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Scent Blazer Lures

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Posts posted by Scent Blazer Lures

  1. I reckon we are going to get nothing. And that my friends is my feeble attempt at reverse phycology!!!!!!

    seriously, we going start trolling just inside the 12 mile, then go to secret fad 19, then out to browns and just wherever, I honestly have no clue, I am just hoping for the best!!

    if there is anyone out there tomorrow we'll be on channel 21 and 22. Give us a holler and let us know how you doing, we are "Happy Hooker II"


  2. thanks, I reckon its a blue :) I saw it jump when it took the lure, it looked a little bit fat for a stripe.

    I have video of it, I'll post it soon, I have shitloads of the videos to post, I just don't have time

    No one makes any serious money from fishing, so I still have to work at my real job :) It's a pipe dream!!!!!

  3. Hey Peter

    Hey Peter

    Big fan of them blazers. The temp on Saturday was 22.8 and Sunday 23.2

    Most were around the 65-70cm mark but the biggest was landed at 81cm my PB on dollies.

    Nice, not big fish, but still great to catch. 60 is legal and I don't mind keeping couple that size to chuck on the grill.

    I can't get out this weekend, I have the kid duty. I am hoping get out next week, I was going to put the trolling lures away for little while and do a bit of jigging waiting for the tuna to turn up.

    But if the warm water is still around we might keep trolling for a little bit longer. We hooked a few blue marlin a few weeks ago in 23+ so anything can happen as long there is warm water around.

  4. How did you all go today

    Just a couple of small dollies, didn't bother trying the fads. We went wide and seemed kind of dead out there. Just past the shelf seemed the most fishy, we saw heaps of sauries there. And there was big current line just about 2 miles inside the shelf we got the dollies along that.

    good luck if you are going out

  5. yeah, we probably are, whats your call sign? ours is happy hooker, do you guys listen on 21?

    that vein of warm has moved up, its near port stephens now. So the water temp is pretty unremarkable off Sydney all 22ish. So we will try to troll around structure.

    we'll probably do something similar, put the lures just inside the 12 mile fast troll to shelf then browns, then troll mostly NE and SE of browns.


  6. Hello PETE, Thanks for the report, I was driving around for work yesterday TUESDAY , Went past the BAY, and went past SPIT BRIGDE and Narrabeen and it looked flat as a tack. WOW wish I was out there.

    Thanks for the information it least you caught something

    Cheers sydneyfisher12

    Was out all day yesterday trolled from Botany Bay to Kiama canyons didn't even turn a reel conditions where perfect

    Good work

    At least u caught some fish

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    yeah its always good to get something, I am happy just to get out there. And a couple of dollies for dinner is a bonus

    have a look at the underwater shot of the dollie taking the lure in the dark, you can just make it out behind the lure

    might be heading out on Friday, I might start trying to target the tuna from now on, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is still a marlin or 2 around, just gotta be in the right place at the right time.

    might not be the best fishing this time of year, but the calm conditions are hard to resist




  7. pretty quiet, around 5 boats on Whale Fad, saw a couple of boats pulling in small dollies, water temp around 22

    trolled pass the fad and got a hook-up on small dollie and dropped it, couldn't be bothered doing another pass we wanted something bigger so pushed out to the bait station with a couple of high speed lures out, caught a chunk of kelp going at 15 knots, it was pretty exciting there for a while, until we realised it was kelp

    we kept the kelp for salad in case we caught some fish :)

    got a few small dollies around the bait station then trolled to browns, some good water just outside the shelf around 23, bait station was 22.4 and we were sounding a lot of bait there a bit deeper, around 30-40 metres down

    trolled to the death and got a dollie in the dark just inside browns

    had an underwater camera out all day, nothing came up on the spread except for the small dollies we caught, and they were individual fish not in schools

    its worth a shot out there, there are still some good temp breaks outside the shelf, I'm sure there are some yellowfin and marlin still out there in patches

    good luck to anyone heading out

  8. Managed to catch a bit of the action late in the piece

    Enough to make a grown man scream - literally

    nice, definitely gets your adrenaline pumping huh. I have been using the go pro on the head mount, but I have found but the time you stick it on head and turn it on the fish is 300 metres behind boat if its still connected. I am going permanently hard wire a go pro the rocket launcher with big SD card in it and turn it on and leave it on all day.

