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Scent Blazer Lures

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Posts posted by Scent Blazer Lures

  1. that's unreal, well done, I just checked ripcharts and there is a crazy temp break that runs along the shelf at the moment

    haven't been get out myself for 3 weeks, too much work and school holidays. So jealous, I am stinging to get out, might be able to get out there next Tuesday, fingers crossed the fish hang around

  2. Was out yesterday fellas we trolled for 6 Hrs NE of browns couldn't even raise a stripey. Water was at 18.6c however heard a guy hookup apparently 10NM NE of Heatons a looong way out.



    bummer, i got one unconfirmed report of the football YFT everywhere east of browns, and I saw the photo the 30kg fish, he said that caught about half way to heatons from browns

    the guy could have been BSing about the small yellowfin, who would thought that a fishermen would tell lies lol :)

  3. no mate I would love to as per normal, I am thinking of getting out there one day this week. Is anyone going to be heading out any days this week?

    Thursday doesn't look too bad weatherwise and the weekend looks ok

    on Sunday quite a few football YFT were caught and bigger one around 30kg was boated all about 5NM NE of browns

  4. Did a combo for a change, did a couple of drops over Browns first. We got a Red Rock Cod and a Belt Fish, looks like hairtail. Are they any good to eat? We had a monster fish on the last drop but it busted us off about half way up.

    Heard a few small YFT and Albacore caught on the radio NE of Browns. A couple of boats radioed and said they caught them jigging. Water over Browns was green so we fanged it NE and found a temp break and better water about 6NM from the mountain. Chucked the lures in there and got an Albacore almost straight away. We hooked a 2nd while pulling in the first, it took a sinking lure. Got another on the lure behind the camera. Trolled for a little while longer and headed back, had way more than enough fish on-board.

    Biggest around 20lb.









  5. Its definitely a stripie. You can see the prominent blue stripes on the silver body. Albacore dont have

    the stripes and have distinctively long pectoral fins.

    Albies are tasty suckers too.

    yeah right I can see the stripes under the tangle of the teaser, is anyone heading on Sunday or Monday?

  6. We were out yesterday in beautiful conditions. Trolled from the shelf to browns then set cousre NE of browns.

    when 10kms from browns picked up two albacore in quick succession. Trolled back to browns and started a

    cube trail going for the next 4hrs. Hooked up to 3 good sized (100kg+) makos. Water temp at browns was around 19C.

    We pulled up stumps at 2pm and started trolling in. About 6kms west of browns water temp got up to 20.8C

    when we got a good strike and lightning run. We called it for a yft but dropped it after about 2 minutes.

    That was it for the day.

    good job on the albies and makos, bummer about the yft, next time :)

    hey I just looked at the photo of the tuna we caught, is it a small albie or a striped tuna? i called it a small stripy and we let it go

  7. Pretty quiet day out there yesterday Damo, we got one YFT on the first tide change then nothing for the rest of the day.. there's small jellybeans jumping about out there around Browns but they're too interested in the sauries to take a lure - there's lots of birds showing where and when the fish are about to rise, but very hard to keep up with them.. they come up quickly then go back down deep just as fast... we trolled Sthn cans out to 2000, up to heatons, back to the nthn canyon, back to browns then trolled in - apart from the jellybeans at browns and lots of whales, we saw nothing else all day

    Did hear an unconfirmed report on 21 that someone caught a small black marlin to the west of browns.

    Cheers - Secho

    yeah we saw you guys late in the arvo chasing the fin, we saw them jumping and chasing the sauries as well just west of browns, by the time you get near them they've moved a mile, at least you guys got one earlier. We were hoping for a fin, every time we hooked a stripy we were getting the gaff ready hoping it was a small fin, but we can't complain, we got a few dollies

  8. Awesome stuff Pete and thanks for the report! Good luck over the next few days!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

    thanks, we didn't win, only 2 weighable blues in the whole comp, just over 300lb, 322lb the biggest, that guy has won a shit load of money

    we got a small blue, too small to bring to scale, but still a really fun trip

  9. hey, we got a crap loads of football sized YFT, could have caught them all day all around 10-25lb.

    I love the conditions here, its practically a salt water lake, no swell. Nothing like Sydney, we do it tough!

    We dropped 2 decent blues and landed a small stripe in our pre fish along with the YFT we caught. The comp has been running 2 days now and everything we caught hasn't been big enough to weight in so far.

    Its a slow comp, out of 70 boats the biggest weighable fish as of today 2 is a 52lb YFT.

    If someone weighs in a blue or a black over 300lb tomorrow they pick up $700USD prize money.

    Peter - SB Lures




  10. Well, talk to me at the start of next year and see if we can get a scent blazer/fishraider team together. I reckon I could get a few together.

    I'm heading to Darwin in October with a few raiders for a 5day trip and can't wait!!!

    yeah nice, its worth putting it out there, see whos interested

  11. Do you need a crew? Would be quiet happy to join you at a moments notice! Lol

    Good luck!

    LOL, yeah might be a bit late for this one

    the guy who wonThe East Cape Tournament 2 years back won $50k using our lures and teasers, so he's invited me to fish on his team :)


    Scratchie you could get an all Australian team together for next year, its not that expensive if you get a few people to split costs. Boat hire for a kick ass boat is about $500 a day, everything else is cheap there, accommodation, beer, food, etc and the fishing is insane. We hooked around 3-6 marlin/sailfish everyday we fished there last year plus a few dollies and YFT thrown in each day, and they say that's an average day.


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