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Everything posted by lostproperty

  1. Bonito is great sashimi ! Don't freeze it, just use kikoman sushi soy sauce and wasabi an it's perfect! Goes a bit chewy when you cook it poaching would probably keep the flesh delicate. Awesome fish btw mate would have been a fun fight getting it landed !
  2. The water up near Roseville has been terrible quality with all this rain however there's still fish there just gotta modify your setup a little, vibes will probably be more successful than a plastic and so long as you burley up well you should still get some bream, I caught a nice 30cm one to the right of tar bridge a little while ago on a piece of yakka
  3. I've had them a few times before and they're hit and miss, one tasted amazing but another one was very average both were well bled instantly and kept on ice, maybe cutting out the blood line could guarantee a better taste. I definitely agree with the above regarding different people have different tastes. I prefer bonito I've kingfish (sashimi style) which works well for me cause theyre a hell of alot easier to catch, cooked is a different story though.
  4. If it's not jackets or pickers it's a seal! Didn't know squid had testicles tho sounds painful either way !
  5. Solid effort mate ! I'm sure you'll be getting bugged even more now Where bouts in the harbour where you if you don't mind giving up the details? They've been pretty hard to come by lately, were u using a down rigger ?
  6. What sea sick pills do you use? I was getting really bad sea sickness and switched to Kwells after reading a few reviews, they made me drowsy as hell so the perfect combo I've worked out is 2 pieces of toast for breakfast, 2 kwells and 2 no doze. No, and I mean NO milk !! I started off not eating anything or drinking anything on the boat, then started nibbling on salada crackers and now I can eat a whole packet of kettle chips, an usually a bottle of water, if u find a little bit of water makes u sick try lemonade, worked a treat! Nice snapper btw ! I'm jealous !
  7. Ditto on the SP's, cheers mate! We struggled to hook up last weekend in the harbour using metal blades, we did eventually on a few, massive schools busting up, but theyre stomachs were empty when we pulled them in ?? Would love to have a crack with the SP's though next time and see how they go
  8. How'd you guys go after that? Any other kings? Been really hard to come by last few weeks
  9. Based on the catch and release poll, you would need a pretty big live tank the prevent the school being spooked, otherwise have a 1 fish session and move on
  10. So should I stop catching squid until they fire up ? 2 outings in a row I've come back with left over bits of squid seems a waste because I don't use it all, just freeze it for next time
  11. I wish, off to Bali for 2 weeks so no fishing til I get back
  12. Took a gamble on the weather, and it paid off! Was meant to be terrible, but as Im going overseas next weekend decided to have one last crack at the kings before I went away. Ive also purchased a new carbon fibre rod, reel and 15lb braid off online shop, all up cost me about 80 bucks including shipping. Firstly the reel was crap and didnt spool the brain evenly, so I decided to spool up my jarvis walker reel after giving it a service and went on very nicely, so the online shop reel can be for the Mrs seeing as it ended up being purple and not blue. The braid, well I can break 8lb line with my hands quite easily, however couldnt budge this cheap online shop stuff rated at 15lb. Only thing I noticed was the die was coming off onto the guides whilst I was spooling it up, other than that It held up quite well. I ended up with a massive birds next after the first few casts so I just cut it off and left it with less line on it and worked fine for the rest of the day without any problems, casting distance is great and rod is nice and solid. Unfortunately we couldn't find them anywhere... again! becoming quite frustrating after starting the summer off so stong Anyway we got the Roseville boat ramp at about 5:30, only 1 other guy there as we launched, not another soul in sight. Motored out to collect some yakkas quickly, then off to find some squid. Spotted a school of tailor on the way over and have a flick at them with blades for a double hook up to the boat which was a good way to start the morning. As we keep moving I flicked my lure out hte back of the boat and hooked up to another tailor, wasnt interested in keeping it but still fun to catch and let him call off There was a school of bonnies floating around but they moved too quickly and didnt want to waste time chasing them until later in the day. My $10 pink jig is still working wonders for me, hooking onto a nice squit within a few casts, actually had another one following my jig up to the boat! Managed one more good sized squid before we decided to head to north head in search of kings. Stopped at some markers on the way, nothing but pickers so we didnt hang around for long. North head was basically the same, but mainly our baits were untouched. Went to chase the bonnies busting up all over the habour and my shoulder is sore today from so much casting, clicking metal lures at them and struggled to hook up properly, numerous dropped fish and missed hits, just wasnt our day! We went over to the naval wharf and waited for them to make their way over to the saftey of the restricted area, paid off because I look at the sounder and first 5m is clear then from there to the bottom is chockas with fish, cast out and let the lure sink for a good 20 secs then start cranking and Im on straight away! Get it to the boat its well hooked, no chance of this one getting away! Adam hooks onto a nice fat bonnie, goes for at least 5 runs before we manage to net it bugger, measured up at 51cms and very thick! I manage one more bonnie before the sounder goes dead again and the fish move on again. Not sure if they were actually feeding on anything, none of the fish had anything in their stomachs when we gutted them, made hard work for use but the persistance definately paid off in the end. Overall very happy with the days fishing, weather, and new gear. 2 of the fish I caught, one came in at 1.1kg the other at 1.3kgs
  13. Where are the kings!?! We had fresh squid down on the harbour markers and north head, nothing Are they in botany bay atm ?? 2nd outing in a row with no kings, lucky we can find plenty of Bonnies as they still make good sashimi
  14. Casting better with braid, I find my fluro gets caught in the air while casting. Reeling in a fish is more fun on fluro when ur hooked up to a nice Bonnie on 8lb line ! Gotta let it have heaps of drag that's for sure
  15. Mate keep them coming ! Cheers
  16. I've gt 8pm fluro all the way through on my little rod, used it for small bream and 50cm Bonnies, squid and trevs too, easier than carrying around leader, if it gets scuffed I just pull off some line and bin it, new stuff underneath is the goods
  17. They put up a good fight but basically they are just annoying, one cool thing i did last time I was out off longy was burleyed up really hard and it had them going mental at the back of the boat, stuck my Olympus camera in the water and filmed them, looks really cool !
