACTICS” Great info. Took me about 13 attempts within a 2 year period too land my first. Came out to be 89cm. Good luck let us all know how you go Jim
  23. Fantastic! Its a great feeling being on your boat and catching a cracker fish. Top effort to you and to the guys that showed you the ropes. What gear did you use if you don't mind me asking?
  24. Seems I need a serious upgrade. Thanks for the insite J H
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