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Posts posted by Rafinx

  1. Hello Rafinx, how's your Jewie adventure going?

    Just answering your query above...the big squid are already here at sydney warf.

    this is about 2 weeks ago. Gymea Bay.

    post-11590-060560000 1303787724_thumb.jpg


    yeah I did notice the green eyes at gymea about a month ago, but there was only 3 in the morning, I helped another bloke on the wharf with my extendable net to get a nice 1kg one on land, I only landed a small cuttle which I through out for a king with no luck >.<. Tho loads of pike at gymea, noticed them demolishing the yakkas there.

    as for the jew fishing, nothing in particular, did have a half decent run but it dissapeared before I could count to 3. May need some inspiration off another fellow jewfisher man to accompany me.

  2. Jealous once again, man its killing me ive been having a dry spell, I guess its just my luck and lack of opportunity to fish.

    Atleast the uni studies have paid off, I got a high distinction in once of my assignments which is a first for me.

  3. Sorry all i shouldnt have said that JAG word, really i was casting a metal lure at the fish but they got hooked up the wrong way, besides what fisheries officer is going to be worried how you caught them anyway. " Yes officer i was casting my lure, unfortunately the fish missed the lure and i caught him in the head" How many people here have caught fish but have not been hooked in the mouth, but in the head, eyeball, fin etc etc? So in reality you have jagged the fish, am i wrong in this assumption? Just asking. Not stirring the pot.

    I think its more to do with the use of purpose built multi hook jigs that looks like treble but with 12 hooks. but yeah its against the law to purposly jag any fish with intent.

  4. The countdown to my last assignment is ticking down, once its done and handed in im going to smash a jewie i dont care if it takes me 2 days straight, every one is getting them but me.. :( lol congrats mate shes a beaut

  5. Hey Donna,

    It would make a great difference as I look to fish raider to see other peoples triumphs over fishing, as I am stuck into academic books studying away, so its a great breather, as I have next to no time to do anything anymore juggling uni and a job. SUCKS! No need to pull any pins :)

  6. Guys seriously congratulations, a very professional site, very organised and admins and mods arent to busy to help any one, thats the type of things you dont see on the internet. Thanks for being the link that is keeping the fishing community together.

  7. Always wanted to catch mullets for bait, ive tried before with burleying them up, but instead managed legal size breams one after the other, I used a small float with a tiny split shot sinker under it and a small hook at the end with abit of buttered bread, is there a better way of doing it.

  8. Bream is a common bi catch, ive now caught about 4 breams now on 9/0 hooks etc on snelled rigs with whole squids on. great report champ, never fished the harbour before, but my uncle swore me to secrecy on his secret jew spots there. so one time I plan to go check them out.

  9. I have not much of an idea on it, thats why im asking a fellow raider to a session with them, Ive got like $150 worth of them atm because of Catch of the Month. so may aswell use them. I have had a go, just let them sink, and jig em slowly at the bottom, couldnt imagine the amount of times you can snag doing it >.<.

  10. lol Moe wish I could come give ya a hand teaching what ya taught me, but this uni works killing me, I just came on now to see the updates, and I see your already teaching other youngens (jealous). Its k your a great teacher, but dont get me wrong, your still a pain in the butt.

    I would seriously love to catch another jewie as the itche is starting to burn, but I just dont have time or bait to do it, I may check up if the local and see if it has fresh frozen hawkbury squid to save me the hassle of catching freshies, and may organise something soon, or may go sp'ing with the other fish raider, if you still wanted to come Moe.

    oh and also, let me know when the squids start flying into the bays again, there was some medium to large green eyes at gymea last saturday morning when I went.

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