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Everything posted by james1990

  1. Would wrapping them in newspaper or a towel help to remove the slime at all? Iv heard that if you wrap an eel in newspaper it removes the slime. cheers james
  2. Hi guys Just come across a type of lure that berkly makes, it is called a clam. Has anyone ever heard of these? How do you fish them? Are they any good? cheers james
  3. I mit give stingrays a try, normally we cut them off as they swallow the hook and chaff the leader up. Is there a sepcial way of cleaning them? cheers james
  4. I'll dig out the picks of me stacking, i MITE have some pics of the boat. It is a bayliner 2250l with a 280hp v8, very fast, sleek boat, there was only 4 of this model ever imported to Australia. cheers james
  5. thought i would keep a variety of pics going through from me in bed with women to me on the tube. Well i feel really tall
  6. Hey dom Me and arthur did a night session in his 8 foot plastic dinghy a few months back, we were anchored out near all the moored boats infront of the ramp, the ammount of racing around, burnouts, loud music etc you would have thought it was the summernats( i didnt mind spending 13 hours sitting there watching burnouts etc, it took the feeling of pain from my ass and legs as i didnt stand up for 13 hours), im guessing all the locals have got'n used to it, i'd love to live there cheers james
  7. With our old rig double trouble., The previous owner towed her with a landcruiser ute which had a lift kit so he moved the axle set as far backwards as possible so he didnt blow the rear tyres out on the trailer. When we bought her we towed her forabout 2 years with a ford territory and a nissan patrol which were both alot lower in the rear than a cruiser ute, and was constantly going through tyres, every 200kms of travel we would have to change one of the front tyres due to blow outs, tyre damage etc. About 12months ago we spent 2 weekends on the trailer getting the setup right so we would stop getting blowouts etc. We never had 2 change a tyre on the trailer in 12 months, and they were in top condition when we sold her. They were 9 inch wheels inflated to 38PSI each. I was told by a VERY experienced four wheel driver that the right setup for your trailer is when the hitch has 200lb's of weight on it heres the method step 1--take a set of bathroom scales and a car stand, place the carstand on the scales and drop the hitch of the trailer on it and see how much it weighs. step2--if the weight exceeds 200lb's you will have to move the wheel carrige forwards, if it is under 200lb's move the carrige backwards. untill you get the correct weight. We were lucky with the old boat that the mudgaurds, axles, wheels etc were all connected via a large metal plate so no weldding or griding was needed. cheers james
  8. found a pick of me with what im pretty sure is a cow(female dolphinfish). It doesnt really show the fish that well but And also dom, your not aloud 2 fish on the new boat with us as you have caught the largest fish for the past hundred thousand trips.
  9. Top session guys, can't wait to get onto some blueeye's, gemfish. Are harpuka a common catch at browns mountain? also offtap, i love your boat cheers james
  10. You also have 2 remember that you have one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the fone you are holding, this would affect changing gears and using your indicators etc, it also distracts your attention for driving. I have a few mates that are aged about 18-24 that all own flashy lil sports cars, v8's turbo charged lancers etc, and they all drive like d-heads(don't tell them i said that, i dont like walking home from school). cheers james
  11. Hi guys I am 16 years old, turning 17 on 25th of june. I should have got my learners licence over 11 months ago, but at the time i was a bludger n couldnt be stuffed getting them, also i felt to "IMMATURE" to be driving a car if you follow, i will be gettin my l's before june 30th as new rules will apply to learner drivers and i want my licence soon. The RTA and police are getting strict, but just think about it, these rules could one day save your life, your best mates life or the life of a person in another car or a pedestrian. Thats my 2 cents. cheers james
  12. Hi Andrew to fishraider, this is a top site, with a top bunch of fisho's who have an answer for just about every question you may need answering. Enjoy your stay. cheers james
  13. Nice tailor mate, not a bad size. Was it on bait or lure? chers james
  14. Congrats mitchell, i bet you were rapped to get the goal, i can see you are going to play for Australia one day , did your team win? what was the score? cheers james
  15. Top effort dave, nice blue eye, good to see the dollies are still around, hope they will be there for another 3 weeks, need 2 cristen the new rig . What was the water temps like around the fad? cheers james
  16. dolphinfish caught by domza, best pick i have, this is a dolphin fish. from my knowledge they can mainly be found around floatsome objects in the ocean such as weedmats, logs, peices of rope and especially FADS aslong as the water is a good temperature. Dolphnfish also is called, mahi mahi, dollie, BULLS for the males or COWS for the females. cheers james
  17. that jew would make a real nice livie Nice session girls, good bream. cheers james
  18. james1990

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday luke, hope u have a great day. Will have 2 catch up for a fish soon. cheers james
  19. Iv heard won along the breakwall on the southern end of the beach they get a variety of spcies incuding, whiting, bream, flathead, tailor, salmon, jews,sharks. Theres alot of white pointers around stockto so dont go in the water cheerrs james
  20. @#@#%^ hehehe I have a joke isn't very suitable, i think id get banned for telling, do u think i would dom? cheers james
  21. Yeh it's called mates cheers james
  22. Congats netic, enjoy reading your posts mate, keep up the good work. cheers james
  23. Evets, i bet that was a very scary moment, was there any signs on the bank indicating there was submarine cables nearby? And if anyone finds a sarca sand/reef anchor with about 3 meters of chain near the drums in botany bay IT'S MINE. cheers james
  24. Mate thats HUGGE, i want one. cheers james
  25. dribble dribble dribble. Mate u got some sexy ass gear. cheers james
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