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Everything posted by fisholb

  1. thanks dave...im using soft plastics metals hard bodies...
  2. hi raiders. just started using lures targeting pelagics. just wanna know if its better to use split ring on jig head or just tie it straight to the leader using uni or rapala knot. thanks for all the input.
  3. thanks for d advice fish...i was using 1m trace with swivel...
  4. hi raiders. i just started using metal and hard body lures. i want to know how to set it up properly. im using 10/15lb braid mainline. my leader/trace is up to 30lb. do u need to use a leader and how long? do you need to use swivels between the mainline and leader? thank you very much in advance.
  5. thanks ray...ill try it out n let u know d results...
  6. thank you very much for the report mate...well done...the lure is called mack bait (green bonito)...u can buy it online...very hard to find it in d shops...cost around $25 delivered...i bought 4 of them last week...havent caught anything on it yet...u better off using a squid skirt on float...its cheap...$1 each...
  7. hi ray r...just wanna know which plastic do u use for d bonito if u dont mind....ty
  8. the spots r always busy...better going weekdays...
  9. hi raiders. i havent read a lot of reports on hill60 n bass pt so i decided to put one myself. it takes me up to 2hrs to get to the spots so i hope this report will sort of help fishos who r in d same situation like me. hill60 d spot is currently producing bonito on lures n bait. squid skirts n metals on lures n pilchards on floats. plenty of squid too. bass pt d spot is also producing bonito kingy squid frigate. also on lures m bait. basically d same as hill60. best times early mornings n late afternoons.
  10. yeah mate...alvey is probably the best reel anyone can own forever...its either you hate it or love it...
  11. thanks for the advice smn...i took my alvey to the local alvey retailer..the bloke showed me the fault and how to fix it...cost me $20 to fix it...im very happy with the service the bloke did to my reel...its like new again...
  12. congrats on your 1st kingfish mate...well done...its better to use heavy gear if you are targeting kingfish...specially when using a live bait and landbased too...
  13. mate...good to hear you liked the alvey...i loved it...i got my 1st one back in 2009...i had a problem with the drag recently...rang up alvey and spoke to bruce alvey...hes a top bloke and helped me fixed my alvey...got a 650bcxl and a 600b...im now looking at getting the 650berr/650grbc...
  14. thanks for the info kingys...which colour works for you???
  15. thanks for the advice...ill keep trying i suppose until i catch something...
  16. hi. they all got heads with feathers. thanks
  17. i bought some of these lures online. i have been using them on the beach/wharf/rocks/boat. i havent had any luck on catching anything. i must be doing something wrong. can anyone tell me how to use these lures. i even use them when spinning of the rocks/beach. im targeting the pelagics. ie salmon/ bonito/kingfish/tailor. thanks
  18. mate...sarge is right...better off going beach fishing at night...check out wanda/garie/stanwell/newport/whale/curlcurl...they r all very good spots...goodluck...
  19. yeah..very happy with the response from alvey...just gonna wait n see what the local alvey retailer will do with my reel...
  20. thanks for the advice...i rang up alvey n spoke to Bruce alvey...he told me to take it to the local alvey supplier and tell them to contact Bruce and let him know whats wrong with my reel...
  21. mate...thanks for the reply...i havent taken it apart...too scared ill damage it more...i can pull the line from the reel without feeling any drag even if i tighten everything...i prefer to take it somewhere or to someone who knows how to fix it...
  22. hi. my alvey 650bcxl drag is faulty. the reel seems to be in free spool. can anyone know how to fix it? i got the reel around 2009. alvey suppose to come with 5yrs warranty but i lost the receipt. just got the box that came with it. im located at western sydney. does anyone know someone whp can fiz it? thanks.
  23. mate...if u r trying to catch jewfish...the beaches u mentioned r d spots...u can also catch salmon/tailor/flathead at those spots...my mate caught a 18kg jewie at stanwell park on pilchard oct 2011...another mate of mine caught one at newport beach back in aug 2010...just need to put in the time...
  24. thanks for the advice...
  25. thanks for the advice...really appreciate all the input...will get a kayak or a tinny instead...
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