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Everything posted by xtosea

  1. Congrats on your first Jews, the rest will be easy..
  2. Try a double uni knot, with more pulls though the loop with the braid.
  3. My GF and I returned from Queensland last week and fished mainly nights in lit up areas with bait present, we used glow in the dark plastic colours such as Lime Tiger and Nuclear Chicken in 3" Minnows and got an assortment of fish from Jews to Bream, to Big Eye's to Moses Perch,so plastics do work at night, others she got were Mono's and Pike. I dont think many people try them at night but they do work.
  4. You wont have any probs with it mounted at the back of your boat on a drop down holder type thing. A few mates have it and they work a treat.
  5. Drifting anywhere there just along the channels should get you a feed for sure, they are everywhere, focus on the change of low tide from my experience, or at least the run out.
  6. I saw it at Marina Mirage on the Gold Coast last week, it does definitely look different.
  7. I find the same when fishing for Jews, usually only a few rods out of a stack are the ones that will get the fish, i feel it is the way they are set up and nothing more, that is the reel,rod, line and trace. I think you better go and buy 3 of that same combo
  8. The Godzilla's are tops, no rating, i rate them highly.
  9. im no expert but we use a fast double twitch to make it erratic. and pretty quick wind.
  10. Is it corroded? Try some tiny pliers, or whats worked for me in the past in similar situations is a pin with blue tack on it? Or chewing gum?
  11. Well done champ, they come easy after the first. My Gf and I have been getting a few too in the last week.
  12. You can get trevally there, Kings, Salmon, Jews and Big Bream and Flatty's around the moored boats around the point.
  13. Try under the Harbour BRidge, a long cast will be needed. Chance of anything there at night. Blues Point is another good spot worth looking into.
  14. It fishes very slow at night, only Stingrays out the front from my experience? What are you targetting? There may be some Bream or Salmon around.
  15. Nice work, good to see your drive up there paid off. Nice fish at 140kg, thats a nice Black or Stripe?? Well done.
  16. hehe i just read in the local Manly paper
  17. They are more common than people think, they are in every Estuary and they are the most dangerous Shark in the world.
  18. Kingfish grow quickly at first, reaching 2-3kg in their first year. The most recent studies indicate that females reach sexual maturity at around 5-7 years when they are between 78 and 128cm and males between 75 and 93cm.
  19. Big Tides bring the massive Jews too my friend. Live catfish make ok Live baits for Jews, mate got a 10kg Jew on a live catfish once.
  20. Awesome stuff champ, what a cute little Sail, seen a few vids on the place and you're not wrong about the fishing!!!!
  21. What a snodger . Well done buddy.
  22. Great stuff champ, gotta love those Kings! Good to meet you tonight too.
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