    Even though I lost the fish I would have at least got shots of the leaping out as they take the lures and get hooked up.

  9. We went out wide yesterday from broken bay. Terrigal fad and onto Norah canyon sea very lumpy so trolled Terrigal fad to the Norah canyon. Was 1.30 by the time we got there so only had an hour there before the run back. One other boat there amazing topography.. The bottom drops 200plus metres in about half a mile and then up again......hence canyon. Would have liked to spend a bit longer there.

    Water 23 in close and then dropping to 22 then about 15 miles offshore. Back up to 24 out at the canyon. It is a 40 miles run back so probably won't make a habit of it. 110 miles for the day and 140 litres of fuel. ( 150 merc 4 stroke outboard) Tally for the day! 3 dollies ( 2 keepers), 2 very fat striped tuna, released and one free jumper.

    nice, you landed more fish than we did, yeah Norah Canyon is a good spot, we have done well there when we have ventured out there.

    Wow, that's a lot of fuel, my thing guzzles fuel like all hell as well.

  10. bau

    Hooked up a big blue (was well over 500lb) this morning in pretty much the same spot you did yesterday. Good pocket of warm water around browns at the moment.

    Fish went absolutely berserk and managed to bust our leader after a few minutes. Somehow managed to also destroy our teaser in the process.

    Devastating - hook was well and truly set and we had tested that rig twice last weekend as it was one of my new lure purchases. Hopefully managed to get some footage on the gopro.

    Heading back in now - sounded like a quiet day on the radio for most.

    bummer about your marlin, sounds like a biggy. We got out today late, we didn't get to Browns until about 1pm. We trolled around browns and got nothing, there were a few boats there, so we headed NE and a got double hook-up on blues around 2.30 and got busted off on both.

    On the radio, all we heard was stories about everyone losing blues. I asked, but no one on the radio would say where. I broadcast my hook-up location and one boat turned up, but it was late by then and most boats seem to be heading back at that stage. There were heaps of flying fish where we hooked up.

    All I actually landed was a stripped tuna about 5 miles before the 12 Mile, I was pretty impressed though, we hooked him going at 15knots.

    oh well, next time, if we landed everything, every time, we'd get sick of it right!

  11. The water looked great out there today, Bad luck on the Blue... But nice to find one..

    yeah the water was excellent today, we only saw one other boat out there. Its a bummer, we thought we had it, it slowed down and we thought it settled down and we just cleared the gear ready to back down on it, then it took off again and the line popped!

    oh well there is always next time :)

  12. We got busted off by a Blue Marlin today about 5NM South West of Browns today at 3.30pm. Just guessing, but it looked well over 300lb, other than that all we got was fat Striped Tuna about 8lb and lost a small Dolphin Fish both of those in closer around 60 metres.

    My co-pilot was sleeping and I was driving when it struck so by the time we cleared the gear the there was at least 400 metres of line missing on our 50W, there was a massive bow the in line it was leaping around all over the place in the distance. About 200 of line metres went missing, not sure if the line had a nick or it was pressure break due the big bow.

    For anyone heading on this Saturday:
    23 degrees about 2 miles from the heads
    then gradually drops to around 22 at the 12 mile
    just inside the shelf it goes back up to around 23.2 and then it gradually gets warmer heading towards Browns and beyond. The warmest water we found was 24.1 which was around 10NM SE of Browns. It was around 23.5 where hooked the blue. Also saw a large Mako cruising near Browns.

    There is a lot more bird activity in close. On the radio, a couple boats getting dollies around the fads, so they are still around.

    We might have the Marlin strike on our underwater camera, it hit the lure just left of the camera. Will post some photos in the next couple of days. Might even head out tomorrow, pumped now.

    Good Luck to anyone heading out.

    Scent Blazer Lures - www.scentblazer.com

  13. Think that's was an attempt at reverse psychology...but what ever works is good.

    Good luck

    you could be right :) its a feeble attempt

    but seriously we are due for one, we don't always get big fish, but we haven't had a zero since mid dec last year and my gut feeling is telling me tomorrow is the day, or maybe I am just lowering my expectations to zero, so even if we get a small dollie or stripped tuna I will still be happy

  14. We have a plan.

    Looking to head out Sat and Sunday as the weather and current looks pretty good. Leave Broken Bay on sat morning (sparrows) and run out past terrigal FAD and onto Norah Canyons and possibly Newcastle Canyons and back into Newcastle port for the night. (approx 86nm). Hoping to rustle up a hot shower somewhere.My mate reckons we will be right with some lemons soy and wasabi but I will take some cash in case we need to fall back on a humble steak at the pub. Sunday back again having hopefully picked up the current lines or temp breaks on the way up. Happy to provide info accordingly if anyone is fishing up that way.Call sign FFM and we will be on 21

    We will be in a 6.1m surtees trailerboat with a 150 merc 4 stroke and 200 litre tank.

