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Posts posted by Rafinx

  1. Hi guys, im am getting 2 weeks off work soon and i was wondering whats the best way to go about painting my fibre glass boat, i am getting marine grade paint, i figured that the jell coat will not get touched if i sand it down lightly, all hardwares are going to be removed, i was thinking about rolling the first couple coats on, then using a paint gun for the final sealer. has any one ever experienced this type of painting before and is there anything i should be looking out for.

  2. You have the same idea as me, once my trailor is up and going, and the motor has had its make over, im heading to jervis bay to hit up the squids there. thanks for the offer, ill consider it, but i should be good because im a 3rd yr apprentice for cars, even tho outboards confuse me tons, i still got a basic idea on whats wrong, and how to fix it.

    Im a do it yourself type of person, until it breaks. :)

  3. i only used to use yo zuri jigs when i was out squiding with my mates i was getting 2 or 3 squid now me and my mates are using warm jacket squid jigs we get a minamum of 6 or more each like example last week me and my mate and 10 other fishos were squiding at wallys warf me and him were using warm jacket and we were the only ones that caught squid im not saying that the yo zuri jigs arnt any good im just saying when the squid arnt biting i find that the warm jacket are working the best for me . lol i should be getting paid from yamashita 4 this lol

    Yeah you said you were getting me one, still havent seen it.

  4. Hey guys,

    Forgot to ask, is Gymea & Wally's Wharf a good place to actually fish off the Wharf because i dont currently own a boat.



    yeah champ. on boat there are defo better spots, but yeah.

  5. Will,

    Thanks for that mate, i will be bait fishing, been to Kiama with my mates and all

    Was a bad day, there was a seal in the water and was a big let down, drove 3 hours for 2 cods and a salmon.


    Thanks for the tipper, i'm going to try this, do you know where the closest wharf near the hacking is near Parramtta?

    Gymea, alot of ppl go to wallys wharf aswell.w

  6. yeah mate captains is alright, if you got the boat, atleast you get a touch of privacy rather then fishing onshore with others, Just use your sounder find some deep water around, I found 43ft of water, and had a schoolie hit with in 20 minutes, on fresh squid, just stick to tide turns, generally doesnt matter if high or not, hope it helps.

  7. ive found that just a simple burley like bread, or bread mixed with fish attractant pellets, work well, as it sits on the water and slowly sinks. This is a killer for leather jackets, yakkas, even blackfish. best wharfs are found around the hacking.

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