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Posts posted by jaysondanielgraham

  1. Went to Windang with my Brother-in-law and cuz on sat night. The night started really slow with 3 fish in the first 3 hours. So decide to wait for change of tide. Within 10 minutes all three of us are hooked up to flatts. Noticed what i thought was a large school of squid floating around so i put a squid jigg in front of their nose. Managed to get two squid and lost maybe 6 or so. Mr Gatta (Cuz) got a nice size bream and 3ocm plus whiting.

    In all their was 16 flathead, 2 squid, 1 Large occy, 1 Bream and a large whiting.

    Was a great time with some of the family cant wait to do it again.

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  2. Hi Fellow Fishraiders,

    Kingfish in Sydney Harbour have been a bit scarce lately so my son, 10 year old Alex, was very excited when he hooked onto this 90 centimetre fish! He had been trying to catch Salmon and Bonita at the time using live Yellowtail so to find this on his line was quite a suprise. He kept saying, "Dad, Dad this one is really big!" Of course, I just said, "just hang on you can do it" not realising just how big it was! It took him over 20 minutes as he was using a 5kg rod with 30 lb braid and a 30lb leader. It was a big high five when we finally got it in the net! Just goes to show that you can catch Kingies on Yellowtail and you don't have to have an 80lb leader!

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    Awsome catch mate showing all of us oldies up

  3. Yeh I see a lot of people fishing off the bridge, but I am pretty sure there are signs that say "no fishing off bridge" :wacko: I wonder if anyone ever actually gets fined there...

    I have seen a few people getting fined there. There are plenty of places to fish from the banks on the water edge.

  4. Oh sweet thanks... nice and safe no rocks? Is it a bridge or off the sand? Calm waters? Want to take the wife get her in on the hobby want it to be a good one for her!!

    mate there is nothing that will be any trouble to u. It is a nice place to go just to put your mind at rest i take the wife and kids.

  5. Hi I'm new to all this! Nice fish were are they caught In a boat or off the shore or rocks? could you give me a street name in windang if of shore keen to try it out!


    It mate it was just down at Windang bridge around the pylons fishing the run in From the shellharbor side.

  6. Hay Guys,

    Went for a fis last night down Windang last night got smashed by some good sized Flathead. I did manage to pull three out going 40cm, 47cm and this 67cm one. post-20633-042529200 1326705743_thumb.jpg

    Also went down a few nights ago got absolutly smashed by some nice fish. Did land 8 off the tasty buggers best went 54 or 55cm. post-20633-053982500 1326705979_thumb.jpg

  7. Are you land based using your sps for all these flatties?

    I've bought some and kept at Narrabeen. But have only managed to land

    a few flatties. I think I'm still learning the right time to go

    and technique etc...

    Wiating for the run out tide is the first thing for me. I dont go on a full moon i never catch anything on those nights. I find the darker the night the better.

    If anyone has anymore info that they could give that would be great.

  8. LOL about the Asian Fella dem types of Asian never learn, they really should increase the fishery peeps down there especially during the holiday periods when THIS asian fella goes down for a flick and sees shit like that happening.

    This Asian Fella does not hold back with dumbass undersize keeping asian mofos, especially his dumbass asian uncles who do the same crap who then end up in the drink with a swift kick to the rear end. They really do need to realise the days of feeding large families with whatever they catch is gone.

    Caught 13 legal size flatties last weekend on SP's all released, not to fond of them. A few undersized Bream and a whiting on worms. Looks to be a good start to the fishing season.

    Also went for a Prawn, got 2 kilos of the 4-6cm varieties over near the holiday park near the driving range but be warned, the mud there is a killer to walk through.

    When for a fish two weeks ago got 10 Flatties all legal me and the wife took home for a feed hooked plenty more and dropped heaps as well. Love fishing down at Windang all way get a nice feed of Flathead fillets every time.

