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Scent Blazer Lures

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Posts posted by Scent Blazer Lures

  1. Hey I saw a fishing show today on fox sports and they were catching hairtail in between some moorings, it looked like it was in middle harbour somewhere or maybe near the spit.

    Did anyone see it and does anyone know where it is. I'd love to take my dad fishing there and try to get a few. He keeps telling me stories of the big ones he used to catch up the Hawksbury.


  2. I'll be out Tomorrow. Even if it's for a zero it's still a nice day out on the water. If everyone sits at home waiting for everyone else to catch a fish first the season may never start. Gotta be in it to win it boys. I'll be on 21 "serenity now" more than happy to share Info if I find fish.

    yeah same, I am going to get late start tomorrow and fish the arvo. Every time you get a good day weatherwise and you can make it out, you take it, who knows what will turn up.

    about 10nm NE of Browns looks pretty good, lots of little stripped tuna there on Thursday, bound to be bigger stuff in amongst it.

  3. Unfortunately no good news to report guys. I was at Browns by 6am and got back at 6pm for zeros. I trolled the whole day except for a one hour drop at Browns. Nothing much happening on the radio until sunset when i heard one or two boats caught some fin on the cube. It was also pretty choppy until after lunch. Good luck to anyone who ventures out wide. Best water i found with lots of birds and dolphins smashing bait was at S 33 58 524 151 48 066 E which was about 9nm NE of Browns.

    I was at the exact spot on Thursday, we found a temp change there and hooked around 10 small striped tuna around the area, all small. Bound to be something bigger turn up, maybe a marlin or 2 still hanging around.

  4. Is that last pic with the j ray? . Seems to be a good patch of wAter out there ATM. The weekend should see good numbers of fish

    yeah its got a j ray in the head

    a couple of months ago we have figured out a way run a lure behind a camera permanently, the lure runs about 2 feet behind the camera. we record the hook up and the fight, that's how we got that shot

    the camera helps us figure out what works and what doesn't, I can tell you this for sure fish are in no way scared of lures that are lit up with LEDs, it helps them spot the lure I am guessing

    the only downfall to our new filming method is if hook something really big we lose the camera if we get busted off, We lost a camera on a marlin about 2 months ago, it would have been the most insane footage if we got it

    we are hoping go some big YFT and BFT on the camera soon

  5. Got out yesterday, just puny Striped Tuna for us J

    About 10 hook-ups in total, 3 into the boat and dropped the rest, all really small.

    This might help anyone heading out looking for tuna over the weekend.

    Browns – 20.8
    5 miles East of Browns - 19.5
    10 miles East of Browns half way to Heatons – Goes from 19.5 to 20.8 pretty abruptly there is visible current line there. There is about 3-4 knot current running east to west.

    We were getting small Stripped Tuna strikes either side of temp break that was half way to Heatons. The fish’s stomachs were full of really small squid about 1-2 inches long. Unfortunately we lost an engine at 2.30pm so we decided to make our way back in not stay out there. We got a few more stripy hookups on the way back in.

    Turns out it was simple electrical fault and probably should have had a look at it out there. Oh well, shit happens!

    Good luck to anyone heading out!

    sb lures – www.scentblazer.com




  6. nice, where abouts? We got out there yesterday, but had problems with one of our engines so we only made it a little beyond browns before heading back. We hooked about 10 small striped tuna, boated a couple and the rest came off.

    exactly, its not quick but it gets you back and you can troll all the way back :) mechanics fixed it now, electrical fault!

  7. nice, where abouts? We got out there yesterday, but had problems with one of our engines so we only made it a little beyond browns before heading back. We hooked about 10 small striped tuna, boated a couple and the rest came off.

  8. Well much to my disgust I just got told by my boss I have to work tomorrow & he cant do without me, I hate my boss now.

    I hope all that are heading out tomorrow have great success & ill be thinking of you all out there tomorrow.

    Goodluck guys look forward to the reports

    Sadly Steve :-(

    that's a bummer, I am not sure if I can make it either now, but still hopeful. Saturday looks ok, not as good as tomorrow.

    I predict if go out tomorrow I will catch nothing :)

  9. might be going out on Thursday as well, as per normal I don't have a concrete plan yet, I am thinking of putting the lures in just inside Browns and making my way to Heatons or starting at Browns then Southern Canyons then Heatons

    probably troll 2 lures really long at 12-15knts for a while looking for signs, birds, current lines, temp breaks, etc and if we come across somewhere that looks fishy i'll drop the full spread out there

    happy to share on 21, our call sign "Happy Hooker"


  10. Thanks for the advice. I know longy is meant to be good for snapper but haven't had much luck there myself yet

    yeah same, I haven't fished it that often but all the times I have fished the bottom there all I have gotten is sweep and SB. That was the first time I got snapper there, but in the past we normally fish wider in about 40m straight off the point, this spot was in closer and half a mile south of the point.

    Try those co-ordinates and see how you go

  11. Sounds like a good day even if it wasn't what you expected.

    Just a question about snapper fishing - do you normally fish for then in the deeper parts next to a reef rather than on top of the reef?



    we don't specifically go for snapper, we just bottom bash and hope for snapper, but we are just as happy to catch Morwong or Flatties or any other tasty fish down there. I have heard though that the bigger snapper are caught in the shallower water off longy, The Wall is supposed to be good and I think that's only around 10m.

