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Everything posted by Grantm

  1. I doubt this will make any difference at all. The actual height of the tow ball is fairly standard (within a couple on inches) on all cars and 4wd's. You'll find on a standard sedan the tow bar tongue rises up, and on 4wd it drops down. This gives the tow height a consistany across the board. Dont forget double axle trailers need to be at a level ride so most cars manufacturers accomodate this. If the slope of the ramp affects your launch, youve got trailer problems.
  2. Come on you tackle junkies, surely someone can give me the inside scoop on these items. Im freakin out here
  3. It is important to me that there is at least a chance our main waterways become protected (and i dont mean marine parks ! ) from the pro's, with this licence money. I do think the fish restocking programs are good, but ill be holding my breath over future havens. Just hope I dont suffocate. Ive also made a few inquiries into the havens future. Cheers
  4. No probs were on the same wavelenght anyway. Do you know if there is any plans to create more RFH's.The waterways booklet refers to them and says there will be more but that doesnt mean much. Like you, id like to know there is at least a plan to create more, cause thats what im counting on. Oh, ill probably put some shit on you just for fun by adding the odd " buy a licence Iain " at the end of a few posts. Cheers
  5. Fair enough but, Maybe it just isnt that easy to buy out the pros. Buying them all out in a very short timeframe would surely affect other businesses and have a follow on effect on many people. Maybe having an expectation that the goverment is just going to wipe out an industry in one foul swoop is just a bit much. Maybe they are trying to show the 'average voter' that these funds are going to be used for a variety of things and not just to wipe out an industry. Most people dont have the same knowledge or insight as we do, and rule No .1 in goverment is to protect thy own ass. It was my belief that with the Hawkesbury and Sydney Harbour that the pro's simply outvoted everyone to keep it open and there was no public push to make it a RFH. I definately agree that these two should have been the first to go regardless of opinion being the main systems. That was a bad call. Dont get me wrong, I hate the pros as much as you do and want them gone and want it to happen sooner than later, but I still think the licence system is good and helping out our fishery albeit in the wrong order and still should get all of our support. Im just playing the devils advocate here and throwing another angle on it. My feelings are that the more people who get a licence the quicker the pro's will dissapear, and im happy to pay a little extra to speed it along as well. The only chance we have got to get rid of them at all is to buy them out, and not contributing to the fund that will do this in time, aint helping. It was my licence fee that helped get rid of them from Lake Macquarie and without this licence fee they would still be there wouldnt they ? Perhaps we will agree to disaggree on this one. The main thing is we all want the same thing, and although you wont buy a licence you put a huge amount of effort into trying to make a difference.
  6. GDay Peahead, It is my belief that the centre rollers tend to take most of the weight and the side rollers support and stablise, but still take some weight. Try raising the side rollers slightly to even out the weight distribution. I have mucked around doing this in the past and had some success with this problem by doing this. Also the side rollers need to run straight as this can tighten things up if they are skewed, as the boat rolls on them at an angle. Also driving a boat onto a trailer doesnt do the rollers any good at all not to mention what it does to wheels bearings. It tends to also push the side rollers down each time the boats slams up the trailer putting extra pressure on the centre ones over time. Hope this helps.
  7. Hey Choco, Firstly I have to say I think youve just won the award for the most spelling mistakes in a post! Keep persisting on the plastics. I found it took me ages to start catching fish but when I did I never looked back and it now comes a lot easier. I think everyone has the same story to tell and practice certainly pays off with lure fishing. Keep trying ! One tip would be to start targeting Flathead first. They are the easiest to catch on plastics and will get your confidence and skill up. Just hit some flats with almost anything and you should do ok. Flatties arent that fussy. Chasing Bream can be frustrating for a newbie as they can be quite elusive at times. Cheers
  8. Gday All, Went and bought a new setup the other day to handle some heavier applications. Wanted something in the 5 to 8 kg range. After a bit of a look around I decided to go with a Diawa IM-6 Coastal Tournament at the above class. Very light and seems to have a bit of grunt as well.It was the only rod I could find in this class that wasnt either very cheap or a Loomis. Cost me $170 My choice of reel was a bit of a worry cause I hadnt actually seen this model before. It is a Shimano Exage 4000 which is from thier P3 range of reels. Paid $190. Very smooth and looks pretty good, but I just hadnt seen them before and relied on the tackle shops advice. Can I get some opinions on these items. Im a bit concerned that I could have bought a better reel for that money although it does look and feel good, and the shop assures me it is an excellent reel. Probably should have done this first but you know what its like, your in the store and you just have to have it NOW. Thanks in advance.
  9. Iain, You know I have supported your views, but I just dont get it. I know you are concerned about how these funds are used and other miss management issues, but surley you can see how these fees are helping rec fishing. Whats the story ?
  10. Thanks Cova, Longtom it is then. Im determined to boat one, they were very aggessive in the shallows too. Your right about the weed some parts are unfishable with lures. Im keen to hit some of the big Navigation bouys around the place. There is a big yellow one past Summerland point on the way to Swansea, no need to fish on the bottom there I dont think. I was fishing around summerland point for a while in about 4 meters and tried jigging the plastic straight up and down to avoid the weed and picked up a nice flattie this way. Interesting. Cheers
  11. Grantm

