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Scent Blazer Lures

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Posts posted by Scent Blazer Lures

  1. My mate caught a 139.5kg Blue around the southern canyons in 421 fathoms. Was a monster of a fish!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That's a nice fish, there was a good temp break around there yesterday. I would have headed that way but we would have coped a cross wind for the long ride back to Syd Heads.

  2. Nice! Interesting to hear the pinks weren't working. Will have to check out the blues next time out!

    Maybe in the colder water they prefer more oily/fatty baits like pillies rather than squid. Next time I go out I will try an experiment, I will put pillies in the red and black lures and squid inside the blue lures and try to determine what the catalyst is for the bite, whether it's the bait type inside the lure or the color of lure that is getting them to strike

  3. Got out there yesterday with another Raider. High speed trolled at 15 knots to the 12 Mile for nothing. Put the whole spread out at the 12 Mile, water temp around 21.5. We got a couple of small Dollie hook-ups near the 12 Mile but dropped them, they looked really small anyway, but there were plenty jumping around.

    Trolled our way to Heatons from there, along the shelf we found a trap and got one 70cm Dollie around it, we saw others jumping around it but they all looked pretty small so we kept heading wide, plus we couldn’t find the trap again anyway :). We got Stripy and Dollie hook-ups along the way out. Around 10NM from Heatons we landed a nice Bull in 21. Happy with that we started trolling back with just big lures out hoping for something big, but got nothing else.

    Seemed to get more fishy the wider we went, more birds, more current and more hook-ups out wider. Blue lure chain with pillies inside got every hook-up except for the Bull which was on a 12 inch purple lure with stripy and pillies inside. Our red and black lures with squid inside didn’t get hit once this time out, maybe the predator’s menu items are changing with the colder water.



    Good luck to anyone heading out on the w/end.











  4. We got out last week for an arvo fish. Absolutely bucketing down around noon as we rounded the heads, eventually it started to clear up and we even got some sunshine later in the day, 4 seasons in day.

    Went to The Peak and Plonk Hole fads first and got nothing there, coldest water there for a while 21.5 and it seemed really dead there, we didn’t see any jumping dollies.

    Trolled NE towards 12 Mile then NE along the shelf and beyond, water temp rising along the way to as high as 23.5, a little east of 12 Mile in 22.5 we started picking up dollies. We got them here and there all the way to the outside of the shelf, then nothing beyond the shelf, we started picking them up again as we came back into the shelf.

    Around 15 hook-ups in total, some really small, we dropped about as many as we landed, a few nice fish going around 5lb. Also a strike on a sinking lure, we were pulling in a Dollie, then I noticed the rod in the corner starting to slowly buckle over, I wound the reel and but it wouldn’t budge, it didn’t run fast but peeled off some line slowly for about 2-3 seconds before it became unstuck, not sure what it was but had some weight to it, it was on 37kg gear with the drag set really hard.

    These lures did the trick for us; lure chains got most of our fish as per normal:




    Good luck to anyone heading out over Easter, Monday looks good.







  5. Yeh Pete, I have a certain colour pink that gets smashed all the time , I am certain that there is some that works better than others i think. Cant wait to try your ones with the extra scent in the back, SCENT BLAZER LURES YEH YEH, LOL.

    Yeah, pink has always been a good color, this is what I reckon pink would represent squid right, and squid are soft and pretty much defenceless from any predator, except for using their ink to escape. So every predator will attack squid or something that's looks like squid, no hard bones or sharp bits in squid either, they are like the perfect food for predictors.

    And that's right you will only get more fish once you put real squid inside your pink SB lures! I should make you my sales rep :)

  6. Peter I'm literally 10 hits to 1 on pink vs any other colour this season. I only troll 2 rods one with pink and one with either green or blue, we couldn't believe the hit rate one day, we also put out a pink vs a purple and red and still pink got hit every time for dollies and tuna.

    Needless to say I'll be buying some of your pinks for next season!

    yeah ok, we used a pink lure earlier this season and we got a few dollies on it, then I went fishing with Moonshine from FR and we lost the pink lure on a really big dollie. I replaced that lure with a red and black lure, but the red and black lure also has a lot of pink in it. So that makes sense the lure that has the most pink in it works best. We have been getting strikes on all the colors we have run, but definitely the ones with pink in them are getting hit more.

  7. Got out there late, which is normal for us, arrived at Sydney Heads around midday. Water was great in close 23.5 and really blue so we put the lures straight in figuring the Marlin could be anywhere. Sounded bait everywhere in close and saw big schools of Slimies between 4 -6 miles out. The plan was to troll about 5 miles east of Browns where the current was running at around 2-3 knots and troll along the edge of the current.

