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Everything posted by martymonsta

  1. My 2006 Ally Craft 4.80 Challenger with 80HP Yammie.
  2. I once caught one around 45-50cm near the Rip bridge at Brisbane Waters on a whole prawn!
  3. Abu soron Stx20 with a 7' 2-4kg Soron rod can be bought for $175 together.
  4. Check out the Abu Soron STX20. Can be currently bought for $125 down from around $200 & comes with 2 spools. Marty
  5. I carry a small plastic jar with me when I go out. Any terminals or lures that get used during the day go into the jar of fresh water rather than back into the tacklebox where they'd spread rust. At the end of the day just empty out the fresh water from the jar and place the bits out to dry and voila - no rust!
  6. Yep, chilled fresh silver trevally is really nice.
  7. I've recently bought a Penn Squall lever drag which I plan to spool with 15kg mono for trolling and bottom bashing duties. Can be bought for around $100.
  8. You also need to consider your dimensions mate - weight, height etc. In the Hobie stable if you're considering offshore you'll be best off looking at (only) the Adventure (or Adventure Island if dedicated sailing is your thing), the Revolution (13 over the 11) or the Outback (not a good paddler if you ever need to paddle). I have owned a Revolution since late 2007 and it is fine for offshore. Marty
  9. I had one years (and years) ago as a teenager. Was OK for a while (better than being land locked) but got mighty uncomfortable after a while without any proper seats, you're either on your knees or sitting uncomfortably on your arse in an inflatable. Also in the heat the material expanded so much and was floppy all over the shop. Hard to paddle too in any sort of current or tide. Better off in either a kayak if solo or canoe if fishing with someone else. Just my $0.02 Marty
  10. Dude, I can't believe how calm you were during that fight Loved how the boat was getting turned by the fish during the fight. What sort of gear did you land it on? Was thinking that you might be close to losing it as the fish's head was inside the net but congrats for pulling it off! Great fish Marty
  11. martymonsta

    Down rigger

    I'm currently waiting on a Scotty 1060 to be delivered for under $200. The lower spec 1050 goes for almost double that here I believe. Marty
  12. Shouldn't the inlet be at the bottom and the outlet at the top to clear the dirty water which can accumulate at the bottom of the tank? This was my understanding of ideal live bait tank setups. Marty
  13. Also better to fillet when the fish is cold rather than room temp. Stick them in the fridge for a couple of hours before filleting. Marty
  14. I'm happy with my Daiwa Wilderness 3 piece travel rod.
  15. Great captures there mate. Can I ask what sort of gear you used to submit these 2 brutes? Rod, reel, line ratings. Just out of curiosity as I have a Hobie Revo myself and curious to know how heavy (light) your gear needs to be in order to subdue kingies this size off the yak. Marty
  16. Barracouta (or pick handle nick name) I believe...
  17. I've read that one bite from these dangerous buggers has enough venom in it to kill 10 grown men. be carefull around these things people.
  18. What do people think of a Daiwa Seagate 4500H matched with a Penn Spin Fisher rod (10' or 11')?
  19. Hey Slinky, just out of curiosity how would you rate the 4500 Oceano for pe 2-4 fishing, whether heavy plastics or bait? Compared with the STX60 anyway. Cheers Marty
  20. Hey Daniel, Out of curiosity did you try matching the Spinfisher rod to a Daiwa Oceano 4500J? Lighter than the Saltist but strong to boot and a decent 93cm (from memory) retrieve rate with each turn of the handle. That's what I've got my 11' Spinfisher mated to and use 30lb Tuffline XP braid. Oceano 4500J Marty
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