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Posts posted by Rafinx

  1. I gotta give it to you guys on the kayaks, well done and tops report. Cheers cg.

    one day soon ill be buying a kayak for Sara and I, ive seen alot of reports on them and I feel its easier to clean if your just going to hit the rivers.

  2. WELL. My boat is at my dads factory as i dont have room at my house to seat it, now i have 2 support beams for the canvas to protect it, one sits ontop of the perspex windshield, and one that goes on the dash, both go to the end of the boat to make a tent to keep the rain off. one Day i took off the canvas only to find out that my windshield has been smashed through, on furthur investigation, my older brother told me that my dad backed the truck into the boat hitting the dash support beam hitting it straight through, and he thought he did no damage =.=

  3. my vy v6 ute needed a new clutch after 100 000, car never been abused .I have owned it since new ,worst thing i have ever bought. the list of failures is unbelievable and holden mechanics have been banned from comming anywhere near it..i have a hiace work van and the mrs has a corolla both with 300 000+ ks neither ever look like stopping.my mate bought a au xr8 falcon same time its was sold after 2 motor changes in 2 years( under warranty) i wont buy another aussie car period...do yourself a favour buy japanese...sorry for the rant car anoys me every time i look at it, and ive run out of people to winge to... lol

    I work for holden, you must of just went to the wrong dealership, cause i could assure you nothing bodgey happens at mine, and we have a reputation to stand by

  4. Well inturn I believe try to get your partner into fishing as, it becomes a fairly good bonding session, not to mention some one to carry some of the fishing gear, but yeah, Sara enjoys squidding, but at the moment she wants to catch actual fish, seeing as the squids arent around as much.

  5. I am mainly land based, so alot of boating abuse I havent experienced, I believe that land base it depends on the spot, because I always spark up conversations with neighbouring fisho's with a simple, "are the fish biting today" or, "hows your fishing going", and not to mention I fish all hours of the night. and to my surprise they always seem friendly, I dunno maybe its just luck I havent found a jerk.

  6. Mate fishing is like women and their shoes / bags, you can never have enough. The way you get around buying heaps of fishing gear is you let the Mrs :wife: buy as much shoes and bags as she wants then when it come to your turn for some fishing bling nothing more needs to be said :biggrin2::yahoo:

    Mate you just solved mans biggest problem, let all households now hold peace XD.

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