    Try the co-ordinates I posted above, we got 2 there in quick succession, weren't big, but keepers and weren't doing anything to clever, just a 2 hook dropper rig with a snapper lead using squid and pillies for bait. I am sure there would be bigger ones there as well and we saw kings coming up to the surface. I am sure at times it would be plagued with sweep, but that can happen at any spot on any given day.

    to get the snapper over the shallower spots, but you probably need different tactics, anchor-up, burley-up and throw out light or unweight baits I am guessing.

  12. Thats the lateset dolly off Sydney i have heard of and nice size too

    When you say the long reef channel do you mean the wall?



    yeah I know, its June right! I wouldn't be surprised a few more get caught around the FADs this weekend. We will probably fish wide next week, might try Fad 19 on way out that would be cool if got more this late in the season.

    This is where we got the Snapper, there were small kings and shit loads of sweep that came to the surface when we pulled the snapper up but we couldn't get the kingies to bite anything

    DMS S 33:45:7.509 E 151:19:41.6

    I never fished it before, we just saw it on the map and said looks like a likely spot for a bottom bash. There's a large reef that looks like an Island underwater on our nav map which it goes into a channel 25-30m deep then back up to 12m going towards to shore. We fished it from 20-30m deep. Its about 500m to 1k wide. If no one has named it I am calling it "Pete's Reef" :) Its seems like a good place to use knife jigs.

    I don't know where the wall is at longy, I have heard its good. I think its right in front of the point there.


  13. yeah it was a good day, I was hoping to do some spinning for kings

    that's amazing, 20.6 on the FAD for this time of year. it was less than 20 yesterday.

    not hearing anything on Tuna front, I haven't heard anyone getting one, not even stripped tuna. There was striped marlin caught on the weekend about 5 miles south of the Browns.

    I might try the southern canyons and heatons weather permitting next week.

  14. We got some good reports of large numbers of kings being caught off Long Reef, so we thought we would give that a try for a change.

    Got to Long Reef around 10am our usual late start :) About 6 boats there, we trolled around there for about an hour or more, didn't see anyone else get a fish and we got nothing as well but we briefly saw a school of kings bust up the surface chasing big Gar Fish, wasn't a big school that surfaced and we didn't see them again.

    Too many boats there for our liking and we had no plan, so we just started trolling east. Thought we try Hydraulics, maybe some kings on hold there. About a mile before the fad, we caught a Dollie around 70cm in 19.7. Then another on the fad which was a bit smaller. Did a few passes and got nothing else.

    So we fanged it back to Long Reef to try for Kings again. No boats there around 1pm, started trolling and a few boats started to show up, we got one King around 70cm on the lure down rigged to camera and another smaller one a little later. We couldn't find any Kings on the surface to throw lures at, so around 3pm decided to have a real quick bottom bash in the channel at Long Reef. Got 2 pan sized snapper on the first 2 drops, then a SB, when we pulled the Snapper up there were hundreds of Sweep following it up along with a couple of Kingies under them, threw a bit of burley out to keep them around but the Kingies wouldn't take anything.

    Headed in around 3.30.

    SB LURES - www.scentblazer.com





  15. yeah its a bummer, oh well the tuna will show up soon I hope

    I got a report on the weekend, a boat got a stripped marlin about 5 miles east of Browns in 20.7 on Saturday, its such a good season if there is still marlin around

    I thank global warming for that, Sydney might be the new tropics :)

    might head out tomorrow for a few hours in the morning just to Long Reef and maybe try to get a few of those kings everyone is catching.

  16. Great work boys I knew you would get something and for me that would off been a great day out on the water

    What is Secret FAD 19

    Cheers sydneyfisher12

    its Fad 19 that the fisheries put out, its pretty much on the Plonk Hole, its not really a secret :)

  17. ok, we got 5 small dollies, 3 of them around Secret Fad 19 and 2 of them wider along the shelf. We dropped a few as well, all small fish, 60-70cm

    water temp 20 out of the heads then picked up to 21.5 just inside the 12 Mile where we decided to drop the lures in. The warmest water we found was 22 around Fad 19. The shelf was 21.7 and it was the same all the way 10 miles east of Browns. The current is really strong 4 knots at least running north the south.

    Took 2 Korean friends with us, they were sick as dogs all day. They spent most of the day sleeping in cabin in-between getting up to throw up :) But they said they were keen to try it again, one of them is a chef so we were hoping for a tuna so he could turn it into fresh sashimi, but not such luck.

    We almost lost a camera on the fad, the current pushed the camera and lure into the fad rope and the lure got caught, had a hell of time getting it off, wind and current made it hard to back up onto it to release it, but we did it. We got some good footage of on it, and we saw there still lots of dollies and small kings hanging around that fad.


    SB - Lures www.scentblazer.com






  18. Good luck mate hope you get something always keep confident just remember don't give up until you can't fish because your dying or something like that.

    Cheers sydneyfisher12

    yeah we hope we can get something as well, we can only try, I am hoping for at least 5 YFT over 50kg :)

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