  18. Hey mate nice catch, were you landbased off the beach/rocks ? Or in a boat ? Cheers
  19. I've got a vac sealer at home so I just fillet it up after being in the fridge for a few hours then vac seal it and back in the fridge again, i can only stomach chips while on the boat, don't know how well sashimi would go down and probably a bit warm to fillet nicely as well.
  20. I'm better in the kitchen than I am on the end of the rod, closing the gap every day though!
  21. Really good! Not as firm as Kingfish, very delecate and tastes awesome! had the rest for lunch today
  22. Headed out in the harbour on Saturday to continue our mission to get some more kings. The weather forecast was pretty shocking but I’m always an optimist, and full of beans to get out there. Water quality was pretty bad and the usual squid spots were green and we couldn’t get any. Managed some yakkas for the just in case and headed over to try one last squid spot. Pulled up and first cast I’m onto a squid ! pulled it in and it was only a baby one, into the bucket, second cast, onto another one! How good is this! Felt bad for the charter guy anchored up near us watch me pull in 2 in 2 casts while they pulled in nothing… I was using a $10 pink jig, seems to be working well for me at the moment. Anyway, I should have kept my strike rate at 2 from 2, because it ended up being 2 from 100 and we didn’t get anymore squid. Happy that we at least had some fresh squid we motored off to North Head to try and test out my Kwells, lucky for my they are working pretty well so I get to keep my breakfast. Stopped at a marker on the way is something decent grabbed by baby squid head (it’d died already so halved it up) and went for a run, just didn’t get the hook set enough and spat the hook and got away L See a guy trolling a live yakka fighting a good sized king for about 5 mins, only to lose it right at the boat thanks to his mates netting skills, his mate copped it! Hard ! Was entertaining to watch – because it wasn’t us losing a fish I guess. So we throw our squid strips overboard, mine isn’t down for long and I feel it go, give it a good strike and not much of a fight, so I’m thinking its not a king, maybe a trevalley. Up comes this weird looking thing! Turns out it’s a FishRaider record, not bad for my first Leather Jacket! 46cms & back in the ocean it went. Gave up bobbing the swell and nothing on the sounder, not even pickers, so we packed up and headed into some sheltered areas in the harbour and anchor up. My mates rod goes off after Ive been throwing in plenty of burley, fighting hard so we think it has to be a king! Turns out it ended up being a Salmon, weird that it took a strip of squid but anyway. Not long after rod goes off again and he’s onto a Bonito, but still no kings! My leader seems to just keep floating over my sinker and twisting up my line (30lb braid-swivel-50lb fluro) so probably lucky Im not hooking up to anything, we decide we’ve had enough and pull up the anchor. Just as I’ve got it up, we see a small splash, quickly grab our rods and change to metal lures and wait, bust ups all around us and away we go frantic casting ! I hook a bonito on my 8lb fluro rod and get it all the way to the boat and he spits the hook! Devastated! My mate pulls in another Bonnie, so I grab his rod while he’s bleeding his and have a cast, see a bust up next to the boat so wind in quicker to cast there, and I’m on! Get another Bonnie into the boat, these bonnies fight like kings! We have fish busting up all around it, its awesome! Jumping out of the water and everything, really awesome to see, and good end to the day after a pretty poor start, got a good feed of Bonito, made some Sushi with the Mrs, got the rice from a Japanese Restaurant as CBF cooking it myself. Hopefully next outing will have my new rod and reel setup and ill have much better casting distance than with my current fiberglass rod.
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