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Posts posted by tasksta

  1. It has made me as keen as mustard to get out and have another crack!!!!

    My mate has me recently into game fishing offshore pulling lures, i have to say it is a famine or a feast. When its bad its all day for nothing but when that drag screams!

  2. No bait just lures, xraps and halcos. All colours and sizes produced. I wouldnt recommend anything heavier than 10lb or you may be disappointed with the fight.

    Agree though they are an amazing fish that i never thought i would land on my boat. I caught 7 recently as close as 200m from the head! Have a SP ready to flick if they school around your boat.

    Awesome how they light up the colours are amazing.

  3. We got a tonne between the gap and the artificial reef. The area is full of slimies all the way to bondi at the moment, very surprised if you cant pick up a few. They great fun on light gear jumping out of the water. Let us know if you get a legal one, good luck.

  4. Sure was let down with the weather today, forecast was flat but was lumpy and ugly. Got a few small dollies near the gap, do they normally come in that close??? Unlimited slimies around the area too. Has to be a black or two in there.

  5. We are heading out tomorrow will let everyone know how we go.

    So are we, temps, weather and recent reports look very promising! Will be on 21 callsign dirty Nelly.



  6. Nice!

    Dollies are thick at the moment. Did you pick up anything on the troll to manly FAD? How far past the FAD did you start hooking up?

    Manly FAD is about my limit at the moment, found a heap of dollies in the area the other day but all were under. So keen to get my first legal they are an amazing fish.



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