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Everything posted by kantong

  1. great pics! at least you got into some!
  2. great fish there! and that's a classic with the pinky comment! the kings do give out a lot of grunt when they are in the boat! next time i'll bet next time, ur friend cant wait to tackle the king to the ground!
  3. nice squid. congrats on the pb as well.
  4. Hi all Was out squidding and many times I would get the squid or cuttlefish to where I can see it. As I watch it strike the jig, it always seem to take the jig from the side and not from the back where the hooks are. Is there something wrong with my technique or are the squid/cuttlies getting smarter? Anyone else experienced this? cheers, kantong
  5. nice catch, flounder is very delish!
  6. i know your feelings of a count down. Tuna charter less than 2 weeks to go now!! can't wait!
  7. very nice fish there too, im sure that would have gave you a short workout too! unlucky bout old mr groper, at least u know where he lives!
  8. very nice day and even nicer catch! He sure brings in the goods!
  9. thats some great information there JewGaffer. Will have to remember it when I get a boat
  10. great report mate and love the photos too
  11. top work Mondo. Top report.
  12. cheers all! its my first red mowie and I think I like it. Penguin - it did go down well with the calamari rings as entre!
  13. Cheers. Yep will be eating it tonight! thats my red morwong cherry popped.
  14. gday all, My initial plan was to fish the northern beaches. Drove up to curly to have a look. A lot of white wash and had a quick look at the stones and definitely not a place to be fishing today. There's a lot of chocolate water starting from the rocks and at least 40-50 metres out to sea. You can see the froth all just floating out. sorry for the quality of that shot... The rain set in and I found a place to set up for the next few hours. Burleyed up and the bites starting to come on. Lots of little pinkies around. The tide started coming in and so did the rain. Stayed on and persisted with the burley and kept telling myself "the tide will bring me something good". So it happened, got a good bite and brought this guy up. Not sure what it is... Some sort of reef fish? After that, nothing but pinkies. I was heading home and the weather started to clear, gave my mate Warren a call and off we went. I threw the squid jig in and yes I'm on. Caught a few and lost a few. I got my fishing fix, I am happy. Cheers,
  15. very nice fish! congrats
  16. gday Red there's a bluewater spin and a T-curve Saltwater spin thats 7ft. whats the kingmack like? got some more info? maybe a PM may be better. Cheers, kevin
  17. hi all, picked up a baitrunner that im going to use for fishing beaches and rocks. Now Im also looking at using this reeel on a boat, and I don't have a rod for this. Spooled with 20lb mono atm, will switch to braid if needed, but i dont think its necessary at the moment. the Shimano Bluewater Saltwater Spin looks the goods, anyone got some more info on this rod or make recommendations on some rods? Another one is a texxie!! woohooO!! cheers Kevin
  18. nice outfit mate. Hope it serves you well. Double check all your rod holders hehe
  19. great work mate! did u fish with wire trace suprise it didnt bite u off. good on ur too! u must be doing something right!
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