    Boat Name

    He He Hey if the cap fits................. Nice one.
  12. Hi all, Went out for a family cruise with wife and daughter yesterday. Of couse a rod had to come along just in case I wanted to do a spot of fishing. We cruised around the lake for a while with my 2 year old hell bent on steering the boat, and throwing stuff overboard. Stopped at a likely looking spot near one of the many shoerlines and started thowing a lure around. First cast boated a nice flattie of about 50cm, I thought this was ok and the daughter thought it was pretty funny too. To cut a long story short we moved around a bit and because the girls were having fun I got to keep fishing. During the next couple of hours a boated 4 more flatties between 45 and 50cm, two Flounder at 30cm, a nice little Trevally and some tailor. All in all a fun day with the missus trying her hand for the first time lure fishing, but was unable to boat a fish. The little girl had no tantrums which is always good and had a ball throwing my tackle overboard. When I was drifing a flat in about 1 meter of water I noticed something hit the surface, so I quickly chucked my lure at it with an instant hookup. I saw a long thin silver flash at about 60cm or so. A quick tussle and 'pop'.Damn. Later on same thing again , i chucked my lure and got another instant hook up. This time it was bigger, but the same long silver body feeding on the surface. This one also busted me off after doing some death roles on the surface, and was quite heavy.I called it for a Long tom or Pike but I dunno. Can anyone tell me what this might have been ? Im keen to go again and land one of these suckers. Anyway a fun day out with a few fish thown in as a bonus, ID on the silver fish would be appreciated. Sorry no photos. Cheers
  13. Correct me if im wrong, but I though the licence rule was that you could not drive a boat at a speed greater than 10 Knots without one, but it was irrelavent whether or not it was capable of doing 10 Knots or more. I could be wrong though.
  14. GDay Raiders Nice to back on the boards after a short absence, but im back with a vengeance ! Went out with member Oldmate on the weekend in " Oldschool" We decided to hit a few spots aroung the mouth of the Hawkesbury and managed to have a pretty good day. Anchored up at Juno in the morning to see what we could do, and the Tailor were going nuts taking anything that moved. Started to fish a jig head slightly heavier at a quarter ounce with instant success on the Bream albeit on Tuna strips not the plastics, but still we mangaged to land some nice fish betweem 27 and 33 cm's. They did seem particularly agressive and went very hard for their size which was interesting. After this quietened off we moved around some shorlines and I managed to land a 30cm model first cast on a 3 inch gulp which was encouraging. As we drifted along the shoreline we picked up some more Tailor feeding on a baitfish school and a couple more Bream on the gulp's. We also were picking up heaps of small Flatties. As we were quietly flicking away Oldmate had a big hit, and all of a sudden a big silver flash was 2 foot out of the water and equally as big. I firslty called it for a King as I thought I saw a yellow tail but I could have been wrong. Unfortunatley it swam towards us then turned sharply easily busting the 4 kg leader. Dont even think it knew it was hooked. Could have been a Salmon or a big Tailor too. Damn. Never mind keep drifting. Picked up a few more small Flatties then yours truly gets a hit right on the edge of the weed. This was big but very sluggish, so I took it pretty easy and slowly brought it in. Woo hoo its a big Flattie and im peeking. Oldmate gently slipped the net under and in she came. The damn thing then decided to do some croc style death roles and well and truly tangle itself in the net. After a lengthy struggle to get it out of the net we managed to put a tape on it and get a quick photo before releasing the old girl back into the water. She swam off no probs and I was a very happy man. A PB for me at 78cm taken on a 3 in pseed Gulp grub. Landed a few more Flatties and Oldmate landed a nice Leather jacket on the same lure and then headed home, Great day. Might throw her in the records section to equal Brents although ive got no tape shot. The LJ could be a record too, as is a Flounder I took on a 55mm Squidgee a couple of weeks ago. Good to be back and putting up a report. Cheers
  15. Im going golfing for a week down along the Murray River. No Fishraider for 7 days Should be good its a top place to spend a week.
  16. Grantm

    Running Repairs

    Geez ive got hundreds of these stories. Heres a funny one, When I was an apprentice mechanic a got dropped to a breakdown in the bush. Typical of my boss he would leave my in the middle of nowhere and the only way back was to fix the car and drive out. Fault : split fuel line to the pump on an old HQ V8. Clamp was rooted and I didnt have one. Ended up walking about a km through the bush to the fence of the property and cutting a piece of fence made from chicken wire out and using that to wire the hose in place. Funny day.
  17. I reckon there is a few better spots down that way than Moruya. Try the Tomago river if you get a chance, good nipper banks at the mouth and some big flatties in their. Also a very goog Blackfish spot. Right up the river it gets deeper and a few leases are up there. EP's are up there as well. Very shallow in spots but worth the effort, at least it was a few years ago when I lived their.
  18. Big fish Lance well done. Nice work on the weekend as well, hope all goes well at the GF.
  19. Refuge bay is loaded as well.
  20. Bloody Hell Thats not good at all. I would be having serious discussions with the manufacturer on this one, especially when they claim these boats have fully sealed self draining decks in their advertising. Have to say though that Trailcraft IMO arent at the upper end of hull design, but this surely should not happen. Scary stuff.
  21. Great shot Narra Flounder on fly, never heard of that well done !
  22. Good on you Evan, its good to see experts helping out its and very much appreciated. I had to laugh when I read your bit about the 'complaints hotline' Been there mate. I did what you did on another site in regards to my profession (cars) and got absolutely smoked. Geez I copped it and all I offered was advise to help and answer questions. Not much moderation there to help me either. Some people dont know a good thing when there onto it thats for sure. Luckily here its pretty good and the guys are reasonable and friendly. The mods also step in quick. Still made me laugh - good on ya.
  23. Hi all, After me and a mate tangled with a Jewie on the weekend it prompted us to look at out gear as we want to get into this a bit more. My question is which is best for this type of application on our larger overhead reels. My Okuma Convector is currently rigged with 15 kg braid, but ive heard im better off with mono for Jewie fishing and also its better for trolling with. Is this right or is braid the go at this line class. Whats the difference here with the big stuff. Cheers
  24. Good report LW and some nice fish there. Keep em coming.
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