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Everything posted by Grantm

  1. No fish eh ? I wonder why Sorry Clutch I couldnt resist. You've got to stop posting stuff like that, you'll get me into trouble with the mods.
  2. Im DEFINATELY no expert in this area but Kens advice about changing tactics has worked for me there quite well. When my usual tactics are failing, i always revert back to fishing in close to the beachy areas on the drift flicking lures foe flathead. If the tide is dropping i never miss. ( sorry hardly ever ) Not everyones cup of tea but an esky with a few flatties is better than nothing. Seems to be quite reliable in tough times.
  3. Grantm

    Wat To Do

    Its one of the worst possible scenarios for a boat owner. Hope it doesnt happen to any of us. Personally i would be forced to ring my boat dealer and pray he could bring me down a new one. If he was closed i dont know what id do to be honest other than ring my insurance company and take their advice. Its very hard to borrow someone elses trailer when a boat is sitting on it. Prevention is the best cure. A trailer hitch lock is a simple an effective device, and also ensures your trailer doesnt come off the ball in an accident or whatever. I dont tow a trailer without one fitted and padlocked. if your really worried a 'Clamp It' will deter any would be thief as its just too much trouble to get past one and when 99% of people dont use one when at the ramp why would a thief bother to try. Another simple idea is to loop a short piece of chain though the gaps in one wheel (if there is any) any padlock it back to itself. Ive heard of people deflating one wheel and re-pumping it on return. ( Not real good for the tyre though ) Dont forget thieves go for the easiest option most times so by using deterents like these will make extremely unlucky to have your trailer stolen.
  4. Damn it ! I re-read my info and it looks like its a regurgitated statement from ages ago, used to prove the minister said he would never do it. ARRRRRHHHH. I was so happy
  5. Gday Bob, I have just read that the Minister has done a press release stating that Lake Macquarie WILL NOT become a Marine Park. Can you confirm this ? I hope its true
  6. Here's another angling group I stumbles across. The Angles Action Group. Sydney based non political lobby group doing their thing for rec angling. AAG Is it just me or is their a number of small groups trying to do a big thing. Love to get all these groups together and come up with a unified direction. I have to say a agree with Bluecods comments in the sense that compomise needs to be sought as does a single voice. Arent we all on the same side here ? Its really hard to tell sometimes. If your the founding member of ECOFISH/ERS ive not really seen that anywhere. Its a bit hard to expect people to know that. TFP is a political group and $%^&* seem to be a group trying to unite everyone. Im getting confused.
  7. ECOFISH or $%^&*. Ive heard of two groups whats that all about
  8. It was one of a 6 comp tournement run be this mob nswptf.com Quite laid back, regular bunch of knockabout blokes who love their fishing. Check it out, there is a few rounds on the central coast throughout the year, they also run Bass and Bream comps.
  9. At the moment its a Shimano Raider Bream Finnesse with a 2000 Capricorn on it. Great for spinning for Bream and Flatties and is strong enough for big shads, which is what i do most. Good all round set up.
  10. Thanks for the outing Jethro, Certainly a great afternoon and a good excuse to leave work early and good to meet a fellow FR. With my current form on the creek ill take two choppers ! Although there was no breeze there is still a general westerly weather front, i reckon that shuts things down a bit too. After the southerly comes through it might pick up. The fish were certainly shut down. Have to say I was very impressed with the Elegant. One of the best boats ive been in. Super strong and stable, and probably a lot more versatile than your Hornet's etc. Looking forward to another session on 'The Creek' . PS May need a six pack.
  11. Their total stuff up of the tunnel system has seen the Labour Party's popularity plummit. They are really getting desperate arent they... A fishing ban in the Fishing Party's back yard - good luck ! Go get em Bob.
  12. ummm yeah, about that meter lizzard. I talked it up didnt I. Needless to say i didnt quite make it happen. Got a feed though, mixed bag of flatties, flounder, bream, and whiting all taking various sp's, battling a bloody wingy morming.
  13. nice one Sammy. Doesnt need to be a king to but up a nice tussle
  14. Damn it - im gunna catch me a one meter long lizzard. strike me down if it doesnt happen. Im pumped, i feel ready, the gear is ready, the boat is ready, its going to happen. Please stand-by for a very goood photo.
  15. GDay Shane, She was a bit sluggish until it got to the boat then went balistic. Had 3 or 4 good runs from the boat and was the most dangerous time with a flattie. It took the lure right down and was sawing its way through the 12 pd leader. Just carefully and slowy lead it in and kept the head under water and my mate slid the net under. I suspect many big flatties get lost at this point. We were lucky. We were in the bonnell bay area and got quite a few close to shore, im sure you'll get a few from thebeachy banks in this area if your looking for some more land based possies. Cheers
  16. Yep here we go........ Interesting to see what 20% of this area will include.
  17. Mattyt you see this ? Any more info at this stage ? Cheers mate
  18. Hi all, We were at the starters gate when a gale warning came through for the area. The event was called off which was dissapointing. Now, we werent about to go home that easily, so while all the normal sensible people went home we pushed on out into the face of the storm. Not going to let a little gale warning, thunderstorms, and torrential rain stop me from a fish ! Anyway we thought we would do a drift for a flatties to see if we would have done any good. Wouldnt you know it, I landed this beauty which cracked the 70cm mark and backed it up with another at 50 and a couple more under that, in a 2.5 hour session. My fishen bud 'oldmate' dropped what would have been another gooden' too. Pity the comp wasnt on, but at least getting wet was worth it with a nice fat lizzard,which was left to fight another day. Just for the record it never got that windy Cheers
  19. Mondo, Matthew Taylor from the uni of NSW is doing a study on just that. He is a member here but havnt seen for a while. He did offer to give us anyone interested the tracking info as he found it, as a group of jewies were being tracked electronically to follow their habitual cycle. If your out there Matt whats happening ?
  20. It will be interesting to see how this affects the estuary fishing in areas where the offshore pro's dissapear. In time the Billfish, Tuna and other offshore predatory fish stocks will increase, and I wonder if this will affect migrating estuary species that leave the estuary and follow the currents offshore. Will the already dwindling number of estuary species moving seasonally offshore be hit hard by an increasing number of offshore predatory fish ? The reason i ask this is the studies done on Lake Mac to find out what effect the RHF has had indicate while there is a huge increase in some, there is also a decline in other species due to predation. Of course the natural balance will return to Lake Mac with good numbers of breeders in the system not being wiped out, but what about other more hard hit estuary areas. As great a news as it is to have the buyout I just hope it does not put even more pressure on our estuaries when the huge schools of baitfish they naturally feed on are being wiped out in the estuary. What they gunna eat ? Bream ? Its just a theory but worth a thought.
  21. Having a run in the flathead pro on Lake Mac on Sunday. Looks like im gunna get a wet bum. Better land a few.
  22. Maybe you can apply for a grant from the rec fishing trust. Just fill a from in and see what happens.
  23. Ha Ha yeah he'd want to remember me, I see him often enough. Been through some very tough times together sadly. Top bloke is Adam. Anyhoo Make a huge difference to get that place dredged, its bloody awfull. Hard to believe it used to be so deep. I hope you can get it done Bob, sure he would too seeing is that he just bought a new boat.
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