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J Hooked

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Everything posted by J Hooked

  1. Most of those jet skiers are dangerous! And also, those other ignorant boaters that don’t have a licence, or have a clue what to do on the water that endanger other peoples lives! Not to mention the moron who came straight for me at speed then diverted when he heard me blow my horn!!!
  2. Whiting, YUMMO! I love eating whiting! I think I need to leave my rod in the boot and just go for short sessions. Work is driving me crazy
  3. For a momment I thought you caught the family
  4. Well done. Nice fat bream!
  5. You should have called your self King of Mac. What a whoppa!
  6. You skull dragged that one. I can't get out until next week!
  7. Love it when a plan comes together. Great pictures on the scenery. Unlucky running out of petrol but the catch was worth it. lucky you had the electric though!
  8. The ones I have caught were quite large. They didn't pull like a normal fish with head shakes they just stripped a lot of line. I suppose their size and strength enable them to pull hard. As for eating??? I'm not game, but I have heard they are similar to flake.
  9. I have once seen a similar image on my HDS5 then saw a whale pop up 40m ahead of me. A little while later I saw that same whale with a calf. I don't know if the image was the calf or something else. E-mail Lowrance the image, you never know your luck, they may have an answer. Let us know if you do get a response.
  10. They fight well and they get you all excited until they surface! And then.... I have heard that they are ok to eat.
  11. By the time I can get out there will be nothing left. Do me a favor the next time you catch a kingie, put a sign on it saying "PROPERTY OF J HOOKED, WILL COLLECT LATER!" and release him. I can't get out for another couple of weeks! Cheers mate.
  12. Some people are real buggers! It's a real shame that people have to stoop down to steal something that's not that expensive! As they say WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. By the way top catch on the flattie. Wait for the tide change ( the slack tide) for the jewie and good luck next time.
  13. Thanks for the insite. All these years I thought it was 60cm. I must have been looking at another species and got mixed up. Cheers mate!
  14. I'm a fan of releasing the big girls as well, but, It does say you are allowed one over 60cm. I'll keep one over 60cm but I draw a line for myself at 75cm. Those ones go back for me. That is ONLY my opinion.
  15. Ouch! I know not to ask my wife. She'll say well those jigs costed $20 each so that means I can buy!!! And I will scream AHHHH!! I can't buy any more tackle! I'd be in the DOG HOUSE!
  16. Hi Aquaholic. Top name! Top catch on the flatheads. I found this free program on this site. It is a picture resizer, not really a converter. It will shrink your images if your images are to large. Hope it helps. I'd love to see those flatties. http://download.cnet.com/Free-Image-Converter/3000-2056_4-10632880.html?tag=mncol;7
  17. Yeah I do. I got the 550 classic centre cab, black hull and white top. Love the boat. Dislike the mechanic! She would have been better if a little bigger and heavier. But she suits the family and me. I can launch by myself without trouble. I've gone about 8nm out with a little choppy sea. She handled well but me and my son turned a little green. Ha! Ha! Forgot to take those tablets I packed.
  18. Ha! Ha! Looks like we are showing our ages.
  19. Hmm. I may have to sneek around, put the boat and engine in stealth and seek out your spot because my spot has shut down alot. Just kidding. I'm yet to bump into you guys when I see you I'll say helloooo! from a distance.
  20. You guys make it look easy. You were posing for the shots, that's why you put your leg up right? Ha Ha! All we need now is a shot of the squid grounds and we will have everything! Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to work I go! Damn! I think I feel a sicky coming on as well. Cheers guys J.H
  21. Top effort mate! Would have been a great battle with a fish that size. They give you a great rush! How fast was your heart beating when you saw it surface?
  22. Top catch guys! Unfortunately no common sense people are everywhere.
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