    Will be two full on days of about 10hrs on the water and may need to modify plans if we get a few fish. Can always call into Swansea and shave 10 miles EW off the trip. .

    Not sure if there are any other worthwhile spots on route but would welcome feedback.

    Mate, a pub steak sounds really good, you will probably be sick of fish and appreciate the dry land :) I am still heading out tomorrow, I have no concrete plan, I will probably just chuck the lures in the before the 12 mile and just troll heading east towards Browns and beyond. I might even try get out Saturday as well.

    I'll stay 21 and broadcast what I get, call sign Happy Hooker. I'll do quick post tomorrow night for anyone heading out Saturday, we will probably get nothing we are seriously due for a zero.

  15. Yeah mate Friday and Sat looks like a done deal, just have to tell my boss...haha hopefully the currents slowed up on the shelf..!

    We will be out there on Saturday - going to bottom bash for kings early and then head out wider to troll for dollies and marlin later in the morning

    Heading out Friday at this stage.

    Ocean is a little rough this morning Osbourne Shoals was breaking well out in Bate Bay when I had a walk this morning.


    I'm looking at Friday...weather and crew permitting

    Thursday looks like crap so I will probably head out on Friday, maybe Saturday as well if I can swindle it. Sunday is mothers day, so that's out.

    I will be on 22 and let you know if we get anything, our call sign is Happy Hooker.

  16. Yeah your right about that... Hey have you been out with Nomad? I used to be a guide up there and remember testing those Sent Blazer Lures with a few guys..cheers

    yeah I did a trip about 3 years ago, the lures we used were all prototypes back then. We lost a few lures, straightened hooks, busted off, sharked etc. Our guide was a South African guy, Glanville, I think from memory.

    There a was a film crew that used the lures for a DVD segment on Nomad as well, that was about a year ago. They had to run the lures without the bait, they kept getting sharked otherwise, they got a few dogtooth on them.

    heres the clip they did:


    All good, small world.

  17. Cograts Mate on the Solo Marlin!

    Yeah Peter I have had the GoPro fog up or the battery run out half way through the fight and then finding my spare and changing it while fighting a crazy Black Marlin...haha It is a bit freaky sometimes when out on the shelf solo and most of the time I don't see any other boats out there.. My biggest fear is getting pulled in while in the harness or having a Marlin jump in the boat.. The risk is worth the reward..

    yeah bloody go pros :) but they are great thing and in general they are pretty reliable, I had my iphone as a backup anyway so it's all good

    I never landed a marlin in my 15 footer, I hooked a few but I dropped them. One time I hooked a stripped tuna and about 10 feet from the boat a huge mako came up and ripped to shreds, I almost crapped myself. I was about 10 miles offshore by myself.

    I used strap the engine key lanyard to my wrist every time it got a bit rough, so if I went over board at least the engine would stop. I also kept a small a rubber duckie in the cabin to inflate in case of an emergency as well. I think your boat would be harder to sink than mine was, some of the smaller boats now are probably safer than the bigger ones in terms of keeping afloat

    If I was doing it today, I would wear an inflatable life jacket all the time and have a GPS Epirb on my belt all the time, so if I went overboard I would inflate the jacket and turn on the epirb if I couldn't get back to the boat. I think they are about $500 and they last about 8 years, they are well worth it.

    for sure its scary at times, but its awesome

  18. Heading out Friday if the weather is good to us

    I'm looking at Friday...weather and crew permitting

    Good stuff, I am going to head out either Thursday or Friday. A guy from SGFC got small stripe on Friday in close around 60fathoms and another boat got a big dollie and a hook up on a blue at 750 fathoms on the same day, so I'm not sure. I might head wide for change. Put the lures in before the 12 mile and just troll east to browns and beyond.

    I'll check the water temp on Wedndesday that might help me make up my mind.

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