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Everything posted by kantong

  1. thats some great pics, awesome fish too! Looked kinda rough out there, did you throw up at all? I still havent found my sea legs quite yet, especially in big swell.
  2. bloody awesome work. congrats
  3. wat no jew report??? hehehe jokes mate good stuff on the flounder, btw what lagoon are you talking about? Kantong
  4. looks similar to this: http://www.accuratefishing.com/products/twinspin.php but like CFD, im a shimano fan.
  5. welcome to the site!! thats just beautiful fish and report! very nice are hawks nest! btw which beach did you fish from?
  6. top work Nectic and Crazy John!@ lets hope this trend continues!
  7. Thanks Bob! I can see the purpose of having one of these. So these are similar to snap swivels then?
  8. I was under the impression that it was where it was coming from. ie N/E blow - winding coming from North east i could be wrong
  9. Domestic duties on Sat and Sunday. Going for a spin tonight(thurs) on the Georges River tonight (land based- it sux not having a boat) before picking up the mrs from work. good luck to all raiders out there!
  10. kantong

    Byron Report

    Thanks for clearing that up. So i presume that you would see the blue water before you see the green, because the sunlight will warm up the water, and the deeper u go, the colder it gets. Is that correct?
  11. Sorry for my ignorance, what are these fast snap clips? is there a particular brand or size I should be looking for when using these?
  12. kantong

    Byron Report

    good report mate. whats the difference between blue and green water? Different fish in different types of water? I usually fish land based, so I dont really get to see the ocean and deep water all that much. cheers
  13. great bag of fish top work
  14. Happy birthday matey! wishing you plenty of big fish!!
  15. wooww those rods are like dang thats a good prize!!!
  16. Love to play sports, footy(league, touch,oztag) and tennis in particular. Love going to the beach, but when I go down to relax, I end up checking the breaks and gutters looking for fish hehehe and look over to the headland and wish i was fishing!
  17. Love to come. I dont have a boat, but if someone is willing to take me as a deckie. I'll promise to be good lol. ive never caught a flattie of good size, so would love catch a good lizard!
  18. very nice work there! great start to the boat
  19. kantong

    New Member

    welcome happy fishing
  20. kantong


    excuse my ignorance, what is a wave rider? and whats the difference between wave rider and FAD?
  21. awesome photos! great work again
  22. Mostly fish land based when the lets me. I have been a deckie only a handful of times with a raider or 2. But the mentioned about saving up for a canoe, so it may be looking better! but for the time being LB.
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