  9. Congratulations on a nice big flatty. Woy Woy was famous for big lizards and in my childhood the boat sheds, jetties and telegraph poles were adorned with the dinner plate size heads of the many that were taken. My grandfather's PB was a 14 lb model taken not far from the bridges. That's a great catch at the spot where I spent most of my childhood fishing from the shore. You'd be surprised at the number of different things you can catch right there. Luderick, Bream, Jew, Jackets, obviously flatties and even Cobia have been caught right there. The calm shallow water on either side were the best producing Blue Swimmer spots I have ever found. I once lost a rod and reel to a big silver flash there. A Jarvis Walker Little Jim Deluxe fitted with a 4 inch left-handed Cedar Alvey Sidecast reel which I had won on the chocolate wheel at the old Christams Carnival that used to set up next to the OB pub. I was more upset about losing the fish than the gear though.

    As I make this next comment I apologise to the mods and inform that my intention is not to incite another locked thread, BUT, I am sick to death of the BS that comes up immediatley every time someone catches a flathead above 60cm and either releases it or keeps it. This has been going on since fishing forums began and it is in no way restricted to this forum. There are 2 locked threads in the last week over this issue and already there are multiple comments right here with biased opinion clearly stated for all to see. This will only generate the rubbish that will eventually have the thread locked and deny the original poster the chance to have his catch duly appreciated. I am not going to give my personal opinion about this here and neither should anybody else. Do the owners of the site have to make it a RULE that larger flathead must be left out of the forum altogether? or perhaps any posting that even hints at a personal opinion on "C&R V's Keep to eat" be removed immediately. Talk about the fish and how it was caught, where, on what bait or lure and using what gear. What was the tide doing? What moon phase was it. Congratulate or bag the angler as is appropriate in fun for friends or with respect if your a stranger but keep your own opinions on what to do with a "legal flathead" to yourselves.

    Sound like you had a great childhood growing up i would have loved to grow up around there. Didn't get into fishing until i was about 10 years old. Mate i think ill be making a few trips back to that bridge it was so much fun and just a nice place to be.

  10. Hay all,

    Went for a session last night at Woy Woy railway bridge. Managed to catch some squid last night so from asking a local found out this is a great spot to head. Loaded up the 10kg Tcurve and off i went. First bait in the water nothing for like a hour or more, not even on soft plastics. Then i noticed the rod tip slightly bouncing slowly lifted the rod just to see. Head shake and a lot off weight after a short fight my personal best Flathead came to the surface. She went 74cm oh happy days. Next bait instant hit but this time a lot bigger. Saw a big silver flash in the water and that is all i got busted off against the pylons on the bridge. Would like to think a nice big jew. anyway the big girl went back into the drink and i went to sleep a happy man. Can not wait to get back hear soon.

    Wish I had of got that guys name who told me about that spot because if he didn't tell me bout it I would never have gone there.

    I wish more people were like this because I know if a young guy came up to me in the future and I can help him catch a fish that he will remember for the rest of his life then it is worth sharing a spot or two.

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  11. G'day, my name is Rick.

    I was over in the fishing reports section and saw a post by jasondanielgraham. He asked for plastic fishing techniques to use on Flathead. He didn't get an answer, so I thought I'd share a few things I've learnt over the years. Flathead on plastics is the only way I seem to consistantly catch a feed, so here goes.

    Starlo once said if you can't catch flathead on plastics, you should take up bowling.....Flathead are one of the easiest fish to catch. They LOVE plastics. If you don't often come home with a feed, it's a smart move to target Flathead on Plastics.

    I fished out of my boat for 5 years before I learnt to come home with a feed. Plastics were new to me, and if ever I tried them, I'd soon give up and go back to my old bait habbits that didn't catch fish anyway. One day I forgot to bring the bait, so all I had was plastics. That day, my wife and I persisted with them until she started catching flathead. Once we figured out how she was doing it, we never looked back. We've been consistantly catching flathead for about 7 years now. That's all I know how to catch.

    If you want to catch flathead with plastics, leave other types of bait at home. You'll have to persist with plastics.

