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Posts posted by jaysondanielgraham

  1. Hi Bro , Greats ... I m just star learning soft plastic , may I get some info with u ? At night time use soft plastic is it ok ? Thanks , from Sydney .

    Yeah using plastics at night is good. Fish don't need to see your plastic. They have a thing called a lateral line which is a sensor that picks up vibration in the water. So even if they can't see it they will no its there.

    What else would you like to no and remember i have only been doing this for around 3 years. So im still a baby with this. So there might be some other people out there that could help.

  2. Just a tiny bit over the metre mark.

    I lost one around that size on 4kg gear at Windang there at the bridge 2 weeks ago and i'm still burning inside. So well done on your catch :thumbup:

  3. got lucky enough to spend a week at shell harbour in jan, did well at windang mostly in the lake but got a few of an afternoon of the banks, looks like i need to start making the effort again, great take, good to see they are all well above legal

    Yeah heaps that are undersize get landed but go back in. But there are plenty off good size flats there to keep you happy. lost a lot of bigger ones over the 70cm size. plenty there to keep you occupied

  4. gday mate nice catch - try a blade for the bream and move it just enough( couple of inches at a time) to make it vibrate then stop and let it sink again, then slowly move it again etc. I find that works for bream OK


    Pete i have a question then. The water rip's through the channel there what size should i use? And solid catches on Jews in your posts wish i could do that constantly..

    Thanks your help :biggrin2:

  5. hahaha will have to try that one.

    The Blue swimmer was a female and was let go :)

    Oh what a shame are they common there? Yeah its not a bad prank tried to get my dad once but mum gave him the heads up :thumbdown:. So he got me back with a short sheeted bed the Mug.

  6. Sounds like a great night out. Hanging to get out this Friday and chase some. Hear is a good one for a joke mix in some Eno with his coffee next time. It froths up like a cappuccino and taste's like one but does have a side effect which you can find out on google. That blue swimmer will be great to eat. :thumbup:

  7. To get the bream try using 4 pound braid with 4ib fluro leader with light jig heads ultra light nitro pro heads in the various sizes 1/16 grams or more depending on current.The goal is to be able to throw the required distance using light braid.Use the gulp prawn and the turtleback worms also the bloodworm wriggler 80mm is a good alround size.Go to you tube and search for adam royter bream soft plastic videos.All the info is there mate.By the way are you local to the area.Would like to try there some time if you want some company.Never been down that way how long does it take to drive down there from sydney?.Good luck with the bream,have you tried bait?

    Regards Steve

    Yeah mate up for any company most of the time im heading down by my self so the would be great. Its about 1 hour from sydney that is what my mate said and he is at Parramatta. And thanks foe the tips will try them and check out you tube. :biggrin2:

  8. Well done!! Maybe go lighter with the jig head and smaller SP's for Bream. What is the line and leader u r using?

    I'm using 10lb braid with12lb trace. So you recon lighter then that any suggestions?

  9. i feel sorry for jackets sometimes, they have everything you look for in a fish except they are just so boring to catch some of the best meat to eat, heaps of them and no limits. like most people, i admit that once we have boated two or three we start moving around to find other fish

    They are the best for kids to learn to fish. Plus it is a good way for them to learn to respect fish with then having a nice set of teeth and the spike on there head. Plus my nephews love skinning them personally i love them. Whats the old saying never judge a book by its cover....

  10. Went for a quick session last night. Took off down to Windang after work got there bout 8pm the wife requested fresh Flathead for dinner tonight. You know what they say happy wife happy life..

    After a very slow start with one fish in the first hour things picked up and got 5 in the next. then picked up 3 more in the last hour. Used plastics 3 inch gulp green prawns and 80mm wrigglers with 9grm jigg head 9 keepers in the bag was time to go home and show the wife. I have put my order in for Thai red curry flathead, should be great in this cold weather.

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  11. gday raiders, I am on holidays at the moment and have had a fair bit of stuff happening with my mum moving her into aged care so I havent been able to get out on the water as much as I would have liked, however, I decided to go on thursday night after a lot of- will I or wont I? due to the inclement weather. Eventually just before 9pm the rain eased and I decided that I wasn't going to catch anything sitting on the lounge so I hooked up the boat and went. The plan was to spend the night fishing for jew however I was home in bed by 3am with a great bag full! I ended up with 3 big whiting a bream 2blueswimmer crabs and 5 jew! the largest jew was 68cm and the smallest 53cm. I also pulled the hooks on one that was at least as big as the biggest one that I landed and on another occasion one of the rods buckled over and as I struck for some strange reason the line popped, It must have had a knick in it and I obviously didnt see it.

    sorry the photo isnt better but I took it on the floor of the boat and it was the best I could do as I was by myself.


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    Is it better to chase Jews when its raining or just before or after? Anyway awesome catch hope i can do that one day.

  12. A good feed there, hopefully the snapper will come out to play soon.

    At least the jackets can be eaten, not like the toads...

    I Love eating jackets nice and sweet. Kids love them to no small bones and taste great with light flowering and in the fry pan for a few mins. They are a blessing in disguise if you look at it that way. But great catch there will go well on a BBQ with a :beersmile:

  13. BAHAHAHAHA :074:

    Yeah that was me. The old lady tyhat didn't help you coz you were a white boy. hehehe :thumbup:

    Oh well shame on her when i hooked that Jew she came and asked me for a plastic to use so i jogged her memory of me and you and told her to go away politely. :08:

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