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Everything posted by kantong

  1. Thanks for replies everyone. Yes, it looks like a silver biddie, thanks @leonardgid. I haven't caught one of those in soooo long, I forgot what they were! @slothparade - I'll have to bring some heavy gear for those sharks! There were dolphins around in the morning too, which at first glance I thought was a shark. @Little_Flatty Congrats to your little one on catching their first fish and always have the rod ready for a flick, enjoy mate. @Bluebenbomb - steak worked just as good as the prawns for the silver biddies and yakkas.
  2. We took a family trip away up at Soldier's Point and of course the rods were packed. Scoped out the local jetty and it was fun for the kids to hook up on yakkas, small bream, snapper and I think herring (is someone able to tell from the blurry photo below? Caught lots of them) It was very windy Saturday night and Sunday morning. Threw out a live yakka under a float it got harassed but didn't get eaten. I brought the yakka in and it had bite marks on the side, suspect it was an over eager tailor. Threw out a yakka fillet under the float, it got taken down but didn't hook up. Bait used: Servo prawns, left over steak, yakkas Kids had fun and I'll come back better prepared next time. Tight lines
  3. Thanks @masterfisho7 @Bluebenbomb @bessell1955 @Pickles for the comments. Pickles, the bass definitely go alright on 6lb mono!
  4. Thanks @Rebel. Beers are always useful at the end of the day!
  5. Thanks @Isaac Ct, fishing with kids is certainly non stop! It goes something like this: Bait, fish, bait, new hook, bait, bait, fish...repeat!
  6. It's good fun @Little_Flatty and hopefully with summer comes the bigger fish too. Now fly fishing for Bass, wouldn't that be something?
  7. Hey Raiders, took my son for a quick look around the Parra River for some Bass. Sure enough, we found a small pocket of them, although not very big. Lots of fun regardless of size. Caught and released 9 bass, lost a few more too. Caught using worms from our worm farm on small sized hook. Left them biting as we had to go to a kids birthday party. Tight lines all!
  8. fantastic report and what a way to kick off retirement. Living the dream mate!
  9. amazing stuff mate, great catches! Thanks for sharing.
  10. 100% @Little_Flatty toads are definitely target species for kids! The kids are of a good age to understand and be a little helpful when it comes to fishing. It's definitely a labour of love and hope to pass down the passion for fishing like my father did with me.
  11. Thanks for the kind words all! Looking forward to more warmer weather, bring it on!
  12. awesome work mate! Jewie on 12lb mono, fantastic!
  13. healthy specimen, well done
  14. Hey Raiders Took the family for a quick trip out of Sydney and stayed at Umina Beach for the weekend. We went out to relax and have some fun so all fish were returned to grow bigger and stronger for next time. Also used this as an opportunity to teach the kids about the fun and benefits of catch and release. I caught tailor (30cm-45cm) from the beach on ganged pillies. Good conditions with a high tide right on sunrise, a nice way to start the mornings. On Saturday, we rented a 16ft half cabin wooden boat from Anderson's Boat shed and spent a few hours trying to find a decent drift. Ended up catching a few flatties and a whiting. The kids had fun and caught their PB flattie of 45cm. Fishing with kids, it's never ending re-baiting, de-tangling, snacking...so you might be able to see in the photo, I'm holding the spool for one of the reels as it got tangled. As I was untangling, I felt a tug-tug and then line came running out of my hand! Stress levels were high as I didn't want to lose the fish or the spool! Ended up landing the whiting, it was only fair that it lived to see another day. We were blessed with sunny skies and very little wind. Hopefully we can come back in warmer months and with a bit more knowledge of the local system to catch something bigger! I've included a snippit of a time lapse from the beach, not sure if it comes up for others, let me know. If anyone has any info on the area, shoot me a DM! https://photos.app.goo.gl/Hs4dcwC2j9PJGGfp9 Tight lines everyone
  15. Hey Raiders, Went down to the local as the boy just wanted to 'catch a fish' (don't we all) Didn't have bait prepared or anything so the humble sandwich bread got a run. Landed 2 breams in about about 10 minutes and that was all she wrote. Biggest measured 25cm. A successful trip none the less, fish was caught! (sorry for the upside down photo) Tight lines Kev
  16. great read and awesome pics. jewie on a lure! ur onto something there.
  17. great read and awesome pictures! thanks for sharing
  18. great report! how much drag did u have on the twin power? must be a horse of a fish! hehe
  19. great report, good to see kids get good results!
  20. very nice catch there! its amazing what breeds in those waters!
  21. lovely fish! Humesy, sympathy bout the call of nature, thats a nasty feeling!
  22. very nice catch! you'll never forget your first!
  23. great fish, congrats! what a start to kingfishing!
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