    I use 6 or 8 lb fireline, with a rod length of 12 lb flouro carbon leader.

    I have most success with bloodworn 70mm squidgie flick baits and 1/8 oz jig heads. It's probably in my head, but this works for me.

    I tie the jig head directly to the leader, I don't use clips.

    I use a 7 foot, 2 to 4 kg graphite rod with a 2500 reel.

    I find it easiest to use my techniue in 2 to 5 metres of water.

    My bread and butter spot is Patonga, around the moored fishing boats. I always seem to get a feed there.

    Between Patonga and jouno, there is a bay with a jetty. That's another great spot close to patonga.

    Between the starboard markers and the shore line at Jouno is another OK spot close to patonga.

    After heavy rain periods, the water in these spots is dirty and I struggle to catch fish for about 2 weeks.

    Here is posibly the most important thing I learnt about fishing for flathead with plastics. Drift, don't anchor. Cast in the direction your boat is drifting (generally out front). DO NOT CAST BEHIND. Here's why. When you cast out front, the line goes limp when your lure hits the bottom. If you cast out back, your lure drags along the bottom, so your line won't go limp. You need to see the line go limp. This will only happen if you cast out front. This is very important.

    So, cast out front. As soon as the lure hits the water, close the bail arm and very quickly take up the slack in your line. Stop reeling in as soon as the slack is taken up.

    Don't take your eyes off the line. You've cast out front and your boat is drifting closer to the lure, so you'll see the line go limp when the lure hits the bottom. This is the precise moment you flick the rod tip up and reel in 2 turns to take up the slack. The line is tight again, the lure hits the bottom again, flick and reel 2 turns again etc.......Sooner or later you'll flick the rod tip up and the lure will be in a flattys mouth. You'll feel him when you flick the rod tip up. You have to be quick. Flick the rod tip at the precise moment you see the line go limp. Trust me, it works.

    If you flick the rod tip up and feel some weight, quickly reel in the slack and flick the tip up again hard. 2 or 3 times if you like. I've lost lots of fish because I hadn't set the hook properly. A 2 to 4 KG rod won't rip the hook out of his mouth.

    Don't lift his head out of the water till you have him in the net. He'll go nuts as soon as his head leaves the water.

    When I set my drag, I wrap the line around my hand once and set it so it just starts to hurt my hand when I pull line off my reel. This works for me.

    If you can't detect the moment when your lure hits the bottom (read the line), you could be drifting too fast for the weight you have on. Use a heavier jig head. I normally use 1/8oz, but if the wind is up a bit and I'm drifting too fast, I'll go up to 1/4oz. In deeper water you need more weight too.

    You can't read the line if you cast out the back. You're wasting your time.

    Hope this helps, this is what works for me....everything I know. Might see you at Patonga this weekend.


    Thanks heaps Rick i will put some of that into practice and hope i can get on to a few more.

    Really appreciated

  12. Yeah got me jealous with that catch. It was on light gear not sure what exactly. Is there any size limits on big fish? Personly anything over 60cm I put back I just think flatty's and bream are a greAt fish to catch and I wanna be able to take my grandchildren down to catch them if I ever get the chance to in the future. Talking about bream I can never catch them on plastics any one got any tips? With all these posts it just shows that you all are passionate about fishing and want it to be around for generations to come

    Tight lines everyone

  13. Hey Jason

    That is the biggest flatty i have seen in a long while.

    Its imperitive for the site that the lenght be posted, a truely memourable fish. Ie did it crack the 1 metre mark.

    I have been trying for years to crack a 1 metre plus, always so so close but so far away.

    Also note the best eating flatties I have ever eaten have been the larger Dusky ones and not the smaller ones. Sand flatties aren't a scratch on duskies.

    That would have been one awesome feed.

    Swordie, well warned and jumped on quickly, the fellow has posted in good faith.


    Trapper Tom

    Hay Tom i think it went around the 97cm mark better then my best of 71cm

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