    Trolled pass the Fads on the way out, didn’t pick up anything on them at first with single lures, so we put a trusty lure chain out and did another pass, then we started to pick up fish on the chain. Got around 3 Dollies around The Peak Fad (which is currently about 1 mile south of where it should be). We kept the lure chain out and picked up another 2 small dollies on it on the way to Browns. Got 5 in total, none very big, 2 went just legal.

    About 2 miles east of Browns in 24.5, we got a hit on the shot gun, I was driving at the time and I didn’t see anything breach but figured it was a marlin, so I free spooled the lure for about 3 seconds, when I pushed the drag back it, it was hooked, a decent Blue. I took the boat up to 12 knots to set the hook and we were on.

    Took about an hour to land and release. He was decent, I couldn’t hold the rod at times, I was so tired, we kept having the put rod in the holder and I just wound it in low gear while backing up on it, I was so spent on that fish. Not sure how big it was but easily over 150kg.

    I inspected the other lures after we released it. 3 lures got hit, 2 other lures were scratched and the trace was billed on them. Not sure if it was same fish that billed all the lures or another fish in the spread that we didn’t see.

    We got the marlin on a Medium Sardine Slant Head, packed the lure with pilchards and yellowtail:

    The Dollies were all caught on our Ballyhoo lure chain with pilchards inside the stinger lure:

    Great day out, conditions were great as well. Quite a few boats out there, heard on the radio a few other boats hooking up out there as well, mainly along the shelf or just east of it. A few boats parked on each of the Fads as well.

    Good luck to anyone heading out over the weekend.










  8. Pink skirts are the go right now, no hits on green or blue only pinks... Interesting to see you're the same

    yeah definitely reds and pinks are working better than blues and greens this season for sure, This color has got us a few marlin strikes and dollies this season, but the reds are dominating.


  9. Love the colours you've captured in those dollie pics, nice report too. thanks for sharing

    yeah when get them we try just to hold them up and not et them touch the deck, so the slime is still on them and the colors are preserved, then we just take 10-15 shots really quickly on a small $200 Sony camera, usually about 2-3 shots are really good, the rest the fish is moving around too much and we just delete those

  10. Managed to get out there on Tuesday 17, with good conditions and good water close in we put the lures in about a mile out. We got Dollies all day from about 3 miles out all the way to the Plonk Hole Fad. Half the dollies we caught were near Fads and rest just trolling between spots.

    One Marlin hook-up as well about a half a mile inside The Peak, saw it swimming under the teaser, we pulled the teaser straight in and it disappeared for a few seconds before billing 3 lures in the spread. Had him hooked-up for a few seconds before he became unstuck, didn’t get a good look at it, but guessing it was a Stripe.

    About 12 or more Dollies in total, the biggest going around 5-6lb. Water temp as high 23.5, water really blue and sounding bait everywhere.

    Lures chains as usual did most of the damage on the Dollies, we put pilchards in the bait chamber of the stinger lure.

    Red and Black lures with squid inside has also been braining it for us this year. It’s caught or hooked most of the bigger fish we got this season.

    Good luck to anyone heading out!







  11. Got out there with another Raider, Rick. Just got 6 Dollies, biggest maybe 5lb ish. Good water right out of the heads. We trolled all the way to Browns where the water was almost 27, lots of current lines and bait on the sounder. All the Dollies we caught were in closer between 3 -7 miles out and mainly around The Peak. We got nothing out wider.

    Heard on the radio a nice Blue was caught off Port Hacking, another Raider, congrats J

    In hindsight we should stayed in closer around The Peak where the water was 24ish. We did get one hard knock-down in the arvo near The Peak, might have been a beakie but we didn’t see it. Good conditions after midday, seas were pretty smooth, good day out.

    Good luck to anyone heading out next week.




  12. hell yeah, that's a nice fish! well done

    we were out yesterday off Sydney as well, we heard you guys on the radio calling it in. We fished around the Peak for a while then trolled all the way to Browns, At Browns the water was almost 27, good water everywhere and lots of current lines. In hindsight I think we should have stayed in closer where the water was around 24. We did get one hard knock down near The Peak which might have been a beakie but we didn't see it. All we managed was around 6 Dollies, the biggest going around 6lb and they were all caught near The Peak.


  13. well done dude, its kinda of scarey landing them solo, I got one a little while back solo and I was freaking out the whole time hoping nothing would go wrong, they are a powerful fish

    I recently mounted a go-pro on my boat that runs non-stop so its always recording everything all the time, I plug it into a cigarette socket so its always powered and I don't have to worry about battery running out, if you want I can show you how I set it up

    there are heaps of yellowtail out there and the dollies we've been catching are full of small gold/yellow leatherjackets, so that colour lure is a good match for baitfish out there


  14. LOL, that's a start, you caught the eye, maybe next time you will get the rest of the fish :)

    Dolphin fish eyes are yellow, that one looks white and its pretty big, so I would say it's a marlin's eye.

    It's a bummer it got injured, but that's fishing, you have to expect some injuries when you're dragging lures around with big hooks in them. I have caught Dollies before with one eye healed over, so hopefully he might be ok.


  15. Well done what a Stonker of a Dollie , Bloody Awesome . now where would you get it Mounted and how much would it cost ?

    Cheers Oziodin :fishing1:

    ps: just in box me re: price & place.

    well done, I'm rapped for you, that's an awesome dollie

    you can get fish casts made in the US, you just choose the size of the fish and the type



  16. Yes I think you are right, you may not have to venture out too far this weekend, combined with good seas, great time to take kids out. I'm stuck unfortunately this weekend, no way to get out.

    Got out today in the arvo for a late start around 2pm, all we got were small dollies and we lost one small stripped tuna. On the radio we heard one boat getting small dollies around the Terrigal Fad but nothing else. Tonnes of bait fish out there. We saw big schools of slimey mackerel feeding along the surface but nothing busting them up. A couple of the dollies we got were just legal a little over 60cm, they're guts were full of really tiny bait fish around 2cm. Good current lines out there about 5 miles out and water temp up to 26, conditions were great.



  17. Great dollie Peter! I hope everybody is heading out this weekend, it's looking pretty good so far.

    Yeah weather is looking great for the weekend. We will probably be heading out tomorrow for a afternoon session. Taking out a mate and a whole heap of kids, hopefully we can put them on a marlin or a big dollie to make it exciting. We will probably go about 5 miles east and then head north along that line, there is a break about 5NM miles out that goes from around 24 to 26, we will run that line north then ride the NE winds back to Sydney. Might venture a bit winder at some stage to the Bait Station, see how we go. Might not have to go wide to get fish.


  18. Well done there seems to be more big dollies around this year than the past few years

    Hope the engine dramas are only minor

    pretty minor, just the alternator, I replaced one alternator about 6 months ago, should have changed them both at the same time it was bound to go as well, might change the name of the boat to "The Money Pit" or "This boat is putting my mechanics kids through university"

    yeah a lot of fish around this season so far, some big dollies and good marlin already, we have been getting decent Dollies since September and we dropped 3 really big dollies this season as well

    great season so far

  19. Finally managed to get out there on Tuesday, with reports of marlin getting hooked all over the place and the BOM forecast of 1m seas it was looking good.

    1m seas my arse, it was horrible, easily 20-25 knots SE winds with a 1.5-2m short swell, we got knocked around all over the place, to make matters worse we lost an engine about 1m out from Sydney Heads. Anyway, thought f*cK it, we were already out there so we decided to push on with one engine hoping the wind would drop at some stage.

    Water was 24, electric blue one mile off Sydney Heads, so we put the lures straight out and trolled SE. We caught a Dollie around 40lb around 3pm, had 3 shots at it with the gaff before sticking it, bloody hopeless, I think I took my stupid pills that morning J. Hooked another bigger Dollie about an hour and half later, but he threw the hook right near the boat which was perfect because we would have released it him anyway having landed the 1st one.

    We got another hook-up about half an hour later, it peeled off a crap load of line in a few seconds, I checked the lure and leader for marlin scuffing, no scuffing but the hook had been bitten off, guessing either a Wahoo or another big Dollie. Very fishy out there, saw heaps of flying fish, big bait schools in close and water as warm as 26.7 around The Peak. All our hook-ups were on a red and black lure and the other a pink and blue lure, both lures had squid inside them.

    At about 5.30 headed back and enjoyed the soft ride downwind back to Sydney Heads, hooked a few really small Dollies on the way back, but none of them stuck on the larger lures, then the slow ride back to the marina on one engine. Anyway, all good , turned out to be a pretty good day despite the conditions and engine problems.

    Got video of landing the fish and the knock downs, will post it later. Good luck to anyone heading out.


    SB Lures








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